| - That was... no accident... I was drugged... with sleeping pills... I was murdered... by that person... That's why... I took... my revenge... It's only fair... Isn't it... ...Ini? Maya: I finally get to see you again, and... Phoenix: It's not your fault. You didn't do it. Maya: No, I... I did it... I killed that person. Phoenix: But that wasn't you. Maya: It doesn't matter. It might as well have been me. Phoenix: (I can't believe something like this happened...The events of that gloomy, rainy afternoon that started this whole mess...keep playing through my mind...) June 16, 3:34 PM Wright & Co. Law Offices ???: What depressing rain...Do you understand how depressed that makes me!? Do you!? Phoenix: Uh, I guess... ???: But actually, more than being depressed, I'm angry. Angry at that weather girl on TV. "I think our little rainy spell will take a break with a day of sun!"...is what that girl said! I'd stake my life on it! Phoenix: Well, it's the weather... ???: But that's why I didn't bother to bring an umbrella today. What nerve, calling herself a weather girl! She's going to hear about my $1500 suit! Phoenix: Um... About your case...Unless you're planning on suing the weather girl...? ???: ... I'm sorry. I thought that before we got down to business, we could have some friendly chatter. My name is Dr. Turner Grey. I'm a surgeon. Phoenix: (Remind me never to end up under his knife...) Grey: I'm here today because of this incident. Phoenix: "Malpractice at Grey Surgical Clinic. Fourteen In-Patients Lose Their Lives!" ...Oh. You're... the doctor at...? Grey: It's really quite upsetting. Did you hear me!? UPSETTING! Phoenix: Yes, yes, I heard you. I agree, it's quite upsetting, Dr. Grey. Grey: The one that screwed up was that nurse! It was her that got the medications mixed up and killed those 14 patients! And yet! Now listen good! And yet! That nurse had the nerve to go and die before admitting to her wrongdoing! She didn't even offer any sort of explanation to me! And this is the kicker! She up and has herself a grand ol' accident and crashed her car! Smash! Crunch! Instantly transforming her car into the accordion model! Phoenix: (That's right... About a year ago, all the tabloid shows were talking about it. Fourteen victims of medical malpractice and the nurse's mysterious fatal accident. There were rumors that Dr. Grey had actually caused that crash. People said it was to forever hide the person responsible for the malpractice incident.) Grey: Why would I...? Now, I'm just going to say this once -- Why on Earth would I want to kill that nurse? She's the one who killed those 14 patients! Not me! Phoenix: I think you need to take a deep breath, doctor, and focus... More to the point, this case is over a year old. Why bring it up now...? Grey: That's simple! Because the situation is slipping out of my grasp. This just won't do. My clinic isn't seeing nearly as many patients nowadays. Do you understand what that means!? It means they're not coming to my clinic! Phoenix: (You don't say...? If it were me, I don't think I'd want to go either.) So... what would you like me to do about it...? Grey: I want you to help me prove I'm innocent. Phoenix: Um, you do realize I'm a lawyer, not a private investigator, right? Grey: No, this is something only you can do. Phoenix: ...? Grey: Maya Fey. You know this girl, correct? Phoenix: ...! (Maya! Why would he know her name...!?) Grey: I heard you were working under her for a little while. Phoenix: Well, yes... I mean... Hey, wait a second here! I worked UNDER her!? Grey: Yes. Am I wrong? She told me, so I'm not quite sure if... Phoenix: Well, we worked a few trials together. But she went back to her hometown to undergo more training. Grey: Ah, yes, I heard. It must be lonely for you. Phoenix: Wh-What!? Wait... I'm not...! Grey: She must be an extraordinary girl to handle such rigid training. Phoenix: Huh? Grey: I have an acquaintance who knows a lot about these mystical sorts of things. She's the one who introduced me to Ms. Fey. Phoenix: (Is Maya... really that famous...?) Grey: And I've already set up an appointment. Phoenix: For what? Grey: What else!? A channeling! I'm going to have her call the spirit of that nurse that went and got herself killed! Phoenix: O-Oh. (Maya... I wonder what she's up to right now...) Maya: We, the women of the Fey family, have always been spirit mediums. It's because the power to communicate with spirits flows strongly through us. Phoenix: (That's what she told me...I guess she's learned to accept her responsibilities and become an adult...) Grey: Not counting training, this will be her first time channeling a spirit, so she gave me one condition before accepting my request. Phoenix: A condition...? Grey: The condition is you, Mr. Wright. She said that she wouldn't do the channeling without first seeing you again. Phoenix: Me...? Grey: And that is why I've searched you out! You want to see her too, don't you!? Phoenix: (And so... that is how I ended up visiting Maya's hometown with the doctor...) June 19, 1:25 PM Kurain Village Phoenix: (So this is Kurain Village; Maya's hometown.) ???: ... Phoenix: W-Why, hello there. ???: ... Phoenix: Hmm... What an odd little girl. ???: Hey! Wait up, Pearly!! Phoenix: (Hm? Someone else is coming this way...) ???: Niiiiiiiick! Phoenix: M-Maya. How are you...? It's good to see you again. Maya: Wow, I didn't think you'd really show up! Phoenix: It's not that big a deal. You made it sound like you were soooo far away. Maya: Well, maybe I exaggerated... just a little. Phoenix: It was only 2 hours by train. If I had known you were this close, I'd have visited more. Maya: No! You're not allowed. I already decided, you know. Until I become an adult, I have to work hard and be strong by myself... Phoenix: Oh... well... Anyway, congratulations. I'm glad to hear training is going well for you. Maya: Heh, heh... Maya: Well, Nick, I've got to get going. It's about time for the channeling to start. Phoenix: Huh? Oh, yeah... Maya: I'm doing the channeling in my house, so come on in, OK? After I'm done, we can grill up some juicy burgers! Phoenix: Alright. Good luck, Maya. Maya: Thanks! Phoenix: (Well... At least she's still the same perky Maya.) June 19 Fey Manor Meditation Room Grey: Ah, Mr. Wright. I'm so glad you showed. Phoenix: Some nice weather we're having today. Aren't you happy? Grey: No, not at all. That stupid weather girl made the wrong call again. "It will rain cats and dogs today!" she said with a straight face. I can't believe they allow such misguided reports on the public airwaves! Phoenix: (Looks like talking about the weather with this guy is just asking for punishment...) Grey: ...But anyway, this is a splendid manor. Phoenix: (No argument there... It's hard to believe that this is Maya's house, though...) Grey: I was give a guidemap to this building. Here, Mr. Wright. I have a copy for you too. June 19 Fey Manor Channeling Chamber Phoenix: (Wow... It's such a strange atmosphere in here... These flickering lights... I guess they're candles...) ???: Good sir! Who might you be...? Phoenix: Aaah! I-I'm, uh, my name is Phoenix Wright... ???: Oh... You must be that good sir... Phoenix: ("Good sir"...? Is she talking about me?) ???: You are a lawyer, are you not, good sir? I have heard much about you from Mystic Maya. Phoenix: Is that so? ("Mystic" Maya...?) ???: I am Mystic Maya's aunt, Morgan Fey. Phoenix: N-Nice to meet you. Morgan: Ah, I had wanted to speak with you about a certain incident, good sir. It would seem that perhaps you ask too much of Mystic Maya in performing your duties. Most unbecoming, I'm afraid. Phoenix: Huh? Morgan: Don't tell me you have already forgotten? That was it not for Mystic Maya and her assistance, you would surly [sic] not have won... Phoenix: (First a girl that runs away, and now an old lady who says I stink at doing my job... When did I become the poster boy for "How Not to Make a First Impression"...?) Morgan: The past is the past though. Let's us speak of the present now. Phoenix: ...Ah, thank you... Morgan: ... Oh, yes. Morgan: I wonder if you have yet to meet Pearl, good sir. Phoenix: Pearl? Morgan: She is an adorable, angelic young girl. Phoenix: Oh, that odd... Morgan: She is my daughter. Now then, what was it you were about to say...? Phoenix: Wh-What a cute daughter you have... Ahaha... Morgan: A pure heart that knows not of the evils in this world is a powerful thing, good sir. Please refrain from affiliating with her, I request. Phoenix: (Well, it's not like I had the chance to anyway...) Morgan: I must insist and stress that you not let it occur. Phoenix: Okay, okay, I get it! June 19 Fey Manor Winding Way Phoenix: (Wow. This garden is really breath-taking. Someone put a lot of love into it. What is that over there...? ...Is that an incinerator? It looks a little out of place in a garden like this...) June 19 Fey Manor Side Room Phoenix: (So this is... the Side Room. Looks like it's more of a break room. There is bedding spread out on the floor. It looks like someone's sleeping in one. I shouldn't disturb them...) ???: Hey! You! Hold on, now! This gal's got a few questions to ask! Phoenix: (Hmm... I'm sure I've heard that southern accent somewhere before...) ???: Oh, well I'll be! It's Mr. Phoenix Wright! How ya been!? Haven't seen you in, what, a year!? Phoenix: Um... You... are... uh... Lotta: Oh, that's right! This ain't no time to be wastin' time! The channeling's about to get started! Phoenix: Is it that time already!? Lotta: We all should hurry up and get to the Meditation Room. ...What are you waiting around for!? Come on! Phoenix: (Lotta Hart, huh? I've been judging her harshly because of that case, but, I guess looking back, we had some good times, too...) June 19 Fey Manor Meditation Room Morgan: We will now begin the channeling. Mystic Maya and honored guest, please proceed into the Channeling Chamber. Grey: With this, I can finally swat all those pesky flies, once and for all! You hear me!? They won't be able to say a single bad thing about me after this! You would love to hear them apologize, wouldn't you? Wouldn't you, Mr. Wright!? Phoenix: Me!? Oh, uh, yeah, I sure would. Morgan: Mystic Maya, do you have the Channeling Chamber key? Maya: Yup, right here. Morgan: That is most satisfactory. That key is one-of-a-kind, so please take care of it well. Maya: It'll be fine, Aunt Morgan. I won't lose it, trust me! OK, Dr. Grey. Let's get started. Grey: Finally! Let's go! *click* Morgan: Now let us wait patiently out here for them. Please have some lovely bitter green tea and jaw-droppingly large strawberry desserts... Lotta: Hold on, now, granny! Morgan: ...Granny? Lotta: How come we ain't allowed in that room!? Morgan: Dear madam, you have an "impressive" grasp of English. From where did you learn it? Lotta: What!? I'm from the heart of the heartland! Morgan: Is that so? Then I humbly request that you return to this "Heart of the Heartland". Lotta: Wh-What are ya...? Morgan: This is Kurain Village. If you can not follow our traditions and rules, we request that you leave! Lotta: ...! ... Sorry. Phoenix: (Wow. She shut Lotta up! Now THAT's impressive!) Morgan: Now then, let us wait. *BANG* Lotta: Hey now! Wh-What was that just now!? Phoenix: (It came from inside the Channeling Chamber...) *BANG* Lotta: Hey! Th-That's a gunshot! Morgan: E-Excuse me!? Lotta: I've heard that sound before. It's a gunshot! I'd bet my afro on it! Phoenix: (M-Maya! Maya's in there!) Lotta: Yeah! Now that's what I call being a man! *SLAM* *SLAM* *CRASH!* Phoenix: D-Dr. Grey!! *klik* ???: ...I... ...I was... murdered... Phoenix: M-Maya? ???: That man... ...murdered me... ...so I killed... him... Phoenix: Wh-What!? *klik* Phoenix: Lotta! At a time like this!? Lotta: Times like this are perfect for snapping up shots! But anyway... what's going on here!? This gal... Is she... ...Maya!? Step away from there! Morgan: Please leave this area to me. Go quickly and inform the police! Phoenix: But, but... Morgan: Hurry! Before there are more victims here! Lotta: Hey, let's go, City Boy! Leave this to the granny! June 19 Kurain Village Phoenix: (My cell phone doesn't get reception way out here... So I ended up using the phone booth to call the police...) Lotta: And...? Phoenix: They're on their way. Lotta: That's good. Lawdy, I saw a genuine "mysterious phenomenon"... Phoenix: (She seems really on edge because of all this... Not that I blame her... I'm scared to death by what's going on...) June 19 Fey Manor Meditation Room Morgan: Ah, Mr. Wright. Phoenix: Ms. Fey! How's, um... Mystic... Maya? Morgan: She has returned to "this world". The Spirit Severing Technique was successful. Phoenix: Let me see her, please! Morgan: She is still unconscious. I humbly request that you wait outside for her recovery. Phoenix: (Guess I just have to wait... *sigh*) Gumshoe: The police are here! Sorry to keep you waiting! Huh? ...You again!? Phoenix: What are you doing all the way out here, Detective Gumshoe? Gumshoe: It's actually kinda funny. I was in the area for a business trip, pal. Well, time to check out the crime scene. I'll have to question everyone here later on, so just sit tight, alright? Phoenix: (Why is he grinning at me...?) Morgan: Shall I show you to the scene of the crime, Detective Gymshoe? Gumshoe: Um... My name isn't Gymshoe... Phoenix: (The two of them went into the Channeling Chamber... I guess all I can do for now is see what everyone else has to say...) June 19 Kurain Village Lotta: ... Phoenix: (She's probably scared out of her wits after having a murder take place right near her.) Lotta? Lotta: GAWDDON'TLETITBEMENEXT! Phoenix: Eek! Don't scare me like that! Lotta: What do you mean!? Yer the one scaring me! If I weren't so tough, you'd have another dead body on yer hands -- mine! Phoenix: (I don't know who's scarier... Lotta or the spirits... And why does it feel like we've been through this before...?) June 19 Fey Manor Channeling Chamber Phoenix: (The police are busily running here and there, and I don't see Maya anywhere...) Gumshoe: H-Hey, you! Don't touch anything! Phoenix: Look, I really need to ask you some questions! Gumshoe: Umm... Don't look at me like I'm some sort of uncaring jerk... Tell you what, pal. I'll let you ask me a few questions, alright? June 19 Fey Manor Side Room Phoenix: (Hmm, I'm pretty sure there was someone sleeping here earlier...) ???: Like, how can I help you? Phoenix: Ack! Ah, I'm, uh... That is... I... ???: Um, like, so isn't it about time to start? Phoenix: Huh? Time to start what? ???: You know, like, the channeling! Phoenix: Channeling...? Oh, oh, oh, oh!! No, actually, the situation has kind of changed... ???: Huh? Like, what do you mean? Phoenix: Please stay calm, but... a murder has taken place! ???: ... Um, so, like... A murder is that thing where, like, one person kills another, right? Phoenix: Yes! A person has killed another person! ???: Oh, that's... Uh... What are the words I'm looking for...? It's like... ...like totally a bummer. Phoenix: ...Yeah... (After all that effort, that's all she had to say?) Ini: Oh, I'm sorry. I forgot to, like, introduce myself. My name is Ini Miney. Um... At the college, I'm researching