| - The episode starts at the Bibliocore where Korborn is watering some plants outside as he says I do hope things are going well for the Brawlers as then, a series of clocks and alarms sound off inside. He runs quickly inside and into a secret survelliance area where he sees the battle taking place in Earth’s orbit. He says I was afraid this might happen; I guess it’s time and boy have I wanted to do this as he presses some buttons. At the bottom of the Bibliocore, the rocks below start to crack and fall – revealing ancient looking like engines. Inside the Bibliocore, the treasures and books are sealed and locked tight to prevent their possible destruction as Korborn puts some weird glasses on and says next stop, the galaxy’s core as he operates a large gun from under the courtyard grounds that opens an oversized Dimensional Portal. He then punches it and says I certainly hope I can prepare for the worst as the Bibliocore flies right through through the portal to the galaxy's core to prepare for what is coming. The scene now shifts back to the afterlife as Zarodius is going over some data on the DarkGods and HighGods progression as Daedathron appears and says you are certainly working hard, my friend – you should rest for a bit. Zarodius says the last time I rested; I lost my authority and my pride – I have learned to always be on the lookout. Daedathron sighs and says very well and leaves. After he goes, Masquerade appears and says you really should take a break; you're making some mistakes. Zarodius says what do you mean as Masquerade points to a false number reading as Zarodius rubs his eyes and says I guess I did. He takes a seat and says I can't rest - the last time I did that; I lost everything. Masquerade says what do you mean as he takes a seat next to Zarodius. Zarodius says well, if you don't mind tall tales - I'll tell you as flashbacks begin. He tells the story of how his ancestors waged war on Neathians for many decades in search of the Perfect core and eventually, he was coronated as Emperor of his people. He was loved by all and feared by enemies for his successful battle strategies and fierce brawling skills. One day, he planned a double fake out strike that while his forces would keep the Neathians occupied, he would sneak into where the Perfect Core was and take it out single-handedly. However, when I arrived, I was blinded and changed after that. As soon as I was released from it's power, I ordered my forces to withdraw while I thought of what do to next. And that, was my greatest mistake. Masquerade then stops and says what do you mean greatest mistakes as Zarodius continues by saying during that time of rest, I thought about how the Perfect Core gave me clarity and I decided that I would attempt to form a peace treaty between our two planets but my son Barodius must have overheard. You see, he was zealous and driven by conquest so when he found out my plans, he gathered his most loyal subordinates, even my closest advisor Nurzak, and overthrew me. One night, the building I was in exploded and Barodius blamed it on the Neathians and you know the rest from stories. I died in the explosion and ended up here; it took a while for me to trust anybody here but when I met Daedathron and his BakuGods, I accepted them somewhat but I have decided to always be alert and not rest again. Bog Mahisas then comes out and says is there also a reason why you don't have a Bakugan partner anymore as Zarodius says the one who betrayed me the most was Dharak, Barodius's Guardian Bakugan who used to be mine and so, I don't feel I need a Bakugan partner anymore. Masquerade says that's not true; you should have a partner for companionship at least as Mahisas says that and so much more - I'm sure you'll change your mind. Zarodius says maybe I will, seeing how you, Zakaros and the rest of your friends have bonded with your partners but right now, I think I will stay the way I am as he looks over and sees the others playing around with their partners. Masquerade says all right then as he leaves with Mahisas while Zarodius sighs and goes back to work. Outside, Zakaros and DraThron are talking as Zakaros says so DraThron, how did you but DraThron is more interested in something flying above his head. Just then, DraThron shakes his head and says I'm sorry, I'm hoping once I gain more of my memories and power back - I can get rid of these childish tendencies. Gell says good, then DraThron and Gell can fight again as Zakaros says Gell, don't try to pick a fight but DraThron, how did you come to be created. DraThron says it began during the Great War of my time as flashbacks begin as he continues by saying I don't remeber which side I fought for but I know I was fighting the side that Kachia Gell was fighting for. I was created from the same people who created the original Mechtogan race but with the intention that over time, my programming would learn, adapt and over time, destroy Gell. Gell says