| - Roughly twenty years ago, a half-orc by the name of Kilgore, did something that may very well shatter the fabric of society in the coming years. Kilgore was born in the slums of Quarn, but was able to earn himself a respectable position in the city watch. His heritage would never allow him to become commander, but his skill and intelligence let him rise up the ranks to become a captain. Besides any fighting skills, Kilgore also learned aspects of leadership and command. One late night while on duty, Kilgore saw one of his fellow half-orcs savagely beat a man to rob him. This got Kilgore thinking about Orcish society as a whole, and how it might become more civilized. The next day, Kilgore resigned his commission and left the city. As far as he knew, Kilgore's father was somewhere in the Windbreaker Mountains to the northwest of Quarn. As he got close to the mountains, a band of Orcs attacked. He defeated them soundly, but demanded to be brought to their clan leaders. Standing before the Cleric of Grumush and the ever viscous chieftain, Kilgore spoke. He did this to every clan he could find, and as time went, he sent out followers to others. After some time, many of the clans accepted Kilgore's ideas- that the Orcs could be civilized, and that they could be accepted into society as a whole. No longer would they have to raid and pillage to survive, they could trade and sell. The Kingdom of Bloody Axes was born. Some clans did not approve, but the combined force of Kilgore's people was enough to eliminate them. When other kingdoms and cities heard of this, they laughed, but kept an cautious eye out. Bloody Axes lasted until the death of Kilgore. It created no great works nor grew beyond it's original borders, but the idea of a unified Orcish kingdom still sits with many humanoids who have never really had a place in the world.