and studying "parapsychology". Phoenix: "Parapsychology"? Ini: That's right. Um... I think people, like, usually call it, "occult studies" or something. Like supernatural phenomenon, ESP and psychic powers. That sort of stuff. Phoenix: (That's pretty out there...) I'm Phoenix Wright, attorney at law. June 19 Fey Manor Winding Way Phoenix: (There's no one here... as usual.) Ack! ...H-Hey... How are you? Pearl: ... Phoenix: You're Pearl, right? Pearl: ... Phoenix: (Hmm. Silent as ever... ...? What's that she's got in her hand? I've seen it somewhere before...) Phoenix: (...What is it!? Is it my hair? Is it too spiky? Not spiky enough!?) June 19 Fey Manor Meditation Room Morgan: Oh, dear madam... You have such impeccable timing. Ini: Like, what's all the buzz? Gumshoe: Ahem. Alright everyone, listen up! You too, pal! I'm going to give you all a brief update! Right now, it looks like the investigation's not going to be done until real late... Morgan: That is a terrible shame. I propose that everyone sleep here under the roof of the Fey Manor tonight. Phoenix: (What a mess. I can't believe how crazy this day turned out... Maya was arrested and taken away by the police. And I don't see myself getting any sleep tonight...) June 20, 8:02 AM Fey Manor Meditation Room Phoenix: (*yawn* Uuugh... Morning... I guess I must have nodded off at some point... I hope Maya's OK. I should hurry and get to the Detention Center, ASAP!) June 20, 10:34 AM Detention Center Visitor's Room Maya: N... Nick! Nick! I...! Phoenix: Maya! Maya: What am I going to do!? I never imagined it would turn out like this! Phoenix: Calm down, Maya! Take deep breaths. (Come to think of it, the first time I met her... It all started right here, in this detention center...) Maya: I finally... I finally get to see you again, and... Phoenix: It's not your fault. You didn't do it. Maya: No, I... I did it... I killed that person. Phoenix: But that wasn't you. Maya: It doesn't matter. It might as well have been me. I was too weak... and I... I couldn't control the spirit's power, so... Phoenix: (I don't want to bring up the case quite yet, but...) Maya: ...You don't have to be nice to me. I understand. ... Phoenix: (...I guess this is about all the information I'm going to gather for today...) I'll be back later, Maya. In the meantime, please make sure you prepare it, OK? Maya: Huh? "It"? What is "it"? Phoenix: The document requesting me to be your attorney, of course. Maya: ...! But... Phoenix: What's wrong? Maya: Are you sure? I mean, I'm guilty! I'm a murderer! Phoenix: No one's decided that yet. Maya: But I did! I killed that person... with these... two hands...! Phoenix: That's enough, Maya. Maya: It's hopeless! If you defend me, you'll lose, I'm sure... Phoenix: Stop it! Maya: ... ...Help me... Nick, help me... I'm scared... Phoenix: Don't worry, I will. When is the trial? Maya: It sounds like tomorrow. Phoenix: (As usual, zero prep time...) Alright. I'm going now. Maya: Wait. Phoenix: ...? Maya: This jewel... This is called a Magatama. It's a magical charm and it's always protected me. Give this to Pearly... And I'm sure she'll lend you her spiritual powers. June 20 Wright & Co. Law Offices Phoenix: Phew. It feels like I've been gone forever. But it's only been one day... (Oh, that's right!) Where's that newspaper Dr. Grey brought the other day...? ...Ah, here it is. Right on top of my desk. (This is the only thing he left behind that's going to be of any help...) June 20 Detention Center Visitor's Room Phoenix: (Maya must still be in questioning... I hope the detectives are taking it easy on her, but... these kinds of cases aren't taken lightly. I guess I'll come back later.) June 20 Kurain Village Phoenix: (I have to save Maya, no matter what! It's her life on the line! What in the world happened in that room yesterday?) June 20 Fey Manor Meditation Room Phoenix: (The Meditation Room nurtures all mediums young and old. Even mediums in training, I'd wager. But it's pretty deserted today... ...probably because of the murder yesterday...) June 20 Fey Manor Channeling Chamber Phoenix: It looks like Detective Gumshoe isn't here today... I should take this chance and thoroughly check this room. If I'm lucky, I might uncover a clue or two... Morgan: Oh, Mr. Wright. Phoenix: Good morning. Morgan: I am on my way to go meet Mystic Maya, and I thought to bring her some items to make her feel more at home. Namely, tea so bitter you lose your tongue and jaw-droppingly large strawberry desserts. Phoenix: I'm sure Maya will be very grateful... Morgan: That's "Mystic Maya", good sir! Phoenix: (Urk. She is one scary lady.) Morgan: Oh, dear, sweet Mystic Maya... Pearl wept constantly for you last night, as did I. Phoenix: (I know it's important for me to search the site, but I should ask her some questions too, while I have the chance...) Morgan: Well, then, I do believe it is time for me to take my leave. Phoenix: Alright. Please tell Maya I said hi. Morgan: What was that!? Phoenix: Uh, I mean, Mystic Maya. Morgan: I will tell her. Phoenix: (...*sigh*) June 20 Fey Manor Winding Way Phoenix: (Little Pearl isn't here today... Maybe she's at school?) June 20 Fey Manor Side Room Ini: Oh, hey! Like, you're that guy from yesterday... The, uh, dentist guy... Phoenix: No, no, I'm a lawyer. Ini: That's right! Um... Mr. Smith, Esquire. Phoenix: ...That's "Wright". Wait, I mean, you're wrong. My name is "Wright". Ini: "Smith", "Wright"... Well, I got, like, three letters, at least. Phoenix: (I don't think she gets the point...) Anyway, why are you here? Ini: So, like, I study this thing called "parapsychology" at this college and... Phoenix: Um, you told me about that yesterday. The sesame allergy, too. What I'd really like to know is why you're still here today? Ini: Oh! So, like, that's what you meant! Like, you shoulda been more, like, clear about it! Phoenix: S-Sorry. My bad. Ini: No, it's OK. Like, it's really... Phoenix: ... Ini: ...? Phoenix: ...That's it? Why'd you stop mid-sentence!? Ini: Did I? ...So, like... what was I talking about again...? Phoenix: ... (If Lotta ever wanted another "genuine mysterious phenomenon", it's right here.) June 20 Fey Manor Winding Way Pearl: ... Phoenix: Ack! Y-You surprised me! Pearl: ... Phoenix: And how are you today? Pearl: ... Phoenix: (Hmm... I guess she isn't open to friendly chatting... Huh? She's still holding something in her hand... ...It looks like the same thing she had yesterday...) Phoenix: Oh yeah. Maya said to give this to you... Pearl: ... Phoenix: (Ack! I'm in trouble now!! If Morgan sees us like this, I'll be the next one they're channeling...) Pearl: Th-That's... That's Mystic Maya's... Phoenix: ...Huh!? (Sh-She actually spoke!) Pearl: Who are you...? Phoenix: I-I'm Phoenix Wright. I, uh, worked with Maya... Pearl: ...Y-You worked with Mystic Maya...? You... You're Mr. Nick, right? Phoenix: ...Uh, excuse me? (I bet I know who she picked "Nick" up from...) Pearl: I know who you are. You're... You're Mystic Maya's... "special someone"... Phoenix: WH-WH-WH-WHAT!? Pearl: So then... Of course! You're going to help Mystic Maya, aren't you? That's what you're going to do, right? Phoenix: W-Well, yeah... I will... Pearl: Oh wow... It's like a beautiful fairy tale! That earnest look shining brightly in your eyes... It must be true love... Phoenix: ...Wh-What!? (Why am I being boiled into a bright red lobster by this little kid!?) Pearl: I'm so jealous of Mystic Maya! Ah, what a wonderful relationship... Phoenix: W-Wait... I... uhh... I mean... We aren't... Things aren't like... Pearl: Hee hee, I can tell you're a good person. Alright, Mr. Nick! I may be small, but I'm going to help you in any way I can! Pearl: Um, Mr. Nick...? Phoenix: Yes, Pearls? I can call you that, right? You're too cute to just call you Pearl. Pearl: Sure, Mr. Nick... Umm... Are you sure it's OK for me to have this Magatama? Phoenix: Yeah, it's OK. I was told to give it to you. Pearl: But, I can't accept something like this! ...All I really should do is charge this Magatama with spiritual energy... Phoenix: Spiritual energy? Pearl: Please take this. I'm sure it will be helpful. Phoenix: ...What do you mean? Pearl: It will let you see people's secrets. Phoenix: See people's... secrets...? Pearl: Yes. ...If it's alright with you, I would like to accompany you for a little while. I can explain the Magatama's power to you when we meet someone hiding a secret. June 20 Fey Manor Meditation Room Gumshoe: Hey, it's you, pal! So you're going to be her lawyer, I bet. Phoenix: Yes. Gumshoe: Oh... I really feel bad for you, pal. Just this once, I wish I could be on your side. Phoenix: Detective Gumshoe... Gumshoe: Yeah, but I shouldn't be saying that kind of stuff to you. Hey! You're a cute kid. Pearl: ... Gumshoe: Ha ha ha. I'm not scary. Honest! Phoenix: (Wow, I never knew Gumshoe liked kids...) Gumshoe: H-Hey! I know! I'll show you something cool! How's this? It's a real, genuine pistol... Phoenix: D-Detective Gumshoe!! What are you doing showing her something that dangerous! Gumshoe: Oh, sorry... June 20 Fey Manor Side Room Phoenix: Hello again. We seem to be seeing a lot of each other today. Ini: Aww, she's, like, tooootally cute! Is she, like, your daughter? Phoenix: W-What!? NO! (How old do you think I am!?) Phoenix: Aaack! What is that!? Ini: ...? Pearl: You can see it, can't you, Mr. Nick? You can see the "lock" on that person's heart. Phoenix: Huh, what...? Pearl: This is the power of the Magatama. Only you can see these "Psyche-Locks", Mr. Nick. Phoenix: (Psyche-Locks, huh...) Pearl: The more someone wants to hide their secret, the more locks you will see. If it's only one, I think you can easily unlock it. Phoenix: "Unlock"...? But how? Pearl: Please use Mystic Maya's Magatama on this person, and let's remove the lock. Phoenix: (I have no idea what she's talking about, but... Guess I'll give it a try.) Pearl: You must be careful, though, Mr. Nick. If you make a mistake, it will hurt you. If you don't think you have the proof you need, you must have the courage to stop. Phoenix: (Well, I've got to start somewhere. Let's give this Psyche-Lock thing a try.) Pearl: Do you understand now, Mr. Nick? This is how a Psyche-Lock works. Phoenix: ...Well, I don't plan to pry into people's hearts unless I absolutely need to... Pearl: The lock this time was pretty easy, but... you might meet people who aren't as willing to give in later on. If you don't have enough proof, be careful and know when to stop trying. June 20 Kurain Village Pearl: Mr. Nick. Phoenix: Hmm? What's wrong? Pearl: I have never left Kurain Village. Phoenix: R-Really? Wow, that's, um, pretty amazing... Pearl: You are going to meet with Mystic Maya... aren't you? Please tell her I said hi. Phoenix: Hey, wait! (She ran off... Again. Well, I know Ini's secret now, but... I still don't have any idea how I'm going to save Maya. I don't even know if I should go in there with a smile or a straight face... *sigh*) June 20 Detention Center Visitor's Room Phoenix: (What am I supposed to do!? I'm almost out of time! Can I really do anything? Can I really save her...?) ???: Sorry to keep you waiting. Phoenix: (Huh? Must be Maya...) ???: It's been a long time, hasn't it, Phoenix? Phoenix: ...! (That voice...) M-Mia! Mia: Even without me being here, it looks like you've learned to stand on your own. Phoenix: (Mia... She's Maya's older sister, and my mentor. She was a top-notch defense lawyer, but a certain case forced her into "retirement". But... whenever I'm in trouble, she comes to help, just like this. Her spirit comes back from the other world and borrows Maya's body for a bit...) Mia: Phoenix, you can't make that kind of face in front of your client. Phoenix: ...! Mia: A lawyer is someone who smiles no matter how bad it gets, and especially when it's bad. Phoenix: Mia... Mia: You can't smile at the end if you haven't been smiling the whole way there. In any case, the face you're making now is no face to show a client, Phoenix. Phoenix: B-But! Mia: So, tell me all about it. I'm going to guess that my sister is in a lot of trouble again... Phoenix: (I told her everything about what had happened in the last two days. Mia closed her eyes, deep in thought, while she listened...) Mia: ...I see... Phoenix: Mia... What am I supposed to do? Mia: ... It's pretty clear what a good lawyer does in this situation. Phoenix: A-And that is!? Tell me, please! Mia: Believe in your convictions. And fight for the complete acquittal of your client. Mia: ... ... You already know everything you need to know. You know what the "key" to this case is... That is enough... Phoenix: But... But! How can I win tomorrow without knowing who the real murderer is!? Who... Who could have...? Mia: ... Phoenix: (At the time, I didn't know, but this day was going to end with a turn for the surprising...) 3 PSYCHE-LOCKS Phoenix: M-Mia!? Wh-What...!? Mia: What's wrong? Phoenix: (That's right. Only I can see the Psyche-Locks... Which means... Mia must know something about the real murderer! But for this to be something that she would hide under lock and key from even me... What in the world is going on!?) To be continued. June 21, 9:48 AM District Court Defendant Lobby No. 3 Maya: Whaaaaaaaat!? Prosecutor von Karma!? You mean...? Phoenix: No, I heard it's his successor this time... Maya: Successor...? ... Manfred von Karma. He was a really sinister man. He pulled all sorts of nasty tricks; all so he could win. Phoenix: (He was a man obsessed with the word "perfection"... He had a perfect record... for forty long years. Who knows what sorts of dirty tricks he used to get each of those guilty verdicts? And now, his successor... I wonder what kind of person they will turn out to be...) Maya: It's no good... Mystic Maya!! Maya: Pearly! You showed up! Thanks for coming all this way! Pearl: I was really worried about you... Maya: Hey, where's your mother? Didn't you two come together? Pearl: Mother is watching over the trainees. She said they have training for two days straight with no breaks. Maya: Huh!? Then... Then... You came all by yourself? Pearl: Yup! I snuck out of the manor and followed a map. Phoenix: Don't tell me you walked all the way here... Pearl: Of course not! ...I ran! Phoenix: That's... I can't... Oh my... (If it takes two hours by train... Oh man...) Maya: Pearly... What about the train? Pearl: Huh? What's a... "tray-in"? Phoenix: (I give up...) Pearl: ...It's time, isn't it? Maya: Um... I'm really scared... What if Von Karma tries to do something to me? At least I know Mr. Edgeworth would be nicer to me than Von Karma! Pearl: Mr. Eh-ji-werth? Who is that? Maya: Um, he's Nick's rival... Well, he's also a friend. Edgeworth: File:Objection.gif Maya: I still remember him as if I had just seen him only yesterday. Phoenix: File:Objection.gif Maya: Every trial was a scorching fierce battle until the very end. Edgeworth: File:Objection.gif Phoenix: File:Objection.gif Maya: It was always back and forth with them. But when you're rivals for life... Phoenix: Maya! Please don't mention that name ever again... Maya: Huh...? But why, Nick? Phoenix: I'm... I'm sorry, Maya. I forgot you don't know... He... He's... He's gone... And he's not coming back... Maya: Whaaaat!? W-W-Wait... Wait a second!! What's that supposed to mean!? Bailiff: Court will commence shortly. Please proceed into the courtroom. Phoenix: ... Let's go. Now's not the time to talk about that anyway. Maya: N...Nick...? June 21, 10:00 AM District Court Courtroom No. 2 Judge: Court is now in session for the trial of Maya Fey. Are the prosecution and the defense prepared? ???: ... Phoenix: ... (What is with this girl...?) Judge: ... *Ahem!