- NOTE: Sand Golem is a recolored version of Ice Golem.
- Monster Rancher 2: It will not forgive anyone who breaks its quiet living.
- Sand Golem is an unnamed Sand Magic Spell.
- The Sand Golem is an enemy from Final Fantasy IX found in Cleyra's Trunk.
- The sand golem is an enemy found only in deserts. They are a unique ability that they can melt into the sand and move in it to avoid detection. Then when the player can't see them they jump out and hit the player hard.
- Sand Golems are golems made of sandstone. Unlike other Golems, these live only in the desert - as a result, they are very distant from other Golems, and have developed their own culture and way of life. Sand Golems have no attacks, and lumber around very slowly, so with a relatively large sword they will go down without a fight.
- Sand Golem is a silver-crown boss enemy in Fantasy Life.
- The first Sand Golems were encountered by the populace of Oberin early in the Year 435. These are non-hostile and live inside Nystral's Tower. There, they act as guardians, blocking access to the upper levels. Each of these golems will pose a riddle to adventurers wishing to explore the Tower. Those who answer the riddle will receive a portal key, allowing them to advance. File:Artificer and Saggy.png The Sand Golems are not so friendly at the second-to-last level of the Tower, which is aptly called the Golem Library. For years,tThis library was the only place where Sand Golems could be fough.