Ryuusei Cartwight, also known as Charuske Ryuusei and as Robert Twain by adoption, is a Vesperian and the primary antagonist in the Devourer Saga, alongside The'Galin and Diviara Celegra. He first appeared in session XIV of the Epic on Caelestia.
Ryuusei Cartwight, also known as Charuske Ryuusei and as Robert Twain by adoption, is a Vesperian and the primary antagonist in the Devourer Saga, alongside The'Galin and Diviara Celegra. He first appeared in session XIV of the Epic on Caelestia.
Ryuusei Cartwight, also known as Charuske Ryuusei and as Robert Twain by adoption, is a Vesperian and the primary antagonist in the Devourer Saga, alongside The'Galin and Diviara Celegra. He first appeared in session XIV of the Epic on Caelestia.