* Mr. Wright!! Are you finally prepared!? Phoenix: Huh? A-Ah, yes, Your Honor. (Why does he always seem mad at me!?) ???: Mr. Phoenix Wright. Phoenix: ...! ???: You must be a little shocked because I am a woman, correct? Phoenix: (...Hold on. So this kid is the "famed" Prosecutor von Karma...?) von Karma: I am Franziska von Karma, the Prodigy. Phoenix: I... see... von Karma: I gave up a promising career in Germany and came to this country for one sole reason. Revenge. Phoenix: Revenge...? (Is this about her father, Manfred von Karma...?) Judge: Um... If it's something of a personal nature, I'm sure you can... Oww! von Karma: I'm talking. If you interrupt again, my whip will do the speaking for me. Phoenix: (Please speak with your mouth like a normal person... I beg of you...) Yeow!! von Karma: Make no mistake; I will defeat you! Prepare to go down, Mr. Phoenix Wright! Judge: Prosecutor von Karma, your opening statement, please... von Karma: Those of Von Karma blood have only one fate. And that is "perfection". The defendant, Maya Fey, will find no escape from her guilt on my watch. Judge: V-Very well... What is the defense's position? Phoenix: Your Honor. Judge: Does the defense wish to enter a plea of "not guilty"? Phoenix: ...Yes. von Karma: Foolish fool who foolishly dreams of foolish dreams... Ten minutes. I give the defense ten minutes before it changes its plea. That's right. I'll have you running for the "justified self-defense" plea in no time. Phoenix: ("Justified self-defense"... A plea usually reserved for when a person unintentionally kills in defense of himself. We could very easily make a solid case that it was self-defense, but...) The defense stands by the plea of "not guilty", Your Honor! (Because to plead "justified self-defense" is to say you did kill someone.) von Karma: How foolish. If that's how you want to play it, Mr. Phoenix Wright, then I shall now call the first witness. Phoenix: (She's just as scary as her father. Like father, like daughter I suppose.) von Karma: Witness, your name and occupation? Gumshoe: Yes, sir! My name is Dick Gumshoe. I'm a detective at the local precinct. Aah!! von Karma: Get to the point already. Explain to the court the details of this murder. Gumshoe: Y-Yes, sir! Um, if everyone would please look at this map. The Channeling Chamber has no windows and the door was locked shut. At the time of the murder, only the victim and the defendant were in the room. Judge: What were they doing in there? Gumshoe: Um... They... Well, they were channeling... a spirit... Sir. Judge: Ch-Channeling a spirit?? Phoenix: (The look of disbelief on the judge's face is...) Gumshoe: *ahem* Anyway, a few minutes after the channeling started, gunshots were heard coming from inside the room, sir. A few of the witnesses broke the door down, and rushed into the room. Judge: Ah, and that's when they found that the victim was already dead, correct? Hmm, I believe this is one of the most open and shut cases I have ever presided over. Judge: So, how was the victim killed? Gumshoe: I was about to get to that... von Karma: Stop wasting my time, then. Witness Testimony -- Cause of Death -- Gumshoe: The direct cause of death was a pistol shot to the forehead, sir. The shot was fired from point-blank range. But before the victim was shot, sir, he was stabbed in the chest. The wound was very severe, but not enough to cause instantaneous death. The murderer used the pistol to finish the victim off after the stabbing. Judge: Hmm... So the victim was stabbed before being shot... Gumshoe: This is the victim's autopsy report, sir. Judge: The court accepts it into evidence. Mr. Wright, you may question the witness. Cross-Examination -- Cause of Death -- Gumshoe: The direct cause of death was a pistol shot to the forehead, sir. Gumshoe: The shot was fired from point-blank range. Gumshoe: But before the victim was shot, sir, he was stabbed in the chest. Gumshoe: The wound was very severe, but not enough to cause instantaneous death. Gumshoe: The murderer used the pistol to finish the victim off after the stabbing. Phoenix: (Nothing sounds out of place so far... I should try to learn more about the murder weapons, for now...) Judge: That's enough! We have clearly established how the victim was murdered. Gumshoe: I brought the two murder weapons with me today. Judge: Very well. The court accepts them into evidence. von Karma: The date and time of death was June 19th at 3:15 PM. Eyewitnesses claim to have heard two gunshots at this time. Judge: And the two murder weapons, both with the defendant's fingerprints on them...? Hmm... This does seem like an open and shut case. von Karma: Naturally! Phoenix: (This is going from bad to worse... As if the summary just now wasn't oversimplifying things to the extreme...) von Karma: Your Honor. Feel free to slam that little gavel of yours. After all, there is no room left for doubt, is there? Judge: That is quite true... Mr. Wright. Phoenix: Y-Yes? Judge: Even in the face of all this, do you still wish to plead "not guilty"? It's the opinion of this court that if you do not adjust your plea, you stand to lose. von Karma: See, just as I promised, Mr. Phoenix Wright. You would change your plea in less than ten minutes... Judge: What will you do, Mr. Wright? Will you change to "justified self-defense"? Because now would be the time to do so. This is your final chance. Phoenix: (This is a huge decision! I'd better think this through all the way!) von Karma: ...You. You have sealed your fate, Mr. Phoenix Wright. Detective! Gumshoe: Y-Yes, sir! von Karma: Present the final portion of your testimony -- the final strike. Gumshoe: Um... Y-Yes... sir... Judge: N-Now, see here! Proceedings are run by... Eek! von Karma: ... Judge: Oh, yes, of course. Go ahead Detective and give your testimony... von Karma: I think the court would like to hear about the other piece of incriminating evidence! Witness Testimony -- Incriminating Evidence -- Gumshoe: Sorry, pal but there's an even more incriminating piece of evidence. This is the costume the defendant was wearing at the time of the crime. As you can see, it's covered in blood. The defendant attacked and killed a person who, without a doubt, was not fighting back. Judge: So this is the costume... There certainly is evidence of a back spray of blood on this. Gumshoe: This piece directly links Maya Fey to the crime, sir. Judge: I see... The court accepts this into evidence. Judge: Alright, Mr. Wright. Phoenix: (Maya's fingerprints on both murder weapons and blood splatters on her clothes... Could this situation get any worse??) von Karma: Hah. What's wrong? You seem to be at a loss. I think this is the last piece of testimony the prosecution should have to offer. Feel free to sulk off with your tail between your legs, Mr. Phoenix Wright! Phoenix: (Please stop calling me by my full name. It's disturbing.) Cross-Examination -- Incriminating Evidence -- Gumshoe: Sorry, pal but there's an even more incriminating piece of evidence. Gumshoe: This is the costume the defendant was wearing at the time of the crime. Gumshoe: As you can see, it's covered in blood. Gumshoe: The defendant attacked and killed a person who, without a doubt, was not fighting back. Phoenix: (That Von Karma! She thinks she can decide the verdict with this testimony alone! I have to somehow find a critical contradiction and then I'll have her!) Phoenix: Detective Dick Gumshoe! Gumshoe: Y-Yes? Heh, having you call me by my full name is kind of a weird feeling... Phoenix: You said that my client killed "a person who, without a doubt, was not fighting back." Gumshoe: Yeah, I did. Phoenix: Then what, may I ask, is the bullet hole you police overlooked supposed to mean!? Gumshoe: Eh, um... What does it mean? Phoenix: I'll tell you what it means. It means that the victim had fired off a shot. Is this what it means to "not fight back"? Gumshoe: A-Ah! You're right! Judge: It would seem that way! If the victim tried to shoot the defendant, then... It would change everything... Phoenix: (Alright! The wind seems to be shifting...) von Karma: Hah. Phoenix: (What is with that "are you finished yet" laugh?) von Karma: Are you finished yet, Mr. Phoenix Wright? Judge: Ms. von Karma? von Karma: It seems... that Maya Fey was shot at by the victim. However, that is only grounds enough to support a "justified self-defense" plea. Judge: That is correct. von Karma: But I'm sure you remember, Your Honor, what the defense clearly said. They rejected "justified self-defense" and pleaded "not guilty." Phoenix: Ack! Gumshoe: Now that you... Judge: Why, that's right! von Karma: Which means! The defense has yet to prove anything at all! Phoenix: Nooooo!! Judge: W-Well... Yes, that's true... von Karma: Furthermore... just the fact that there is a bullet hole in the costume... is not enough to substantiate even a plea of "justified self-defense". Judge: Huh? How so? Gumshoe: Aaah! von Karma: Don't just stand there. Hurry up and tell the court what transpired that day. ...With the new information we acquired added in, of course. Gumshoe: Huh? You mean... By myself...? You want me to put together the scenario all by myself? Aah! von Karma: ... Gumshoe: Y-Yes, sir! Right away, sir! Witness Testimony -- What Transpired -- Gumshoe: During the channeling, the defendant saw her chance to stab the victim in the chest. Of course, the victim used the last of his strength to fight back, sir. While the two were fighting, the victim took out his gun. The victim took a shot, but because they were too close, he missed. The defendant then picked up on the opening, took the victim's gun and ended it... Judge: Hmm... This scenario you have put together does make sense... Gumshoe: Yes, sir. Judge: Well, Mr. Wright? Phoenix: (Just by listening, it does make sense... However, I won't give up that easily!) Judge: P-Please refrain from glaring at me like that... Now then, your cross-examination, please. Cross-Examination -- What Transpired -- Gumshoe: During the channeling, the defendant saw her chance to stab the victim in the chest. Gumshoe: Of course, the victim used the last of his strength to fight back, sir. Gumshoe: While the two were fighting, the victim took out his gun. Gumshoe: The victim took a shot, but because they were too close, he missed. Gumshoe: The defendant then picked up on the opening and took the victim's gun and ended it... Phoenix: (His testimony certainly makes us look very bad, but there's gotta be a contradiction in there somewhere... And uncovering it is going to uncover the truth! I can feel it!) Phoenix: Missing the tiny hole on this costume... will be the prosecution's undoing. Gumshoe: Eh? What do you mean? Phoenix: This little hole has actually created a huge hole in your testimony! Judge: E-Explain yourself, Mr. Wright! Phoenix: You said the two of them were fighting when the victim fired his gun at point blank. If that were true, then where is the gunpowder burn on this costume!? Gumshoe: G-Gunpowder... burn? Phoenix: This is what you testified earlier: "When something is shot from point blank, a burn area is left around the bullet hole." Gumshoe: OH! Phoenix: But there is not a single trace of gunpowder burn on this costume!! Judge: That is a very good point. And... what exactly does this mean? Phoenix: It means that when the shot was fired, they were standing apart from each other. Judge: Hmm... von Karma: File:Objection.gif von Karma: I'm disappointed, Mr. Phoenix Wright. You think you can punch a hole in my logic with that? With wishy-washy thinking like that, anyone can explain anything away! Phoenix: Then I implore you to disprove my line of thinking. von Karma: Let's see... In the middle of their fight, the victim pushed the defendant away. von Karma: And it was then, when they were separated, that he fired! How was that? Phoenix: File:Objection.gif Phoenix: As if that was even possible. According to testimony, the wound from the stabbing was very severe. The victim would not have had the strength to push the defendant very far after that! von Karma: ...! W-Well... Then... That's right! The defendant must have pushed the victim away! After stabbing him, she must have put some space between the doctor and herself. And then while she was preparing to strike again, the doctor took his shot. There. That sound satisfy even you. Judge: Hmm... That does make an awful lot of sense. What do you think, Mr. Wright? Phoenix: (I must be careful. I can't afford to make a mistake here! Concentrate and think!) Phoenix: There is a fatal flaw in her argument, Your Honor! Gumshoe: Fatal...? Judge: Flaw...!? Yeow! von Karma: Very interesting. I would love to see where this "flaw" is! Show me something that contradicts my explanation! Phoenix: (There has to be a snag in her explanation somewhere! "She put some distance between them before rushing to make the final blow. And when she was about to strike, the doctor took his shot." There must be a piece of evidence that contradicts this line of thinking!) Phoenix: This is the piece of evidence that destroys your logic. Judge: What is that? A folding screen? Phoenix: I would like to point the court's attention to the "hole" in this folding screen. von Karma: Aaah! Phoenix: It looks like you already know what I'm talking about. Gumshoe: Who? Where? What? Judge: Mr. Wright! Your explanation, please! Phoenix: (Are these two really that clueless...?) The bullet went through the defendant's sleeve first, then the folding screen. It passed through at a height of approximately 8 inches off the ground... Which means! When the shot was fired, Maya... I mean, the defendant, was not getting ready to strike, but was actually squatting low to the ground! Judge: Order! Order! Th-This changes everything! Phoenix: Please look at this diagram of the crime scene. The victim, Dr. Grey was here when he fired the shot. And the bullet hit this folding screen. It hit at this location, about 8 inches off the ground. At this time, the defendant was in this area. Phoenix: She was standing here, near the folding screen! von Karma: W-Wait a second! We know the defendant was close to the ground based on the height of the bullet hole. But... How can you gauge the distance from that!? Isn't it possible that the defendant was standing much closer to the victim? Phoenix: That's impossible. von Karma: B-But why!? Phoenix: You, of all people, should know the answer to that question, Ms. von Karma. If she were shot from somewhere closer, there would be gunpowder burns present. However! There is nothing of the sort around the bullet hole of this costume! von Karma: Aaaaaah! C-Curse you, Mr. Phoenix Wright! You...! Judge: Hmm... I believe it has now been proven that the defendant was standing a