Master, Gell knows DraThron speaks truth - every time Gell and DraThron fought, DraThron would always get better and better but Gell always superior. DraThron says it is true: I got better but I was never what they expected and when the War ended - I don't remember much of that. Zakaros says it's a nice story but we could really use your help in the coming battle; can you help us. DraThron says if these childish insinuations will cease soon, then all my functions and programming will be yours to command as Gell says Master, can Gell speak with you in private for a moment. Zakaros says okay Gell and turns to DraThron to say something but he sees DraThron has gone off to chase another bird flying nearby. Zakaros says okay Gell – we are alone; what did you want to talk about. Gell says Master, does Master remember DraThron says he was ordered to destroy Gell. Zakaros says yes as Gell says Master needs to know that if Gell fights alongside old rival, DraThron might turn on Gell and Master and might make both of us lose to our ultimate enemy. Zakaros says do you have a solution as Gell says Gell does but Gell must do it secretly as Gell says okay, as long as you don't hurt him. Gell says okay and flies off as a voice says you certainly have befriended him quite well. Zakaros turns and sees Wistorn nearby and goes over to talk with him while Gell flies over to Drathron rolling around like a puppy. Gell gets behind DraThron and says time for Gell to fix up old rival. Meanwhile, back at the main battle over Earth – Marucho and ANDRUS are fighting as ANDRUS says “Ability Activate – Mantis Blade!” as Clawbec slashes at Preyas. Clawbec says look, I'm being serious here - he's not himself; just give him a moment and I'm sure he'll be back to normal. Amazon then drops kicks Clawbec says ha, and how are we supposed to believe that considering that you're the one who really didn't like us and it was your Master that put me in a test tube. Marucho isn't saying anything but says "Ability Activate - Darkness Wave!" as Amazon creates a wave of water but embeds it with some of his Chaos energy power and makes it tower over Clawbec. Marucho then says calmly your turn Preyas as he says "Ability Activate - Rip Whirl!" as Preyas does some hand motions and makes the Darkness Wave into a whirlpool causing Clawbec to spin and drown a bit. Clawbec says while trying to grasp for air when I said to make it look good, I didn't mean this good as he says hey, parter - a little help. ANDRUS doesn't say anything but his chest starts reconfiguring and Marucho knows what's coming. Marucho says get ready - he's bringing out a BakuShifter as a cone shaped Bakugan comes out of his chest. ANDRUS grabs it, throws it up and says "Release - BakuShifter - Blazrill!" - revealing a humanoid Bakugan with drills covering his entire body. ANDRUS then says "Ability Activate - Screw Reversal!" as Blazrill turns into a giant drill head and goes right into the middle of the whirlpool and reversing it against Amazon and Preyas, getting them caught in it instead. Blazrill then transforms back as Clawbec says thanks as Blazrill turns to Clawbec and a message appears on his visor. Clawbec reads it and says okay to himself as ANDRUS says "Ability Activate - Scythe Decapitation!" as Clawbec raises his claws and fires whirling blades. Marucho then says Swiftstar, shield as Swiftstar's shield appears and blocks the attacks from htiting Preyas or Amazon. ANDRUS doesn't look fazed as he says "Ability Activate - Bit Blade Barrage!" as Blazrill fires all the drills on his body and they start spinning and they hit all over Amazon and Preyas, even drilling right thorugh Swiftstar's shield. Marucho says oh no, what do I do as he turns to ANDRUS and says I really thought we could be friends but I guess you made your choice. However, inside ANDRUS’s mind, ANDRUS is floating around as his body does actions that he isn’t doing on his own. ANDRUS heard what Marucho said and says fact: I did want to be friends. He then says while watching the rest of the fight statement: My creator didn’t answer me and neither did my Master – how interesting. He then turns to what appears to be a holographic control panel and says fact: I will take control back as he starts moving certain things into place which causes his mind to move and shift in various ways, unlocking certain things and locking others with him saying analogy: I will make a choice and I will permanently stay with that choice. Meanwhile, the scene now shifts to the main event where Dragaon and Drago are fighting against Calthor and his Bakugan. Calthor says “Ability Activate – Wind Zephyr!” as Win Dmill flies around and slashes both Dragaon and Drago quickly. But then, Dragaon says you won’t get me again as on the next pass, he grabs Dmill’s wing and swings him like a helicopter, hitting Calthor’s other Bakugan in the process. After he lets him go, Dragaon says Dan, let’s show them what else I can do now as Dan says “Ability Activate – Dimension Change – Three!” which makes Dragaon’s ball form change and now, he changes into a completely new form. Calthor says in shock – what is this, you can transform even further as Dragaon says that’s right as Dan says but don’t take your eye off the whole team as he then says “Ability Activate – Crust Armor Smash!” as suddenly, Drago appears right behind Calthor in lava encrusted armor and slams his tail down on Calthor, knocking him down hard. Dragaon then says now Dan as Dan says “Ability Activate – Power Pulse!” as Dragaon fires a blast of red energy at Calthor while he’s falling, knocking him back even farther. Dan says this form of Dragaon’s increases his firepower, literally but I think it’s time for a little speed action as he says “Ability Activate – Dimension Change – Two!” Dragaon's form changes again into a more streamlined form as Calthor recovers and says I'm getting really tired of you as he says Firelash Whips and creates fire whips and tries to strike Dragaon down but Dragaon just dodges them easily one by one as Dan says this is Dragaon speed form - it gives me more quickness than a whip. Calthor says perhaps but can it stop this as he says "Ability Activate - Viper Coil!" as Gavli Anacon grabs Dragaon by the leg. Dragaon says great, guess I'll to fry the snake as Gavli says don't count it on it as he starts tightening up on Dragaon's leg and Dragaon feels the pain. Dan then says "Ability Activate - Tri-Shine Dragon!" as Drago flies right behind Anacon and fires three balls of fire, hitting him and loosing his grip. Dragaon says thanks Drago with Drago saying no problem but Calthor says don't forget about me this time as he gets in the middle and they start going into hand to hand combat with Dan saying this is getting intense as then, Drago's body starts glowing a slight orange while inside Drago himself, Atom Dragonoid says it's almost time. The scene now shifts back to the afterlife and more specfically, Zakaros and Wistorn talking off to the side as Zakaros says I’m glad that you are all right and oh, I have something for you as he reaches into his robes and pulls out the Book of Wistorn. He returns the book as Wistorn takes it, flips through the pages and says ah, I never thought I would see this again – Korborn kept in such fine condition and you took good care of it. Zakaros however, looks down and gets a bit of an angry look on his face. He then says in a stern tone – why. Wistorn looks at him with a confused look as Zakaros turns to him and says why didn’t you tell me all of this – from the moment I was turned into a BakuGod to now; it was your prophecy and you could have told me. Wistorn is silent but soon says because it was not my prophecy and I’m pretty sure you already know whose prophecy it was and plus, I didn’t think it was my job to interfere in your future. Zakaros stands up and says you want to know what my future was – it was being ridiculed, being beat down and then all of a sudden, I’m supposed to be this big hero and savior; I didn’t ask for this responsibility. He then says although, I’ve come to realize that even though I didn’t ask for it, it is what I need to do and luckily, I have had some really good friends back me up at times. thinking about the Brawlers and everybody else he has met. Wistorn says I’ll admit that I as well as others should have done things better so that you didn’t grow up in such a harsh place – that was all of our faults. Zakaros says Lacetornia told me after this is over that if I want to – they can turn me back into a normal human again; I actually might do that because when I was with humans like Dan and the Brawlers – it felt right. Meanwhile, Atrion, Blakai and Thorius are spying on the conversation and hear what Zakaros said. Atrion says I can’t believe what he’s saying as Thorius says Blakai, you were there with Zakaros right – is it true they could transform him back? Blakai says yes, they said if he wanted to – they could change him back but I didn’t know how much he felt towards it until now. Atrion says I can’t believe he would consider it – Lindsata and I tried to be there for him but Thorius says he’s not denying what you did but rather what others did. Atrion and Blakai look at him in confusion as Thorius says a lot of BakuGods, including myself, were either ordered or thought that helping him behind the scenes would be enough but it wasn’t enough – he needed people with him on all sides to accept him. Thorius says we really shouldn’t be spying on them – I’m heading back to check on the HighGods as Atrion says yeah, I need to go as well – you coming Blakai. Blakai says I’ll be there in a second guys as he continues to watch. Back at the conversation, Wistorn says Zakaros, there is something I must ask you as Zakaros says what is it. Wistorn says when you return to the mortal world, you will have to fight Calthor and eventually destroy him. Zakaros says I know that as Wistorn says but I