| - واجهة مستخدم لنظام جنو/لينكس وهي حديثة نوعاً ما بدأت في عام 1996 بواسطة مبرمج تايواني يعرف بـ PCMan .. تتميز واجهة LXDE بالخفة والسرعة ولكن نسبة استخدامها منخفضة نوعاً ما
- center|400px LXDE (Lightweight X11 Desktop Environment) 는 매우 가벼운 데스크톱 환경입니다.
- 250px|right LXDE (od Lightweight X11 Desktop Environment) – lekkie środowisko graficzne dla systemów z rodziny Unix. Dostarcza zestaw programów wystarczających do codziennego użytkowania komputera, tj.:
* pulpit;
* prosty odtwarzacz muzyki;
* konfigurowalny panel. LXDE nie posiada własnego menedżera okien, więc można użyć dowolnego (np. IceWM, XFWM4 dostarczany z Xfce). Kategoria:Środowiska graficzne
- LXDE (Lightweight X11 Desktop Environment) è un ambiente desktop alternativo per sistemi GNU/Linux. Il suo punto di forza è la leggerezza, quindi è adatto a computer più vecchi che supportano a fatica GNOME o KDE. Tuttavia non è affatto un ambiente scarno.
- LXDE is a free and open source desktop environment for Unix and other POSIX compliant platforms, such as Linux or BSD. The name LXDE stands for "Lightweight X11 Desktop Environment". LXDE is designed to work well with computers on the low end of the performance spectrum such as older resource-constrained machines, new generation netbooks, and other small computers. Testing has shown that LXDE has a small energy-efficiency advantage over other desktops, and consumes considerably less memory under certain typical workloads.
| - واجهة مستخدم لنظام جنو/لينكس وهي حديثة نوعاً ما بدأت في عام 1996 بواسطة مبرمج تايواني يعرف بـ PCMan .. تتميز واجهة LXDE بالخفة والسرعة ولكن نسبة استخدامها منخفضة نوعاً ما
- center|400px LXDE (Lightweight X11 Desktop Environment) 는 매우 가벼운 데스크톱 환경입니다.
- 250px|right LXDE (od Lightweight X11 Desktop Environment) – lekkie środowisko graficzne dla systemów z rodziny Unix. Dostarcza zestaw programów wystarczających do codziennego użytkowania komputera, tj.:
* pulpit;
* prosty odtwarzacz muzyki;
* konfigurowalny panel. LXDE nie posiada własnego menedżera okien, więc można użyć dowolnego (np. IceWM, XFWM4 dostarczany z Xfce). Kategoria:Środowiska graficzne
- LXDE (Lightweight X11 Desktop Environment) è un ambiente desktop alternativo per sistemi GNU/Linux. Il suo punto di forza è la leggerezza, quindi è adatto a computer più vecchi che supportano a fatica GNOME o KDE. Tuttavia non è affatto un ambiente scarno.
- LXDE is a free and open source desktop environment for Unix and other POSIX compliant platforms, such as Linux or BSD. The name LXDE stands for "Lightweight X11 Desktop Environment". LXDE is designed to work well with computers on the low end of the performance spectrum such as older resource-constrained machines, new generation netbooks, and other small computers. Testing has shown that LXDE has a small energy-efficiency advantage over other desktops, and consumes considerably less memory under certain typical workloads. LXDE can be built on top of various Linux distributions such as Mandriva, Ubuntu, Debian, and, more recently, Fedora and openSUSE; it is the native desktop environment of Knoppix, Lubuntu, U-lite, Peppermint OS, and several others.