ways from the victim when she was shot at. But do you think this has changed the defendant's situation...? Phoenix: Honestly, Your Honor! This changes everything! The prosecution has claimed that the defendant was aiming to kill by stabbing. If that were true, delivering the final strike with the knife would be ideal. However! Where and what was the defendant doing at the time...? Gumshoe: ...Squatting all the way by the folding screen...? Phoenix: Exactly. If Maya Fey was the real murderer, why would she be by the folding screen instead of preparing to strike? von Karma: Nnngh... Judge: Upon further consideration, it does make very little sense. Gumshoe: Yeah, I figured there had to be a reason. Phoenix: Figuring things out and proving the logic behind everything is YOUR job! Gumshoe: Oof... Phoenix: (Alright! With this, the rest of the trial should be in the b--) von Karma: ... Phoenix: (...blast radius of disaster.) von Karma: You are such a smart man, Mr. Phoenix Wright. To think that you've been able to take a completely hopeless case to this point... Now I know why papa had a tough time with you. Mmm, you amuse me... Phoenix: (Uuugh. Of all the things to inherit, why did it have to be that smarmy smile!?) von Karma: Detective. How dare you damage my perfect logic!? Gumshoe: H-Huh!?... How is it all my fault?? von Karma: You can start repairing your standing by first removing that three-strand "goatee". Oh, and rest assured your punishment will come later. Gumshoe: ...P-Punishment... von Karma: Well then, Your Honor, I think I've had all I can take of this Detective's face. I think it's time to call in the next witness. Phoenix: (Next witness...? That's gotta be Lotta!) Judge: Very well. The court will take a 5 minute recess. After we reconvene, we will hear from the next witness. To be continued. June 21, 11:37 AM District Court Defendant Lobby No. 3 Phoenix: Phew, that was a close one. Maya: I know you were giving it your all to defend me. But I could feel the death penalty hanging in the air... Phoenix: I felt like I was pretty close to dying myself... Pearl: But you were wonderful out there. You listened carefully, made theories, and tricked everyone into believing you. Phoenix: Th-Thanks. Wait... Tricked?? Pearl: That must be the "lawyer's" secret technique, right? Maya: By the way... Is the next witness who I think it is...? Phoenix: Yeah, I'm pretty sure it's Lotta Hart. Maya: Oh... Another jam, like always... Remember, Nick! You promised you'd save me! If you lose, my ghost will come after you with my sis', and we'll haunt you! Pearl: Your sister...? Um, are you talking about Mystic Mia? Maya: Yeah. Do you remember her, Pearly? My sister was a super good lawyer! She was also Nick's teacher. Pearl: ...Oh, I didn't know that... June 21, 11:43 AM District Court Courtroom No. 2 Judge: Court will now reconvene. Now, the first order of... Oww! von Karma: I don't want to hear it, old man. After I call my witness, sit there quietly and watch like a good little boy. Judge: Y-Yes, sir. von Karma: Bring in the photographer who witnessed the channeling! von Karma: Witness. Your name and occupation, if you please. Lotta: Hey, Phoenix! How ya doin'? Phoenix: Just fine... Lotta: Sorry 'bout this. Didn't exactly have a choice, ya know...? Yeowza! von Karma: Name and occupation. Lotta: I-I declare! What in tarnation!? Hey, Judge! This here is violence against my fair self! Judge: That's fine. Lotta: "That's fine!?" That ain't fine!! That's a whip! Eaaah! von Karma: There's no need for foolish outcries from foolishly foolish fools. Just hurry up and testify about what happened on the day of the murder. Lotta: I haven't even gotten to say my name and job yet... von Karma: ... Lotta: The name's Lotta Hart, paranormal photographer, and I'm here to testify! Judge: Now, now, let's all be one big happy family... OK...? Witness Testimony -- Witness's Account -- Lotta: Only the Doc and the defendant went into the Channelin' Chamber. We were waitin' outside the door and then, "bang!" we hear this gunshot! Mr. Lawyer there broke the door down, and we rushed into the room. Inside was the dead victim, and the defendant, wavin' a pistol around. I swear, other than those two, there was no one else in the room. Judge: And did you take a picture of the scene right after the murder took place? Lotta: Reckon course! Phoenix: Eh? ...Excuse me? Lotta: Reckon course! It's short for "Ya reckon!? Of course I did!" Aah! von Karma: Does it look like I care? Just hurry up and show your picture to the court. Phoenix: (The moment of truth. What will be in that picture?) Lotta: Umm, let's see here... This here's the picture! Judge: Hmm... It would certainly seem that only the defendant and the victim were in that room. von Karma: Are you ready, Mr. Phoenix Wright? Phoenix: (I will clear all doubt about Maya through this cross-examination... Just watch me!) Cross-Examination -- Witness's Account -- Lotta: Only the Doc and the defendant went into the Channelin' Chamber. Lotta: We were waitin' outside the door and then, "bang!" we hear this gunshot! Lotta: Mr. Lawyer there broke the door down, and we rushed into the room. Lotta: Inside was the dead victim, and the defendant, wavin' a pistol around. Lotta: I swear, other than those two, there was no one else in the room. Phoenix: (Argh! Her story adds up... What's worse is that I was there at the scene of the crime at that time too, and her story is exactly how I would have told it...) Phoenix: (Argh! Just as I thought, there is nothing wrong with her testimony! I was with her, so I know she's telling the truth...) Judge: Enough. It seems that there are no issues with Ms. Hart's testimony. von Karma: At the time of the crime, only two people were in the Channeling Chamber: the victim, Dr. Turner Grey, and the defendant, Maya Fey. Judge: Hmm... The face of the defendant can not be verified in this picture. However, if we think about the circumstances, it would have to be the defendant. Phoenix: (What am I going to do!? If I just let this go...) Judge: What is it, Mr. Wright? You look as if you have something to say... Phoenix: (If I make one wrong move, I'm going to have the judge against me... Is there anything I can present that would prove it's not Maya in that photo?) Judge: Well, Mr. Wright? Phoenix: Nothing, Your Honor... von Karma: That's very smart of you, Mr. Phoenix Wright. You really should give up trying to prove this is not Maya Fey. Phoenix: (I didn't say anything about giving up! I just don't have the right piece of evidence to prove my argument...) Judge: That's enough! Phoenix: (I-Is this it...? Is this all I could do...?) Judge: I think it is quite obvious to this court that a verdict of not guilty is not possible. von Karma: I told you. Totally, 100% impossible. Judge: Ms. von Karma, do you have any further questions for this witness? von Karma: Having established the defendant's guilt, further questioning won't be needed. Judge: What about the defense? No further questions, I presume? Phoenix: (I... I couldn't protect Maya...) The defense... The defense... ...Phoenix... ...Phoenix, you can't make that kind of face... ...A lawyer is someone who smiles... no matter how bad it gets!... Phoenix: M-Mia! Mia: I guess I made it just in time, wouldn't you say? Phoenix: Y-You... But... P-Pearls! Mia: Her clothes ARE a bit small... Anyway, what are you waiting for, Phoenix!? Let's go! Phoenix: B-But how!? She's already taken away every advantage! Mia: The advantage is still in your hand! Think carefully, one more time, about what you saw in the Channeling Chamber. Do you remember what you told me yesterday? Phoenix: D-Dr. Grey!! *klik* ???: ...I was... murdered... Phoenix: W-What!? *klik* Phoenix: Lotta! At a time like this!? Lotta: Times like this are perfect for snapping up shots! Mia: You see... There is one final piece of the puzzle. Phoenix: Mia...? Mia: Question Lotta one more time, Phoenix. I don't know if she's doing it subconsciously or on purpose, but... she's not testifying truthfully. Judge: Now then, this court would like to end the cross-examination period. Phoenix: File:Holdit.gif Phoenix: Please wait, Your Honor! The defense would like to request that the witness testify one more time. Judge: Overruled. I'm afraid you're too late, Mr. Wright. The cross-examination has already ended. Furthermore, any unrelated ques- von Karma: It's fine. I'll allow another testimony. A Von Karma's case is perfect. Absolutely flawless. And what better time than this for you to see that. Judge: B-But... I mean... I have some place I must go after this... Mmph! A-Al-Alright! I'll allow it! Ms. Hart! Hurry and give us another testimony! Lotta: Well... heck... What am I supposed to talk about? Phoenix: Please tell us once more what happened when you burst into the Channeling Chamber. Lotta: OK! You got it! Mia: See, you got through to the judge somehow, right? Phoenix: (Well, actually it was Von Karma's whip that got through to him...) Witness Testimony -- Witness' Account, Pt.2 -- Lotta: When we broke into that room, all I could focus on was Maya. I was... uh, kinda scared of the dead body, so I didn't take a good look at it. I'm really bad when it comes to blood and ghosts and stuff. But I still managed to point my camera at Maya and take a shot! Judge: Nothing sounds different from before... Phoenix: (Some parts of her testimony were very vague. I should press her on those sections!) von Karma: Struggle all you like as you taste the bitterness of your defeat. Well, amuse me with your useless questions, Mr. Phoenix Wright. I'm waiting... Cross-Examination -- Witness' Account, Pt.2 -- Lotta: When we broke into that room, all I could focus on was Maya. Lotta: I was... uh, kinda scared of the dead body, so I didn't take a good look at it. Lotta: I'm really bad when it comes to blood and ghosts and stuff. Lotta: But I still managed to point my camera at Maya and take a shot! Mia: There must be something we can use in her testimony just now. We must find it! At all costs... Judge: But... Only one has been submitted as evidence! Phoenix: Ms. Hart! Where is the other picture you have been withholding!? Lotta: No, no, no! You've got it all wrong! It's not me! I-I didn't mean anything bad! I know I can be a little mean, but I ain't evil! Phoenix: (Well, at least she knows herself...) Judge: Then why have you not shown this "other picture" to this court yet? Lotta: Well, ain't it obvious!? That prosecutor woman told me to shut my trap about it! Phoenix: W-What!? V... Von Karma!! Judge: M-M-Ms. von Karma! Y-Y-You... You're hiding critical evidence...! von Karma: ... Phoenix: (Unforgivable, Von Karma. Suppressing evidence like this... You're as bad as your father!) Judge: Ms. von Karma. Would you care to explain yourself to this court? von Karma: I thought this picture was not important, and thus, felt no need to submit it. That's all. Phoenix: H-How could you think...!? von Karma: The pictures were more or less the same, so why bother with the second? I mean, it's just so much more trouble than it's worth for me to submit this as evidence. Phoenix: "M-More trouble that it's worth!?" How... How can you say that!? von Karma: If you want to see it that badly, I'll submit it. Judge: ... Wh-What is...? What is this picture!? von Karma: It's obviously the second picture the witness took that day at the scene of the crime. Well, it's a little off center. But that's what you get with a nervous amateur. Judge: Well, I think the important point here is the person in this picture! This is most definitely NOT Maya Fey! What is the meaning of this!? Phoenix: (This might be the break I was looking for... Now, should I or should I not insist that the person in this picture is not Maya?) von Karma: Your Honor. I would like for you to take a look at this picture. This was taken yesterday at the Detention Center's Visitor's Room. This is Mr. Phoenix Wright and the defendant, Maya Fey during his visit... Judge: Maya Fey? But... Isn't this a totally different person!? von Karma: She looks this way because she is obviously in the middle of channeling a spirit! Judge: It's unbelievable... That she can... von Karma: However, it is true. When Maya Fey is in that state, she physically changes into the person she's calling! Judge: ... Mia: I wonder if she knows what she's doing... Phoenix: (M-Mia!) Mia: Taking pictures of someone during a private visit is illegal. That picture can't be submitted as evidence. von Karma: ... Obviously, this picture is illegal. But I never intended to submit it as evidence in the first place! Phoenix: (Wh-What is she...?) von Karma: From the moment I showed this picture to the court, this case became all mine. After all, this image has now been forever burned into the judge's mind. Judge: ... Phoenix: (I... I don't have even a single witty line...) Mia: It looks like we've been had. Judge: I don't claim to understand this, and I still cannot believe it... Are you saying that this person... this person is the defendant, Maya Fey!? Phoenix: (If I give up here, the trial will end! But... If I slip up and say something wrong, it will cost me... Is there any way I can prove that the person in this picture is not Maya!?) von Karma: So, you think you've spotted a problem with this picture? Then earn your keep. Why don't you point out exactly what is so strange in this picture for the court? Phoenix: Please direct your attention here! Judge: ...T-To the sleeve? But... But there isn't anything odd about it... Phoenix: And that is exactly what is so odd. Something that should be there is suddenly missing. von Karma: "Should be there"...? Aaaaah! Phoenix: There was a bullet hole in the sleeve of the defendant's costume! If that's the case, then it should be in this picture as well! Judge: Ms. von Karma!! Y-You... You intended to hide this valuable piece of evidence!? von Karma: ... Judge: You will most certainly be assigned a penalty for this! Phoenix: (Alright. This should do some major damage to her argument...) Mia: Don't celebrate yet. Phoenix: You like to bring down the mood, don't you? Mia: Take a look at Ms. von Karma's face. Phoenix: (Argh! She's got that condescending grin plastered all over her face again.) von Karma: ...Tsk, tsk, jumping the gun again, I see. Your Honor! I would like to extend an apology on behalf of those incompetent fools. Judge: Wh-What do you mean? And what "incompetent fools"...? von Karma: If those fools down at the precinct hadn't missed the bullet hole, I would have gotten a report about it. As I didn't, I could not have known that this picture was of any value to this case. Judge: Hmm, I see... Phoenix: (She's lying through her teeth! I know it! That woman knew about everything! The bullet hole, the picture -- everything!) Mia: But you can't prove that. Franziska von Karma's idea of a "perfect case" is quite fascinating, don't you think? von Karma: Your Honor. You need not worry. If you must assign a penalty, I'll personally make sure that detective gets what's coming. I'm sure there will be a great gnashing of teeth at the next salary discussion. Phoenix: (Poor Gumshoe...) Judge: In any case, this is a very big problem! When the defendant was taken