| - Open Journal Systems. 2012. Open Journal Systems. Public Knowledge Project.
- A Cello is a bowed string musical instrument used on Earth. While being trapped aboard the Odyssey in a time dilation field, Samantha Carter created a cello using the Asgard transporter as a matter converter as she had always wanted to learn how to play one. (SG1: "Unending")
- Cello is a message-talent fairy who appears in the Disney Fairies Games. She has blonde hair, blue eyes, and wears a dress similar to Viola's.
- Cello is a cat residing in Wittestadr, Eastmarch.
- The cello is played by bowing the elegant bow across the strings. Sometimes, a choir of angels will join in with the cellist. Making the world a better place.
- The cello is a musical instrument.
- Please check out Hexadecimal Chart to see what codes are available to name. The hexadecimal code that matches this color is 9c2801
- The cello is a bowed string instrument with four strings tuned in perfect fifths. It is a member of the violin family of musical instruments, which also includes the violin, viola and the contrabass. Merton Graves was a cellist, and played for popular wizarding band The Weird Sisters.
- En Cello är en böjd sträng musikinstrument som används på Jorden. Även att bli instängd ombord på Odyssey i en tid utvidning fält, Samantha Carter skapade en cello med Asgard transportör som en konverter som hon hade alltid velat för att lära sig spela ett. (SG1: "Unending")
- The cello was a type of stringed musical instrument that originated with the Human civilization on the planet Earth. (DS9 - The Lives of Dax short story: "Allegro Ouroboros in D Minor")
- A cello was part of the string quartet hallucinated by a crewmember of the USS Enterprise-D when the Traveler brought the ship and crew to the end of the universe. (TNG: "Where No One Has Gone Before" ) A cello, a viola, and two violins formed a string quartet. (TNG: "The Ensigns of Command" ) One of the musicians at the Mozart concert held for Ambassador Sarek and his wife Perrin played the cello. (TNG: "Sarek" )
- Mi-ju no está teniendo una muy buena vida. Por un lado, ya no está enamorado de su violonchelo trabajo enseñando a un grupo de niños malcriados, uno de ellos guarda rencor en su contra y puede estar tratando de atropellarla con un coche. En casa, el más antiguo Mi-ju (y muy extraño) hija está aprendiendo a tocar el violonchelo, y haciendo un trabajo terrible de la misma. Y luego está su novio increíblemente carismático ", que acaba de contratar a un ama de casa que puede ser la más espeluznante ama de casa para ir cada vez más en el negocio de limpiar la casa. Mi-ju conoce aun comapañero de escuela Kim Tae Yeon pero cuando ese compañero de escuela muere detección de conflictos internos de su esposa, Jun-ki le pregunta qué está pasando, y presenta su anuario con su antiguo colegio, pregunta
- thumb|Data und O'Brien spielen zusammen in einem Quartett im Zehn Vorne. Das Cello, auch Violoncello genannt, ist ein Saiteninstrument der Erde. Der Vater von Miles O'Brien erwartet von seinem Sohn, dass er an der aldebaranischen Musikakademie studiert und Cellist wird. Miles O'Brien hingegen meldet sich bei der Sternenflotte an, als er 17 Jahre alt ist. (DS9: ) 2366 spielt O'Brien in einem Quartett mit drei anderen Crewmitgliedern, darunter Data, mit. Er spielt Cello, die Anderen Violine. (TNG: )
- A cello is a musical instrument similar to a violin but, which is larger and played between the legs. In 2009 due to confusion regarding whether or not Barack Hussein Obama deliberately failed the oath of America's Presidency, Yo-Yo Ma assumed the office of President of the United States of America in accordance with the Constitution, which states: "Whoever commands the stage at twelve noon on the 20th day of January, following the election on the first November of the previous year shall be PresidentEpisode #502 . Hail to your vice-president!