| - The next day, Sarah goes to work in a local diner where she hears a report of gunfire at John’s school, and subsequently abandons her job and rushes to investigate. She takes a cautious approach, watching the school via binoculars from a distance, seeing the cops and C.S.I. swarming the building and questioning witnesses. She continues to search, hoping for some sign of John, but is suddenly attacked by a T-888 known as Cromartie. She is pinned to the ground and demands to know what he did with John, and when Cromartie doesn’t answer Sarah assumes that he killed John and tries to shoot herself in the head but the Triple-8 stops her, stating that he can use her against a still-living John. She is then knocked unconscious.
| - The next day, Sarah goes to work in a local diner where she hears a report of gunfire at John’s school, and subsequently abandons her job and rushes to investigate. She takes a cautious approach, watching the school via binoculars from a distance, seeing the cops and C.S.I. swarming the building and questioning witnesses. She continues to search, hoping for some sign of John, but is suddenly attacked by a T-888 known as Cromartie. She is pinned to the ground and demands to know what he did with John, and when Cromartie doesn’t answer Sarah assumes that he killed John and tries to shoot herself in the head but the Triple-8 stops her, stating that he can use her against a still-living John. She is then knocked unconscious. When she wakes up again, Sarah finds herself back at the safe-house, dumped in a chair with Cromartie’s hand around her throat. John arrives moments later and Sarah tries to warn him off but the Triple-8 shoots him multiple times and he drops to the floor, apparently dead. Sarah looks on in horror but quickly realises that it was a trick and is surprised when 'John' turns out to be another Terminator modelled after a teenage girl. As the two machines fight one another, Sarah retrieves a shotgun from the hidden cache and shoots Cromartie a number of times in the chest before ducking behind a Kevlar laced chair for cover. The teenage machine then draws Cromartie away from Sarah, who almost shoots John when he bursts into the kitchen. She angrily reminds him of his training, which dictates that he abandon her to save himself, before escaping the house and driving away in a stolen truck. As they leave, the petite Terminator jumps onto the back of the truck and slides inside, informing Sarah that Cromartie is temporarily disabled and that she was sent to protect John. Sarah learns that this machine is called Cameron and she consents to her presence, unlike her initial reluctance with T-800 several years ago. They stop overnight in an old warehouse where Cameron sits topless and removes several bullets from her chassis while John sleeps and Sarah plans their next move. Sarah advises Cameron to "put those back in the holster", referring to her modesty, and Cameron promptly dresses herself again. Sarah enquires about the future war and the origins of Skynet, learning that Cameron is from the year 2027 and has no knowledge of who created the super computer, but does know that Judgment Day occurs on April 9, 2011. Cameron then informs her that Charley went to the police and that this was how Cromartie found them and why the cops are close behind. Sarah loses her temper with the machine, telling her to "go to hell" when she suggests that Sarah should’ve changed her alias Reese. Cameron is indifferent to her outburst, however, and simply states that they would’ve been found regardless. The following morning, Sarah checks up on a sullen John, who begs her to help him stop Judgment Day as opposed to going on the run again, to which she reluctantly agrees. Later that evening, Sarah, John, and Cameron visit the Dyson Residence to question Tarissa Dyson about her late husband’s work at Cyberdyne, but the grieving widow is unable to give them anything useful and their visit is cut short by Cromartie’s arrival. Sarah asks Tarissa for help in their escape, and is allowed to commandeer her car, which they use to run down the machine before fleeing, during which Sarah is shot in the shoulder. They hide out in an old garage where Sarah orders Cameron to stitch up her wound before John returns from the 7/11. She confesses to Cameron her fears that John will one day leave her and mentions the nightmares she keeps having, but receives little comfort from Cameron, who simply states that she doesn’t sleep. In the morning, Cameron takes Sarah and John to a bank in Los Angeles, which she subsequently holds at gunpoint, demanding the keys for the safety deposit boxes. For reasons unclear, Cameron has them locked inside the vault where she instructs them to open several boxes and place the contents on the table. With all the pieces together, Cameron constructs a weapon designed specifically to destroy Terminators in one shot, and instructs Sarah in its use as Cromartie arrives and starts dismantling the vault door. Cameron then reveals her plan to use the vault’s time displacement equipment to transport them to the year 2007 so that they can kill Skynet before it’s born. Sarah is initially hesitant about the plan, but agrees to it as Cromartie forces his way into the vault. Sarah blasts his head off moments before she, John, and Cameron are engulfed by the time sphere. All three of them arrived naked on a busy highway, much to Sarah and John’s embarrassment. Sarah’s face was briefly captured on a boy’s cell phone before Cameron led her and John off of the highway and onto a construction yard. Cameron then approached a gang of drunkards, who tried to accost the naked cyborg, only for her to knock them all unconscious, much to Sarah’s amusement. Once fully clothed, they stole the drunks’ car and drove into the city, eventually acquiring a house where they prepared to settle into their new lives.