into custody, her costume had a bullet hole in its sleeve. However, from this photo, it would appear that right after the shooting, there was none! von Karma: ... Mia: The judge is confused by this strange twist of events. This is your chance, Phoenix! Load all you've got into this one shot, alright!? Phoenix: Got it! (Watch this, Maya!) Your Honor! There is only one logical explanation for the contradiction! Phoenix: The defendant's sleeve had a bullet hole in it. However, this person clearly does not. There can be only one explanation. The person who shot Dr. Grey was not the defendant, but a different person altogether! von Karma: Wha-Whaaaat!? Judge: Order! Order! Order! If order is not restored, I will suspend this trial! Oww! Phoenix: Aah! Lotta: Why me!? von Karma: The defense's... The defense's argument is a complete mess! Phoenix: A complete mess? I fail to see how! Please, enlighten us. von Karma: Hey, witness! Lotta: Aah! What the heck!? Is that any way to ask a gal a favor!? von Karma: Be quiet you! You were the one who said it was only the two of them when you entered the room! Lotta: Well, ya know... von Karma: If you were lying, I swear that my whip will be the last thing you see! Lotta: L-Look, sis... You're lookin' mighty scary so why don't we say you... Waah! I-I swear! I wasn't lyin' or nothin'! There wasn't anyone else in there! Honest! von Karma: You see! Now riddle me this, Mr. Phoenix Wright!? Where did the defendant vanish to!? And where did this other woman appear from!? Phoenix: Umm... (Why is it lately, all I want to do is cry...?) Judge: Well, if the person in this picture is not the defendant, then this poses 2 very big questions. First, where did the defendant vanish to, and second, where did this person come from? von Karma: That's right! Now hurry up and answer, Mr. Phoenix Wright! Mia: Come on! You can't fall apart here, Phoenix Wright! Phoenix: (I can't believe that even Mia's calling me by my full name... But... I mean... How am I supposed to prove something like this!?) von Karma: Had enough yet, Mr. Phoenix Wright? Or do you think you have enough in you to turn things around even now!? Phoenix: (To "turn things around"... That's right. Mia would always turn things around and change her perspective!) Mia: Phoenix...? Phoenix: (So, where did this intruder appear from, and where did Maya disappear to? I need to look at this situation from a different angle! Let's see... What if before we broke in, the third person was already in the room... And what if Maya had left that room somehow... If I could prove that either one of those conditions were true...) Judge: Mr. Wright. Let's hear what you've come up with. Phoenix: I think what happened before we forced our way into the Channeling Chamber is... Phoenix: Ms. Hart. Do you remember this key? Lotta: Um... Well, I've seen it... Hey! That's the Channeling Chamber key, right? Before the channeling started, Maya locked the door from the inside with that... von Karma: The defendant herself locked the door...? Lotta: Yeah! That's why we all couldn't get the door open. That key's the only one of its kind, after all. Judge: Oh... One of a kind, you say? von Karma: ...! Wait... Mr. Phoenix Wright... Phoenix: Yes? (It looks like she's catching on...) von Karma: I'm afraid to ask, but... Why is that key currently in your possession? Judge: Huh? What do you mean? Phoenix: If Maya Fey locked herself in, then the key should have been with her. Judge: Yes, agreed. Phoenix: However, she did not have the key at the time of her arrest! Lotta: Aah! Well, ain't that a kick! So how come you're holdin' it!? Phoenix: I got this as a present from a certain little girl. And that little girl was nowhere near the crime scene at the time! von Karma: Th-Th-That's preposterous! Phoenix: This means that Maya Fey must have left the room! If she had not, then I would not be holding this key you see before you! von Karma: N-Nooooooo! Judge: It seems we have come to an impasse. This picture has clearly captured the face of the murderer. However, is this person the defendant or not? The defense is arguing that this person is not the defendant. Furthermore, as proof, this key has been submitted as evidence. Ms. von Karma. von Karma: How. Can. This. Be!? Judge: At this point in time, a verdict on the defendant is not possible. von Karma: My perfect case! How is there a flaw in my perfect case! Don't think you've won yet, Mr. Phoenix Wright! I am a prodigy! I have never lost a case! And I don't intend to lose here in this courtroom to a fool like you! I don't care what I have to do... I will get my guilty verdict! Judge: That's enough! If you would like to continue, do so in the lobby. Court will reconvene tomorrow at 10 AM. That is all. Court is adjourned. June 21, 1:32 PM District Court Defendant Lobby No. 3 Maya: Woooow! That was you Pearly!? You summoned my sis!? Pearl: Yes. I felt I had no choice... Maya: Great going, Pearly! I knew you were special! Hey, Nick, did you know? Phoenix: (...Umm, yeah. It's not like anyone else in there could have done that.) Maya: Hmm, Nick... I know you're trying really hard and all, but... I really don't remember ever leaving that room. Pearl: And I don't think that a third person... could have gone into that room. Phoenix: Y-Yeah... Well, at least we have until tomorrow to figure things out. Like, what happened in that room, for instance. Maya: Yeah. I'm counting on you! Pearl: Ah... I envy the two of you... Maya: Oh, by the way, Nick. Do you think you could take Pearly back home for me? Phoenix: Sure. Alright, Pearls. You ready to go buy some tickets? Pearl: Huh? A tik-ket? Phoenix: (Poor thing... So sheltered.) To be continued. June 21, 3:24 PM Kurain Village Pearl: Thank you very much for bringing me home, Mr. Nick. Phoenix: You're welcome. I had to come and look into a few things here today anyway. Pearl: Um... I thought about this a little. Phoenix: ? Pearl: If Mystic Maya didn't kill that nice man... Phoenix: She definitely didn't! Pearl: Yes, of course. But if she didn't... Then someone else did, right? Um, that "murderer" person! Phoenix: Yes, Pearls. Pearl: Oh... I see... Phoenix: (I wonder what's wrong... She seems sad...) June 21 Wright & Co. Law Offices Phoenix: This case has had me out of the office most of the time... I can come back tomorrow. Helping Maya should be my top priority now. June 21 Detention Center Visitor's Room Phoenix: (Maya must still be in questioning... She'll probably be done in a little bit, so I'll come back later...) June 21 Fey Manor Meditation Room Phoenix: (It's really empty... There's supposed to be training held today, but I guess it's already over...) June 21 Fey Manor Channeling Chamber Phoenix: (...Hmm, looks like Morgan's here too, but she hasn't noticed me yet... What is she doing...? She looks like she's talking to a picture...) Morgan: ...Don't you see? Take a look around... Finally, my chance has come... I've waited for this day for so long! That's right... Prepare yourself, dear Misty... Phoenix: (What in the...!?) Morgan: Who's there!? ...Oh, if it isn't Mr. Wright... Phoenix: Um... Just curious, but that picture you were just looking at... Morgan: Oh, today was that event, was it not, good sir? I heard you did well. Phoenix: Huh, oh, yes... Thank you. Morgan: I am terribly sorry I could not attend the trial today. Please accept my apology. I had a previous engagement, as I had to watch over the trainees' training today. Phoenix: (I get the sense she really doesn't want to talk about the picture...) Morgan: All because the Master can't be here with us, you understand. And that is why a lowly branch family member such as myself must do this. June 21 Fey Manor Winding Way Phoenix: (Looks like there's no one here... And even though the weather is gorgeous today, it's raining inside my heart...) June 21 Fey Manor Side Room Phoenix: (The bedding is all laid out today too. Guess I'll leave them alone for now...) June 21 Fey Manor Winding Way Phoenix: (Hey, there's someone by the incinerator... Ooh, looks like they've noticed me. And are now running at top speed towards me...) Ini: Oh, hey! *huff, huff* Like, *huff, huff* You're that dentist guy. Phoenix: Actually, it's Phoenix Wright, attorney at law. Nice to see you again. Ini: Ooh, like, real suave. So, it's, like, my turn. It's nice to see you, too. Phoenix: So, what's up? You're all out of breath... Ini: L-Like, huh? Oh! Like you mean... Like, I'm just totally happy and like, totally excited to be here. Phoenix: Excited? Ini: Like, I mean, there are so many things to, like, see! It's, like, the real deal here! Phoenix: Oh, really? For example...? Ini: For example... Like, that urn over there. Do you, like, know about it? Phoenix: (All I see is an old, cracked piece of pottery...) June 21 Detention Center Visitor's Room Maya: Hey, Nick... I've been waiting... Phoenix: (...She looks so helpless...) Maya: So? So? How was it!? What did you find out!? Phoenix: Um... Well... I found a few things... Maya: My eyes are tearing up, Nick. Don't make me cry... Phoenix: I... I just need a little more time. It'll all come together by tomorrow, I promise. Maya: I'm sorry, Nick. Every time I see you, all I do is cause trouble... June 21 Kurain Village Phoenix: Ah! Lotta: AAAAAAAAH! Phoenix: H-Hey! Wait! Please! Lotta! ... (She ran off into the manor...) June 21 Fey Manor Meditation Room Phoenix: Lotta... Lotta: Aaack! Phoenix: H-Hey! I'm tellin' ya, quit followin' me, ya hear!? I'm a worthless piece of trash! Ya lay eyes on me, and they'll turn ta dust! Phoenix: (...*sigh*...) Phoenix: Hey! Morgan! Morgan: Yes, what is it? ...And must you be so noisy!? We have a rule here: "The hallway is not for running" Now then, in a calm manner ask your question. Phoenix: Okay... Anyway, did you see Lotta come by here? Morgan: Ah, that girl from the "Heartland"... I'm sorry, but she did not pass by here at any time. Phoenix: (Grr... Lotta! You sure know how to waste a man's time...) June 21 Fey Manor Side Room Phoenix: I'm pretty sure I saw Lotta run in this direction... but it doesn't look like she's here... June 21 Fey Manor Meditation Room Pearl: Oh, Mr. Nick! That person ran by here just now. Phoenix: What person? Pearl: Um, you know... The person with the fluffy cotton candy hair... Phoenix: (Ah, she means Lotta.) Pearl: She said, "Don't look at me with 'em eyes!" but... I'm not that scary, am I...? Phoenix: ...I don't think that's quite what she meant. Pearl: Oh, that's right. She also wanted me to tell you, "Goin' on a trip to find myself, so don't ya bother findin' me!" Phoenix: O-Oh... Well, thanks. Pearl: You're welcome. June 21 Kurain Village Phoenix: (Phew. I think I've found everything I can. But I can't see how they all add up... Hmm...) ...H... He... Phoenix: (And is Ini Miney being here just a coincidence...?) ...Hey, Mister... Phoenix: (How is it that the spirit Dr. Grey wanted to call just happened to be that nurse, and that nurse turns out to be Ini's sister... It's too... convenient...) ...Hey! Phoenix! I'm talkin' to you! Phoenix: (I wish I knew a little more about Ini, but where am I going to find info like that?) Oh, I get it. Ya can't be bothered to look over at trash like me. Is that it, Mr. High-and-Mighty!? Phoenix: Aah! L-Lotta! Lotta: Oh, so ya finally noticed! Phoenix: (I thought I heard a mosquito buzzing in my ear, although I couldn't understand a word...) Lotta: Well, I gotta hand it to ya. Ya sure know how to chase down garbage! I mean, I'm grateful to ya for chasin' this large lump of one around like this. Phoenix: Um... Thanks...? Lotta: But ya know, you're just wastin' yer time. I'll be fine on my own. Phoenix: Wh-What are you going on about? And as for "following" or "chasing" or whatever it is, isn't that what YOU'RE doing!? Lotta: Um, well, ya see... Well, yer not exactly a real gentleman with a lady's heart, are ya? Phoenix: (You're not exactly the world's number one charmer either, sister.) June 21 Detention Center Visitor's Room Phoenix: M-Mia! Mia: Phoenix, it's good to see you. I was really worried so I thought I'd see how you were doing. Phoenix: ...You might get caught on film again... Mia: There are certain risks you have to take in life, or in my case, death. Anyway, how are you doing? Have you found anything useful? Phoenix: Um, only a little. I think I'm slowly beginning to understand everything, piece by piece. Mia: Everything will resolve itself by tomorrow, somehow. Mia: Well, it's about time I left. Phoenix: M-Mia! Mia: We'll be in big trouble if the guard sees me here... Phoenix... Phoenix: Yes, Chief! Mia: There is still a lot of dirt left in this case. Once you think you've gathered all the evidence, then come back. Phoenix: ...Yes, Chief. June 21 Hotti Clinic Reception Phoenix: (...So, this is where Ini was hospitalized...) ???: Hmm, yes... Are you here to visit a patient? Hmm... Phoenix: Ah, yes... Are you a doctor here...? ???: Hmm, yes... I'm Director Hotti... Hoh, hoh. Phoenix: (Ack! I didn't think I'd be speaking with the Director himself...) Hotti: Hmm, yes...? So what can I help you with? Uh, huh... Phoenix: I'd like to ask you a few questions about Ms. Ini Miney. Hotti: Hmm? Ms. Miney? Ms. Ini Miney? ...Hmm... Yes... Hmm... OH! Her! Ah, it's too bad. I'll tell you something. That girl left here a long time ago. Nurse: Here you are! Sir! Phoenix: ? Nurse: You know you shouldn't be up and about! Come on, it's back to your room with you! Hotti: Ah, Sweet'ums! Calm down, calm down. Don't be so harsh to an old man like me. Nurse: Don't you dare start that "Sweet'ums" thing with me! If you don't behave, you'll get yourself tossed out of this hospital! Phoenix: (Wow. I didn't think nurses could be this direct or forceful towards their boss.) Nurse: Come now. Be a good boy and give me the Director's white lab coat! Hotti: OK, OK. I got it. I. Got. It. Hmm, yes... Phoenix: ... Hotti: ... Phoenix: Um... Hotti: Hmm, yes? Uh, huh? Phoenix: Don't "Hmm, yes" me. Who in the world are you? Hotti: I'm Director Hotti. Hoh, hoh. Phoenix: ... Phoenix: (The nurse went off some-where... Oh the inhumanity. Only person I can talk to... ...is this guy... ...Uuuugh...) Hotti: It's been half a year since Miss Ini had her surgery and got better. She was discharged sometime in December last year. Phoenix: (It's already been half a year, huh...?) Hotti: Hmm, yes... So, how was I? I was a real help, wasn't I? Hmm, yes... Phoenix: Y-Yes... Thank you very much. Hotti: Hmm, yes... Well, then, I'll be getting back to my room then. Tell Miss Ini I said hi, OK? Hmm, yes... Phoenix: (It's time for me to leave too, hmm, yes... Ack! OK, it's definitely time to leave!) June 21 Kurain Village Lotta: Hey! So how was it!? Didja go to the clinic? Phoenix: Yeah... I found out a few things... I guess... Lotta: ...What's the matter? Ya ain't lookin' so well. Ah, yeah. So earlier, that ol' granny called the cops. Phoenix: ...Huh? The cops? Why would Morgan call the police? Lotta: She said she had "somethin' to tell 'em". Things are sure gettin' interestin'. June 21 Fey Manor Winding Way Ini: Hey! Like, I haven't seen you in a while... Phoenix: Yeah. (I think I have enough to finally unlock her secret...) Ini: ...Like, what's