| - "In Civilization IV, a temple is defined as a building where the faithful come to worship. Christians call their temples "churches," while Muslims call theirs "mosques," and Jews call theirs, simply, "temples." Temples are far more common than cathedrals, but much less large and ornate. Even the smallest village can possess a temple.
| - "In Civilization IV, a temple is defined as a building where the faithful come to worship. Christians call their temples "churches," while Muslims call theirs "mosques," and Jews call theirs, simply, "temples." Temples are far more common than cathedrals, but much less large and ornate. Even the smallest village can possess a temple. Taoist temples are often attractive, brightly-colored buildings, filled with statues of divine beings. Priests may or may not be in attendance. Taoism is a ritualistic religion, and the temple is often used for ceremonies ranging from parades to exorcisms. The ceremonies themselves tend to be loud and colorful, full of chanting, singing, clashing symbols, and firecrackers."