with that scary look on your face...? June 21 Kurain Village Phoenix: ...? Looks like something's up... Pearl: S-Stop... Stop! Leave my mother alone! Gumshoe: O-Ow! H-Hey, hold on, OK, pal!? I'm not gonna hurt... Morgan: Pearl, dear. It is perfectly alright. I will be out for a short while with this young man. Pearl: Mother! Please, let me go too! Morgan: No, you must stay here and protect the manor. Pearl: But... Gumshoe: Aww, don't make that face. Hey, I'll tell you what! I'll show you something cool. Here, look! It's a real pistol... Morgan: Detective! Do not upset me further! Gumshoe: Ah... Sorry... Phoenix: (...Poor Gumshoe... Being dragged off by the ear like that by Morgan... Owww...) Pearl: Mother... June 21, 6:38 PM Detention Center Visitor's Room Mia: You kept me waiting, Phoenix. Phoenix: Mia! Mia: So, how are the preparations? Phoenix: I think I have enough evidence and information now... I think... Mia: Everything will be on your shoulders tomorrow. Whether Maya is found guilty or innocent... It's a heavy weight to bear. Phoenix: (Hmm... If memory serves... Mia had a few Psyche-Locks of her own...) Phoenix: Mia. I'm going to get the last piece of information I need. Mia: Sure. I welcome you to try. Mia: Now then... Looks like we've gathered everything we could. All we have to do is win tomorrow! Everything will become apparent then. Phoenix: R-Right, Chief! We won't lose! To be continued. June 22, 9:51 AM District Court Defendant Lobby No. 3 Maya: Um... Nick... Phoenix: Yeah? Maya: Did you know that Von Karma's daughter is only 18... Just like me...? Phoenix: Um, yeah. ...Why? Maya: I was just thinking about how strong she is... I mean, she's been in Germany all this time all by herself, and she's so grown up! Phoenix: ...Yeah, and I'm sure she felt a lot of pressure from her father's reputation. Maya: ...And then you look at me, and, well... I'm the daughter of the Master, but I'm still just a little girl. And on top of that, I'm the suspect in a murder trial. Phoenix: (Um... But I think you're really strong too, Maya, for all you've gone through...) Pearl: Good morning! The two of you look like you're doing well today. I'm happy for you! Maya: Hey! Morning, Pearly! Pearl: You'll be safe today, Mystic Maya! Maya: Huh? What do you mean? Pearl: My mother is coming today to show her support! Maya: Y-Yeah... Yeah! That's right, Pearly! Phoenix: Hey, Pearls... Pearl: ...? Yes, Mr. Nick? Phoenix: Um, do you think you could do me a big favor? Could you channel Mia today too? Pearl: Huh? ...I was sort of hoping to sit in the audience today and watch... Phoenix: ...Please. It's very important to me. I don't feel confident enough without her help... Pearl: Mr. Nick! That's enough! You can't show weakness in front of the person you love! Maya: P-Pearly! N-Not this again... Phoenix: Please, can you do this for us, Pearls? Pearl: Um... Alright. I'll do it. I'll do it for Mystic Maya's sake. See you later, then! I'll leave you two to your alone time! Phoenix: ...Phew, thank goodness. Maya: Nick? Phoenix: This way, Pearls won't be able to see today's trial... Maya: ...Wh-What do you mean...? What's going on...? June 22, 10:00 AM District Court Courtroom No. 2 Judge: Court is now in session for the trial of Maya Fey. Phoenix: The defense is ready, Your Honor. von Karma: Let's start already. Mr. Phoenix Wright. I look forward to tonight's news with great joy. The image of your defeated face will be transmitted all over the world! Mia: All over the world, huh? Sounds like you've made quite a name for yourself, Phoenix. von Karma: Don't be foolish, you foolish fool wearing the foolishly foolish clothes. The famous one is me! I'm the prodigy who has never lost a case since becoming a prosecutor five years ago. Naturally, the world's eyes are on me, as I conduct my first trial in this country! Mia: Uh, huh... That's nice, Ms. von Karma. von Karma: Hmph. Glad to see you're in such good "spirits" today, Ms. Fey. Phoenix: (Uhh... It's true what they say... Women really are scary when they fight... *gulp*) Judge: Now then. A very interesting theory was presented during yesterday's session. von Karma: That the defendant could have left the Channeling Chamber, correct? Judge: Yes. And this key is proof of that. This key, the only key to the Channeling Chamber, was not where it should have been. von Karma: Your Honor, I would like to say one thing before we begin. Judge: A-Alright... Let's hear it. von Karma: The prosecution has determined that from the time of the murder to the time of arrest, the defendant did indeed leave the room at one point. Phoenix: Wh-What!? Judge: But... Ms. von Karma! Then... How do you explain this picture? Are you saying then, that the person in this picture is not the defendant...? von Karma: I never said that wasn't the defendant. Judge: Th-Then what is the meaning of this...? von Karma: All I am saying is that Maya Fey, after killing the victim, exited the room. And I believe that is when she dropped this key. Judge: Can you substantiate your claim? von Karma: Isn't that what I'm here for? The prosecution would like to call the defendant's aunt, Morgan Fey, to the stand. Mia: ...Just as I suspected. Aunt Morgan... Phoenix: (Poor Mia... She seems really torn by this...) von Karma: Witness. Name and occupation. Morgan: My name is Morgan Fey, and I am a spirit medium, in a manner of speaking... Judge: I'm sorry, but what do you mean, "in a manner of speaking"...? Aaah! von Karma: I don't think anyone really cares. Now then, after the murder took place, you kept watch over the defendant, correct? Morgan: Yes, that is correct. I performed the Spirit Severing Technique on Mystic Maya then. Judge: S-Spirit Severing Technique? Morgan: A technique to remove a spirit from a body and send it back to the other world. That is... Judge: Yes...? That is...? Mmfph! von Karma: You. Be quiet. Now, witness. Something happened while you were performing this technique, correct? Morgan: ...Yes, that is correct. Phoenix: Wh-What in the world could've...!? Morgan: Mystic Maya... She escaped from the room... Judge: Wh-What!? von Karma: And here we come to the heart of the matter. Maya Fey, while in a possessed state, managed to escape from the Channeling Chamber! Judge: Order! Order! Order! Ms. Fey! Please testify to this court what happened during that time! Morgan: Your Honor, I will try my best... Mia: I think someone just upped the ante on this trial... Witness Testimony -- Maya's Escape -- Morgan: After we heard the gunshots, those two broke the door open and entered the Chamber. I requested that Mr. Wright and the other lady please contact the police. A pistol was hanging from Mystic Maya's hand and she was in a daze... Then, quite suddenly, she thrusted me away from herself and escaped from the room. With great strength, she hit the base of my neck and I fainted for a short while... I'm afraid I have no knowledge of where she went after that. Phoenix: Why have you hidden this until now!? Morgan: I... I did not wish to cause more trouble for Mystic Maya. However... I must correct falsities when they arise. von Karma: That's right. She is simply correcting a falsity, Mr. Phoenix Wright. Phoenix: (Why is she making it a point to take a stab at me... Never mind.) Judge: Mr. Wright, your cross-examination, please. Mia: My aunt is a very smart and sly person. It's going to be hard for us to find a crack in her testimony... Cross-Examination -- Maya's Escape -- Morgan: After we heard the gunshots, those two broke the door open and entered the Chamber. Morgan: I requested that Mr. Wright and the other lady please contact the police. Morgan: A pistol was hanging from Mystic Maya's hand and she was in a daze... Morgan: Then, quite suddenly, she thrusted me away from herself and escaped from the room. Morgan: With great strength, she hit the base of my neck and I fainted for a short while... Morgan: I'm afraid I have no knowledge of where she went after that. Mia: I can't see a crack in her testimony... Phoenix: Wh-What should we do...? Mia: For now, we should try and get more information out of her. After we get more information from her we may be able to use it later to our advantage. Judge: That's enough! From what I can tell, there is nothing wrong with this witness' testimony. And from what she has said, we can establish that Maya Fey did leave the Chamber. Phoenix: (Hmm... I hope this isn't going to come back and bite us in the butt...) von Karma: Now, let's take the next logical step and ask, "Where did the defendant go after leaving the Channeling Chamber?" Judge: Yes, yes... That is exactly what we should b-- Eeek! von Karma: Be quiet, you! Now then, what the escapee had done was she had gone to speak with a certain person! Phoenix: She... She went to speak with someone!? Judge: Wh-Who was it!? von Karma: The prosecution calls Ms. Ini Miney, who was sleeping in the Side Room at the time. Phoenix: I-Ini Miney...? Mia: I think you can see where this is headed... von Karma: Witness. Name and occupation. Ini: Um... OK, so my name is, like, Ini Miney. I'm, like, researching, like, parapsychology stuff at the, um, university. Judge: What is this "parapsychology"? Ini: Um... Let's see... It's, like, I guess, most people call it "occult stuff". Judge: Even if that's what most people call it, I can't say I understand what that means... von Karma: Then I suggest you go home and research it yourself. Judge: Yes, sir. von Karma: Now then, Ms. Miney, after the murder took place, you spoke with the defendant, Maya Fey. Is this correct? Ini: Um... Well... Hmm... Like, I guess... von Karma: If that's the case, then let's hear your testimony. That IS alright, isn't it, Your Honor? Judge: Yes, sir. Phoenix: (For the love of all things good, Your Honor, have some spine... For my sake...) Witness Testimony -- After the Murder -- Ini: Like, when the channeling started, I was, like, sleeping in the Side Room. Like, a little later, someone came into the room, like, really suddenly. It was, like, oh my gawd, totally my sister! I, like, hadn't seen her in like, so long... I was so happy in, like, a sad way... My sister... She, like, told me something, like, totally terrible. Judge: Now hold your horses, young lady! You're saying the person that entered was your sister!? Don't you mean the defendant, Maya Fey...? von Karma: Really, now... Your Honor. Maya Fey was still in the middle of channeling at that time. Judge: A-Are you saying that the spirit was the spirit of this witness' sister!? von Karma: Yes, Mimi Miney. She was a nurse at Dr. Grey's clinic. Judge: Oh... W-Well... This is... von Karma: Witness. Ini: Like, yeah? von Karma: In your testimony, you mentioned a "terrible" thing. Why don't you tell the court what this terrible thing was? I'm sure we'd love to hear about it. Ini: ...Um, like... Do I totally, like, really have to? von Karma: Of course. Judge: Ms. Miney... please. Ini: ... My sister... Like, this is what she said to me. That was... no accident... I was drugged... with sleeping pills... I was murdered... by that person... That's why... I took... my revenge... It's only fair... Isn't it... ...Ini? Judge: She "took her revenge?" Are you sure that's what she said? Ini: Y-Yes... von Karma: There, are you satisfied, Your Honor? Judge: ...I still can't believe it. I can't believe that a spirit would go so far as to use a medium to get revenge... von Karma: It is a bit hard to swallow, however, all the evidence and testimonies point to this as the truth! ...The end. Judge: ...What do you think, Mr. Wright? It certainly seems like all the loose ends are accounted for... Phoenix: (This... This testimony just now... Was it all made up? Was it just one huge lie...?) Mia: Of course it was, Phoenix. Phoenix: ...Mia! What do you mean? Mia: It's well constructed... but that's all it is. But even the most well-spun lies can be undone. We can do it, Phoenix. Let's find that one loose thread and unwind this tapestry of lies. Phoenix: Your Honor! There is room for doubt, so the defense will cross-examine this witness. We believe that our cross-examination will reveal the real truth behind this murder! von Karma: Yet again the foolish fool spouts out more foolishly foolish drabble... I wonder if you'll make this one more entertaining than the last... Cross-Examination -- After the Murder -- Ini: Like, when the channeling started, I was, like, sleeping in the Side Room. Ini: Like, a little later, someone came into the room, like, really suddenly. Ini: It was, like, oh my gawd, totally my sister! Ini: I, like, hadn't seen her in, like, so long... I was so happy in, like, a sad way... Ini: I wasn't, like, scared at all. And, like, her costume looked totally, like, normal. Ini: My sister... She, like, told me something, like, totally terrible. Phoenix: (I know there has to be something here I can use... But where!?) Mia: She really put a lot of thought into this lie, didn't she? We can't rush this. Let's take it slowly, one step at a time. She's bound to slip up somewhere. Don't give up. But don't get careless, OK? Remember, calm and collected. Phoenix: That was a very well-spun lie, Ms. Ini. Ini: ...! von Karma: Wh-What are you babbling about this time, Mr. Phoenix Wright!? Phoenix: It's well constructed... but that's all it is. Mia: Stealing MY lines now, are we, Phoenix? Phoenix: Ms. Miney, may I remind you of what you said? You said that there was nothing strange about your sister's appearance. Ini: L-Like, yeah... And...? Phoenix: But I don't really think you thought that at all. Take a look at this picture. This is a picture of the "sister" you met. I would think that even you would be surprised if someone like this appeared before you. von Karma: ... The blood spray... Phoenix: Ms. Miney! Why did you not include the blood you saw in your testimony!? If you were really testifying, and not lying, you would have noted it right off the bat! Ini: Ummm...! Judge: Order! Order! Ms. Miney! What is the meaning of this!? Ini: ... Judge: ...Ms. Miney? Ini: I'm thinking! Don't interrupt me! Judge: ...Um, that... Eep! von Karma: And what are you stammering about, Your Honor...? Judge: Um, uh... Well... I... I uhh... Mia: That witness... Her personality did a complete 180 there. Phoenix: Lots of people do that when they get on the stand, though. Mia: ... von Karma: First of all, calm yourself down, witness. Ini: ... Like, I'm sorry. I, like, didn't mean to snap... von Karma: Now, hurry up with the testimony. Judge: I-If you please... Phoenix: (Ugh... The judge still looks a little shaken up... A lot of help he's going to be...) Witness Testimony -- After the Murder, Pt.2 -- Ini: Like, the Side Room was, like, kinda dark, you know? So like, the costume is, like, purple, right? The blood totally blended right in. And I, like, persuaded my sister it wasn't, like, right to do something like that. And then... like, I took my sister to the Channeling Chamber. Judge: Hmm... Yes, now I see. And you have given us a clear reason for why you didn't notice the blood. Ini: You think? Like, thanks, gramps! Judge: Are you satisfied, Mr. Wright? Phoenix: ... Judge: Alright, I guess not... Very well. You may question the witness. Cross-Examination -- After the Murder, Pt.2 -- Ini: Like, the Side Room was, like, kinda dark, you know? Ini: So like, the costume is, like, purple, right? The blood totally blended right in. Ini: And I, like, persuaded my sister it wasn't, like, right to do something like that. Ini: And then... like, I took my sister to the Channeling Chamber. Ini: I, like, didn't see anyone on the way to, like, the Channeling Chamber. Phoenix: (No good. I can't find anything wrong...) Mia: Phoenix, the Judge believes this testimony. If you don't find some sort of hitch in her statement... Phoenix: He'll end the trial... I know... Mia: We have to give it another shot! It doesn't matter how many times we listen. We can't give up! Phoenix: I've finally found the fault, or I guess in your case, the "crack" in your perfect lie. Ini: ... Phoenix: Take a look at this urn. Ini: Like, urn...? Phoenix: There are cracks. Do you see them? Ini: S-So? Like, what does that prove? von Karma: File:Objection.gif von Karma: Who cares about some worn-out old urn!? Ini: Like, yeah. I already, like, said I didn't see, like, anyone on the way to the Channeling Chamber. I didn't, like, totally say anything about, like, an urn, did I? Phoenix: It looks like you still don't understand. I propose that if you had really been walking along the Winding Way at that time, there was no way you could not have seen this person! Phoenix: I'd like to introduce someone to you. This is Ms. Morgan Fey's daughter, Pearl Fey. Judge: Y-Yes...? And how is this child relevant...? Phoenix: It just so happens that at the time of the murder, Pearl was playing in the center garden. Judge: Oh... Phoenix: And she just happened to break this urn. Judge: Oh... OHHH! von Karma: W-Wait! She... broke the urn...? Phoenix: Yup. She accidentally knocked it over with her ball! Ini: Nnaaawrr! Phoenix: And Pearl was the one who put it back together... ...while sitting right in the middle of the Winding Way! Ini: WH-WHAAAAAAAAAAAAAT!? Phoenix: Ms. Miney. Ini: ...! Phoenix: Pearl was there, in the Winding Way at that time. She was hard at work, putting the pieces of the urn back together, you see. If you couldn't see that while you were walking, I'd have to declare you legally blind! Ini: G...Grrrrr... Phoenix: I think I have sufficiently proven one thing, Ms. Miney. You are a masterful liar! Ini: Arghnnn! Judge: Mr. Wright! You need to watch what you say! Phoenix: The one who needs to watch what she's saying is the witness! So, Ms. Miney! Tell us the truth! Ini: A-About what!? Phoenix: About what!? About where you really were at the time of the murder, of course! von Karma: File:Objection.gif von Karma: The witness just testified about that! Ini: Th-That's right! I was, like, sleeping in the Side Room... Phoenix: (...Can I really believe her? Was she really sleeping in the Side Room...!?) Phoenix: Your lies end here! Ini: Wh-What do you!? Phoenix: The witness says that during the actual murder, she was asleep in the Side Room. And I say that's not possible, because there is clearly a contradiction here! Judge: A contradiction...!? Where is this contradiction!? Phoenix: Earlier in your testimony, Ms. Miney, you made the following statement. Ini: And, like, Ms. Morgan was the only one in the Channeling Chamber, you know? Phoenix: It's true that at the time, both myself and Ms. Hart were not there. We had gone to call the police. Ini: ...S-So? Like, what does that, like, have to do with anything!? Phoenix: It's very simple. Ms. Miney, how did you know that fact? Ini: ...H-How...? Phoenix: I concede that Ms. Fey was the only person in the Channeling Chamber. However, someone who was "asleep" in the Side Room could not have known that! Ini: ...! Phoenix: Which means, Ms. Miney! You did, in fact, go to the Channeling Chamber. However, you didn't go there by way of the Winding Way! Ini: Gwaaaaaaaaaaaa! Judge: B-But! Look at the manor guidemap! If one were to go between the Side Room and the Channeling Chamber, one would have to use the Winding Way! Phoenix: Yes, that's right, Your Honor. Which is why... Which is why I ask this very important question! Where was the witness at the time of the murder!? Ini: ...Umm... Urrrr... Phoenix: Ms. Miney! Please answer the question! von Karma: File:Objection.gif von Karma: ... Don't ask a question off of a baseless assumption, if you please... Phoenix: ...! von Karma: Well, I suppose since you've put it out on the table, Mr. Phoenix Wright... you might as well answer the question for us! "Where was the witness at the time of the murder!?" Mia: Now's your chance, Phoenix. Phoenix: Yeah! Mia: The only person who could have killed Dr. Grey was Ini Miney! So now is the time to prove it! Judge: Now, then, Mr. Wright. Let's hear your answer. Where was the witness when the murder took place...? Phoenix: Ms. Miney was here, of course! Judge: Wha... But... But that's... the Channeling Chamber... von Karma: Isn't that the crime scene!? Phoenix: That's right! Ms. Miney was at the scene of the crime! Judge: Order! Order! Order! ...That's... Why, that is... Judge: Uwaah! von Karma: Mr. Phoenix Wright! Have you lost your mind!? Yesterday's testimony established that only the victim and the defendant were in the Chamber when the channeling started! Judge: Yes! Yes, that is correct! Please, explain yourself, Mr. Wright! Phoenix: Simple. Ms. Ini Miney was hiding at the scene of the crime. Ini: I... I was hiding!? Where!? Like, where was I hiding!? Phoenix: Here, of course. Judge: B-Behind the folding screen? Aah! von Karma: Don't make me say this again! Recall yesterday's testimony! Lotta: There ain't no way anyone was hangin' out behind that foldin' screen! Ini: See! You stupid jerk! Quit being so quick to pin it on me, slimeball! Judge: ...N-Now, now... Ms. Miney... One so young as you shouldn't be saying... Ini: Shut it, gramps. As if you know exactly how old I am! Judge: I-I'm sorry! Phoenix: (Looks like the pipe's about to burst... Guess I should help it along...) The witness was hiding behind the folding screen... With the help of this! Phoenix: Ms. Miney! How you were able to hide at the scene of the crime is very simple! You were hiding inside this box! Ini: Aaah! Th-Th-That tiny little box!? No person could fit in that! Phoenix: Sorry, but your theory has already been disproved. (Lotta disproved you when she was hiding from me in it.) Ini: Umm...! von Karma: File:Objection.gif von Karma: But that clothing box was in the Side Room, right!? Which means it has nothing to do with the murder at all! Ini: Th-That's right! I was sleeping there, so I should know! That clothing box was there in the Side Room, the whole time! Judge: Hmm... Mr. Wright. Do you think you can prove where the clothing box was at the time of the crime? Phoenix: And now, I present the piece of evidence that will prove this clothing box was at the scene of the crime when the murder took place! Phoenix: Take a look at this clothing box. Ini: You're soooo stupid. As if there's any sort of evidence in that old thing. Judge: ...! Th-This... What on earth...!? Mfph! von Karma: I don't have time for you to sit there surprised. Hurry up and say it already! Judge: Th-There's a hole! About 8 inches off the ground! Phoenix: Hmm, a hole about 8 inches off the ground. Where have we heard that before...? von Karma: ...The folding screen... It had a hole at the same height... Phoenix: That's right! I hope this has opened your eyes to what happened! At the time of the shooting, the clothing box was sitting behind the folding screen. Which is why the bullet from the pistol hit both the box and the folding screen! It went through the screen, and then into the box. Ini: ...Nnngh...! Phoenix: Ms. Miney! You were hiding behind the folding screen, waiting for your chance! Yes, for your chance to kill Dr. Grey! Ini: Aaaaaaaaaaaaah! Judge: Order! Order! ...So what you are saying von Karma: File:Objection.gif von Karma: Th-Then... Mr. Phoenix Wright! What about this picture!? Are you saying that the person in this photo... is Ms. Ini Miney!? Phoenix: That is exactly what I am saying! Ms. Ini Miney! You were hiding inside this clothing box all along! And you wore a medium's costume to masquerade as Maya Fey! Judge: T-To masquerade as Maya Fey!? Phoenix: She had it planned from the very beginning! She would kill Dr. Grey, and pin the blame on my client! Ini: ...N...No... S-Stop... von Karma: ...I can't stand to listen to any more of this foolishness! If that's the case, Mr. Phoenix Wright, then I have a proposition! This whole idea that the witness moved the clothing box to the crime scene, pretended to be the defendant, killed the victim, and then fled the scene of the crime; It's not possible for one person to do all that by herself! Phoenix: It really is impossible. For one person to do all the preparations, that is. Owww! von Karma: Need I remind you!? The foolish receive no mercy... Phoenix: W-Wait! Ms. von Karma... You said it was not possible for "one person", correct? von Karma: Wh--! Y-You can't be serious... Ini: ...*huff*...*huff*... Phoenix: Ms. Miney! You had an accomplice! Ini: ...Grr... This person...! Phoenix: If it wasn't someone from Kurain Village, you couldn't have gotten the costume. And if it wasn't someone from the Fey household, you wouldn't have that box to use. von Karma: Morgan... Fey! Judge: Isn't that the wonderful lady witness we had earlier!? Phoenix: What do you have to say to this, Ms. Miney!? Ini: ...Grrr... Grrrrrrrrrrr... Phoenix: You shot Dr. Grey with your own two hands! Do you deny it!? Ini: Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah! Phoenix: I think this is what really happened. The murderer had planted herself at the scene of the crime long beforehand. Dressed in a medium's costume and wearing a wig, she pretended to be the defendant. And then, the channeling started. The murderer crept silently towards the other two, both of whom had their eyes closed. ...First, she drugged Maya Fey with a strong sleeping agent. Then, she stabbed Dr. Grey with the knife! Next, she hid my client inside the clothing box... She did that so she could take Maya's place and frame her for the crime. Mia: ...But that's when something unexpected happened. Judge: Unexpected...? Phoenix: Yes. *bang!* Phoenix: Dr. Grey was actually not yet dead! With the last of his strength, he fired a shot at his attacker! And that is why the hole in the folding screen was so low to the ground! The murderer then took the gun from Dr. Grey, and... *bang!* Judge: After that, you and the other lady thought to break into the room...? Phoenix: Yes, a gunshot is certainly something you wouldn't expect to hear. Which is why, upon hearing the shots, we forced our way into the Channeling Chamber. *klik!* Phoenix: Ms. Miney... She immediately covered her own costume with blood... *klik!* Phoenix: And pretended to be Maya Fey. von Karma: B-But! That sort of deception would have been easy to see through! Phoenix: Which is precisely why Ms. Morgan Fey chased us out. Morgan: Please leave this area to me. Go quickly and inform the police! Hurry! Before there are more victims here! Judge: Wh-What is one supposed to say...? Phoenix: This is the real truth behind this murder. ...Ha... ...Ahahahaha... Judge: Wh-Who is that!? Laughing at a time like this...!? Judge: Ack! von Karma: Oh, you simpleminded fools. I'm sorry, are you still by chance, evolving? Phoenix: Wh-What is it this time...? Judge: M-Ms. von Karma... Surely... von Karma: Of course it was me! Do you really think someone of Von Karma blood would lose due to something this petty? Phoenix: WHAT IN THE WORLD!? von Karma: Mr. Phoenix Wright! Your argument is flawed in one very crucial area! Phoenix: And that is...? von Karma: If this witness is the real murderer... why would she go through all this trouble? Phoenix: ...Huh? von Karma: Working together with a medium, pretending to be one, putting on this whole act... What reason would she have to do such foolish things? Phoenix: Eh? Well, that's... Uh... Ini: Yeah, that's right! That's exactly what I was gonna say! von Karma: Oh, and one other thing. Why would Ms. Ini Miney want to kill Dr. Grey? Where is her motive? Ini: Yeah! That's exactly what I wanted to say too! Yeah! Motive! I don't have a motive! Phoenix: A... motive... That's... (I can't say she has no motive here! I have to think of a motive now! What is her reason for wanting Dr. Grey dead...?) The reason you wanted Dr. Grey dead is this! Ini: ...Hah! Just as I thought. You bore me with your silly answers, Phoenix Wright! Phoenix: (Just great. Now even SHE is calling me by my full name...) Ini: You think I did this to get revenge for my sister's death? Phoenix: Yes! Because through that accident, you suffered a lot of hurt and pain yourself! Ini: Don't be stupid! No one has proof that Dr. Grey drugged my sister, right? And you want to say I wanted to take revenge based on nothing? Judge: Wh-What do you mean by that...? Ini: Senile, stupid gramps. ... I'm, like, going to explain, so, like, please listen, OK? It's been over half a year since I was discharged from the hospital. If I, like, wanted revenge, then, like, I wouldn't have waited this long. Um, and 'sides, like, the guy that thought of the spirit thing, was, like, Dr. Grey. It was, like, a total coincidence he asked me about it, you know? Phoenix: (She... She's back to her airhead self...!) H-However, you see-- Eeeowch! von Karma: Pathetic, Mr. Phoenix Wright. You failed to support your own theory. ...The end. Judge: I think we have our answer, Mr. Phoenix Wright. What Ms. Miney has stated is very true. The revenge plan is overly complicated, and she has no motive in the first place. Furthermore, there is no reason for Ms. Morgan Fey to cooperate with this plan. You don't even have any truly decisive pieces of evidence to demonstrate your point. von Karma: Tsk, tsk. So many faults, Mr. Phoenix Wright. You should really learn your place. Phoenix: Nnghuuurk! (Wh-What happened!? I thought I had her for sure!...) Ini: Hee hee... See, like, that's what I, like, told you! Phoenix: ...? Ini: I'm going to serve you a slice of humble pie! Judge: Very well, I now conclude the cross-examination of Ms. Ini Miney! ???: File:Holdit.gif Mia: Your Honor. Please, allow the defense one more minute. Judge: Alright. Mia: You can't lose here. Have faith in yourself, Phoenix! Phoenix: Mia... Mia: Yes, it does sound like a ridiculously messed up plan for a murder, but you know, regardless, that girl trained for this crime. Phoenix: ...R-Really? Mia: ... Listen, Phoenix. Everything happens for a reason. There is a reason for why she had to kill Dr. Grey. And it is also the reason she had no choice but to kill him in this fashion. Judge: Time is up, Mr. Wright. Your final answer, please. If you want to say that you can prove Ms. Miney had a motive, then... why did she kill the victim in this way? Can you provide the reason? Phoenix: (...Can I... Can I really do this...?) Phoenix: (I am not totally confident here, but I know that I must press on no matter what...) Mia: That's right, Phoenix! Only you can do this now! Phoenix: I will show and substantiate the fact that Ms. Miney had a motive! Ini: Ha ha ha. Too bad. You're too late! My cross-examination has already ended, after all. Eeek! von Karma: ...Interesting. I'll let you have your chance, Mr. Phoenix Wright. Ini: Wh-What!? Y-You're supposed to be on my side! Aiiiii! von Karma: A Von Karma only cares about the perfect win. As long as you have the will to fight, I will knock you down, Mr. Phoenix Wright! Phoenix: ... von Karma: And I don't care if you are my witness! So help me, I will blow you out of my way! Ini: N-No way... Judge: Very well. The court will take a 5 minute recess. We will continue the cross-examination after we reconvene. Ini: H-Hey! W-Wait a sec, here! To be continued. June 22, 12:04 PM District Court Defendant Lobby No. 3 Maya: ...Is it really true... about my aunt...? Phoenix: I'm afraid so, Maya. There is no way Ini could've killed Dr. Grey by herself. And under the circumstances, there's no one else other than your aunt, Morgan. Maya: That... That's terrible... Why? Why would my aunt...? Everything is going just as I predicted, Mr. Phoenix Wright. Phoenix: Ack! Ms. von Karma! Maya: Why are you doing this!? Why are you trying to take revenge on Nick!? Nick had nothing to do with what happened to your dad. von Karma: Don't you have something better to be worrying about? Say, your own situation? Maya: Ugnn... ...Looking down on me, even though we're the same age... Phoenix: Are you done yet? You've cause [sic] me enough pain and suffering. von Karma: Not yet. My goal is to defeat you, and let the whole world know of your defeat. Phoenix: ...But even if you do that, it won't bring your father back... von Karma: ... Hmph. ...Whatever. In the meantime, let's bring this match to its conclusion. And then we'll know who the real winner is. June 22, 12:10 PM District Court Courtroom No. 2 Judge: Court will now reconvene. Mr. Wright. Phoenix: Yes, Your Honor? Judge: Can you prove Ms. Ini Miney had a motive? Phoenix: Yes, I believe I can. (Ini Miney and Dr. Grey have only one point of connection. And that is the car accident one year ago. The motive I'm looking for must be there...) Ms. Miney. Please testify to this court about your car accident last year. Ini: Huh? I thought, like, you wanted to, like, ask about my, like, motive. I, like, don't see the point in, like, bringing up the past. Judge: Ms. Miney, if you please. Ini: ...OK, OK. Like, I totally don't think it'll do any good, but... Witness Testimony -- Last Year's Accident -- Ini: That was... like, last year, in May. Like, something really bad had happened at, like, my sister's clinic around then... And like, the night of the accident, my sis was totally tired while she was driving. I was, like, totally pooped too, so I, like, fell asleep in the passenger's seat... I, like, woke up 'cause of a jolt, and, like, it was a sea of flames around me. I, like, opened the door and, like, got away. Judge: Hmm... I think I've heard of this incident. Phoenix: It was all the talk on the tabloid shows, day after day, last year. Judge: Yes, and there was talk about Dr. Grey... drugging your sister...? Gwuugh! von Karma: Those were merely "rumors". ...Totally baseless gossip. Judge: Hmm, yes... Mr. Wright, you may question the witness. Mia: Right now, it's impossible to prove that Dr. Grey did in fact drug Ms. Miney's sister. Phoenix: Yeah... Which means I'll have to work this from another angle. Cross-Examination -- Last Year's Accident -- Ini: That was... like, last year, in May. Ini: Like, something really bad had happened at, like, my sister's clinic around then... Ini: And like, the night of the accident, my sis was totally tired while she was driving. Ini: I was, like, totally pooped too, so I, like, fell asleep in the passenger's seat... Ini: I, like, woke up 'cause of a jolt, and, like, it was a sea of flames around me. Ini: I, like, opened the door and, like, got away. Ini: I, like, didn't have my license, so, like, I couldn't take over driving for her. Phoenix: (There's got to be some sort of secret sleeping in this testimony...) Mia: Yes, so let's find that one crushing contradiction and end this! Phoenix: Ms. Miney. That was a lame lie just now. Ini: Like, what do you mean? Phoenix: I know you had a license back then! This is a photo you took for the express purpose of getting a driver's license! Ini: Umm... Judge: What is the meaning of this, Ms. Miney!? Ini: Ah, um... Uh... That's... That's right! Y-Yeah, I had, like, a license... But... ... But I didn't get it until after the accident! Phoenix: No, you had it. You had it at the time of the accident! Director Hotti... or the guy pretending to be him anyway, said so! Ini: What, are you talking about that perverted fake clinic director? Phoenix: Yes, that perverted fake clinic director. And how did you know he was perverted. Eowch! von Karma: No one cares. Witness. When did you receive your driver's license? Ini: Like, last November. Phoenix: What? N-N-November...? von Karma: The accident happened last May. That's a half year lapse in time, Mr. Phoenix Wright. Phoenix: Wh-Wh-Wh-Wh-What in the!? Judge: Th-Th-Th-Th-That's what happened, Mr. Wright! At the time of the accident, Ms. Miney did not have a driver's license. Phoenix: Uuuuurk... OW! von Karma: Cry, and my whip will accommodate. Judge: Anyway, without a license, the witness and her sister could not have switched drivers. Ini: I'm, like, glad you get it, but... like, even if I had my license, I, like, don't think my sis woulda, like, let me drive. Phoenix: (...Hmm...) Yeow! Mia: Don't just stand there "hmm"-ing to yourself! Phoenix: Not you too, Mia! With the whip... And the pain... And the oww... Mia: Ms. Miney! Why do you think you would not have been allowed to drive anyway? Ini: Eh? Um... That's because... Judge: I think this situation calls for a more detailed testimony. Ms. Miney, if you please. Ini: Eh? Like, how annoying. Oops, like, sorry. Didn't mean to be mean... Witness Testimony -- I Wouldn't Be Allowed -- Ini: Like, around that time, I was, like, really close to getting my license. My sis was, like, this totally big fan of cars and, like, really valued them. She, like, had just gotten this really shiny, bright red sports car. She, like, would say things like, "No way am I letting a newb drive my car!" So, like, that's why I ended up in the passenger's seat that night too. Judge: Hmm... I see... A bright red car for sports... Now then, the defense may question the witness. Phoenix: (Hmm... I'm not terribly knowledgeable about cars, but...) Cross-Examination -- I Wouldn't Be Allowed -- Ini: Like, around that time, I was, like, really close to getting my license. Ini: My sis was, like, this totally big fan of cars and, like, really valued them. Ini: She, like, had just gotten this really shiny, bright red sports car. Ini: My sis' new car was, like, a totally special model from England. Ini: She, like, would say things like, "No way am I letting a newb drive my car!" Ini: So, like, that's why I ended up in the passenger's seat that night too. Mia: There is something very big here. It's going to be hard to break apart such a natural-sounding testimony. But we have to attack it. And by doing so, a flaw will show itself. It has to. Phoenix: D-Do you really think so? Mia: Believe. There is a path, I know it. Phoenix: (Hmm... Mia almost sounded like a prophet for a second there...) Phoenix: Ms. Miney. Do you remember this article? Ini: ...? Phoenix: It's an article about the accident. You had said this in it: "But I opened the right door, and, like, got out"... That's correct, isn't it? Ini: Like, why are you suddenly asking me about that...? Phoenix: Your Honor. Which side is the passenger's seat: the left or the right? Judge: Well, it's on the right side, of course, because the driver's on the left side. Phoenix: That would be if it were an American car. But it would be the opposite in a British car. Judge: Opposite...? Phoenix: The two of them were riding in a British car! In that case, the passenger side would be the left side! von Karma: Aaaaah! Judge: Wh-What do you mean by this!? Phoenix: Ms. Miney! You said that you had escaped using the right side door of the car! But if you were sitting there, then that means you were in the driver's seat! Ini: Aaaaaaaah! Judge: O-Order! Order in the court! Order! Ooooooooorder!! Order... Ack! von Karma: Mr. Phoenix Wright is blabbering nonsense again! Ini said the person who was driving was her older sister, Mimi Miney! Phoenix: That is what Ini said, yes But that is where her story falls apart. Somewhere, all of us made a big error in our assumptions! Mia: Phoenix. It looks like you've finally found the real root of this murder! Phoenix: If we connect all the dots, there can only be one answer! I'd like to ask the court a question. Ini or Mimi -- who was really driving that night? Phoenix: The answer is the one person who had her driver's license, Mimi Miney. After all, that makes her the only person who could legally drive! Judge: B-But, you just said... The witness, Ms. Ini Miney, was the one in the driver's seat! Phoenix: Which leads us to the next question... Ini: Th-The von Karma: Th-The next Judge: Th-The next question!? Phoenix: Who is the person standing on the witness stand right now? Ini: ... Uuughn! von Karma: What sort of idiotic ruse is this, Mr. Phoenix Wright!? Th-This witness' name... This witness' name is... Phoenix: I'll tell you what her name really is. This witness' real name is...! Phoenix: Mimi Miney. That is your real name. Ini: ... von Karma: File:Objection.gif von Karma: Of all the foolish dribble! Th-Then, how do you explain her appearance!? Phoenix: When she was admitted into the hospital, this witness was suffering severe facial burns. So for the purpose of facial reconstruction, they used a picture. von Karma: Facial reconstruction surgery!? Phoenix: This is the picture she gave to her doctors at the time. That's right! It's a picture of her younger sister! Ini: Nooooo! Judge: B-But... Mimi Miney... She died... In the car accident! Phoenix: That's what everyone thought. However, that was not the case. von Karma: Th-Then, the body they found at the crash site... Phoenix: That was the body of the real Ini Miney. Isn't that right... Ms. Mimi Miney!? ... ... Phoenix: (That car accident one year ago... The one who died that night was Ini Miney. Her sister, Mimi, then stole her face... And was reborn as Ini. With this, she effectively erased "Mimi Miney" from existence!) Mia: Your Honor. I'm sure you can now see why Mimi had to kill Dr. Grey. Judge: Wh-What do you mean? Aaah! von Karma: What is the meaning of this nonsense!? Phoenix: Dr. Grey wanted to call back the spirit of a dead person. Specifically, the spirit of his nurse that died in the crash, Mimi Miney. However, that would not have been possible! Because "Mimi Miney" was still, in fact, alive! And that fact would have been discovered had the channeling been conducted. So this witness had to stop that from happening... ...at all costs! von Karma: And... And... And that's why she had to kill Dr. Turner Grey? Is that what you're saying!? Phoenix: Yes. Before the channeling, Dr. Grey had the misfortune of consulting this witness about communicating with the dead. And in that moment, his fate was sealed! Judge: W-W... Well, Ms. Ini...? I mean, Ms. von Karma... Eek! von Karma: Why did you say MY name, just now!? ???: ... Looks like I've been unmasked. von Karma: W-Witness...? Mimi: That's right, I admit it. My real name is Mimi Miney. Phoenix: ...! Mimi: That quack doctor... He got what he deserved in the end. And I was so close to finally ditching "Mimi" too. So close... Judge: But... But why!? Why would you go so far to throw away your self...? To become your own sister!? Mimi: ... Phoenix: (I think I understand why... Mimi Miney wanted her self to disappear because of this...) Mimi: That jerk... If only he hadn't thought of that channeling mumbo-jumbo... Phoenix: ...Mumbo-jumbo? Mimi: Becoming Ini has been the most horrible experience in the world. Spirit channeling, the occult... I hate it! I hate it all! Judge: ...I believe there are still a few unsolved riddles here... Why did you set a murderous revenge plot into motion? And why did Ms. Morgan Fey agree to help you with the plan...? Regardless, I believe one thing has been made crystal clear. Phoenix: The innocence of the defendant, Maya Fey... von Karma: Th-This... This is preposterous! I... I'm perfect! Me... Franziska von Karma... Phoenix: I'm going to enjoy the news tonight, Ms. von Karma. How about you? It's going to be broadcast all over the world, right? Your defeat, that is... Yeow! Judge: Ohhh! Mimi: Aah! Phoenix: Owowowowwwowoowowowowwowwwowwowwwooowowwooowowowoowooowowowoowooww von Karma: And one more for good measure! Mia: Ph-Phoenix! Hang in there, Phoenix!! PHOENIX!!! von Karma: This court is a fraud! A sham! Judge: ...Now then, it looks like it will be some time before Mr. Wright regains consciousness... so I will go ahead and pronounce the verdict. Not Guilty Judge: That is all. This court is adjourned! June 22, 3:13 PM District Court Defendant Lobby No. 3 Mia: Congratulations, Maya. Maya: S-Sis! Mia: It's good to see you, Maya... How are you doing? Maya: Sis! Sis... I-I didn't kill anyone, did I? Mia: No, you didn't. It was all just a dream... A really bad dream. Maya: You know, sis... In my dream, I smelled a really familiar scent. Mia: A familiar scent...? Maya: I was inside that clothing box, right? That box... That was the box you used to store your clothes in a long time ago... Mia: That's right! Phoenix: Hmm... There is still one thing I don't quite get. Mia: What's that? Phoenix: What would've happened if Mimi hadn't shot Dr. Grey...? I mean, we broke in because we heard a gunshot. Mia: I think Mimi Miney had planned to open the door to the Chamber herself. And then, you and Lotta would have witnessed quite a scene; a "possessed" Maya Fey, who had just committed a murder. Phoenix: She had it planned down to the smallest detail, huh...? Maya: Nick! Phoenix: Congrats, Maya. Maya: Thanks! Looks like you bailed me out of another jam. Phoenix: Well... you know... Maya: But... I really don't want something like this to happen ever again. Phoenix: ...? Maya: I'm fine because I have you to help me out, Nick... But every time something happens, I lose someone special to me. First my sister... And now my aunt... Phoenix: ... Maya: Hey, Nick... Tell me... Tell me why my aunt went and did something so horrible? Why would she help Ms. Mimi with a plan like that...!? I just... I just don't understand it, Nick... Phoenix: Maya, it's over. Why don't we just let it be. Maya: Nick, please, I need an answer... Phoenix: (The reason Morgan helped Mimi with her plan was...) Date and time unknown Detention Center Solitary Confinement Cell 13 ...My... precious Pearl... You are the only one suitable to be the Master of Kurain, dear child. I sacrificed it all... All for you... I helped that brainless nurse carry out her murder, and cooperated with that whip-happy prosecutor... It was all to unseat that annoying, witless main family girl... That Maya Fey. ...But I shall be patient, my dearest Pearl... A chance will present itself... Your time will come... Episode 2: Reunion, and Turnabout THE END