know you would not prefer to destroy anybody - it is in your human nature that has made you the person you are; are you sure you can take that responsiblity. Zakaros says don't worry; I have no regrets or hindrances against destroyng Calthor completely - he destroyed me so I will be ready for him. But then Zakaros says but I don't know if power wise - I will be ready; we had to cut my training short, however far we got. Wistorn says did you read my book for ways to increase your training further as Zakaros says I did read it - the whole book even, but there was nothing. Wistorn then says come closer Zakaros as he closes the book and holds it up - what do you se? Zakaros looks at and then, he sees gaps in the pages. Zakaros says the book is missing pages as Wistorn says not exactly as he opens the book, waves his hand over it and suddenly, the missing pages become visible. Zakaros is amazed as Wistorn says call it a safeguard against those who might want to know the strongest secrets as he hands the book back to Zakaros. Wistorn says read it - it might give you some insight of what you need to do there and here. Just then, an alarm sounds as Zakaros says wonder what is going on as he leave sthe book and goes to find out. Up in the air, a group of BakuGods have what looks like a large Darkus Bakugan in a webbed cage. The Darkus Bakugan is roaring and firing dark fire blasts and saying let me go - I am a loyal servant of the DarkGods; let me go you traitors as they drop the bag with him in it down below, getting some attention. Zarodius takes notice and goes outside, taking notice of the Darkus Bakugan and asks what Bakugan is that - he looks noble yet corrupted as Daedathron approaches and says from what we can tell - his name is Sanzu Hollowbos and he is one of the most powerful Darkus Bakugan of the DarkGods but won't be missed. However, two more heads appear out the Bakugan's shoulders, now known as Sanzu Hollowbos, and tears the net open. Sanzu says this is a perfect location for a DarkGod base - I'll destroy you all as people starting running in terror as Sanzu says Triple DarkQuake as he slams the ground and three cracks appear, releasing dark energy from underground. Daedathron says this isn't good - we need to stop him before he destroys the base but just then, he sees Zarodius flying through the air with him generating lightning from his hands. Sanzu looks up and says a lone defender, pathetic and says Shadow Rays and fires eye blasts but Zarodius dodges or absorbs them via the lightning. Zakaros gets there but sees Zarodius attacking and yells out watch out Zarodius but Zarodius doesn't hear but then, he charges the horn on Sanzu's main head and electrocutes his whole body, making him paralyzed. Sanzu falls down in defeat as his Triple DarkQuake ability stops and he says what did you do - I can't move. Zarodius jumps down and says you're not a threat as he presses some buttons on a device and brings a containment cage that holds him. As Sanzu is being carted away, he looks at Zarodius says when I get out of here, my first victim will be you as they stare each other down. Daedathron comes over and asks why did you stop him; you never get involved with Bakugan anymore as Zarodius shows a concerned face and says I felt I needed to. Meanwhile, back at the fight at Earth, the battle is still raging forward. At one area, Jin is fighting against Fabia and Laura again but he then says Miserak, take your Haos Mechtogan and attack the planet. Miserak says as you wish and they charge past Laura and Fabia, with Fabia saying oh no - they have a wide open shot at Earth. However, a voice says "Ability Activate - Ultimate Harvey Cannon!" as Gunz then appears with Reptak and a transformed Chromopod into a giant barreled cannon. Reptak says ready to fire as Gunz says let them have it. Reptak fires and it wipes out all of the Haos Mechtogan aside from Miserak who manages to survive the blast. Miserak says how dare you; you won't survive my attack as he prepares to fire. However, Chromopod says I doubt that as he transforms back, brings his sword out and goes into a stalemate with Miserak. Gunz says Chromopod, keep that creep busy while we take care of the Bakugan coming through the defenses as Chromopod says yes sir and he continues fighting Miserak. Laura says thanks Gunz as Gunz slicks back his hair, smiles and says no sweat - now beat that creep as Laura says you got it as she says "Ability Activate - Arrows of Ares!" as Aphrodite fires a series of dark arrows at the enemy with Shield Leoness charging in. Back at the battle of most interest, Marucho and ANDRUS are still fighting as back inside ANDRUS' mind, ANDRUS is moving as fast as he can as he says complication; I didn't expect my programming to be this complex but no matter; I will crack it open. At that battle however, ANDRUS brings out another BakuShifter and says "Release - BakuShifter - Stormex!" as a square shaped Bakugan opens up, revealing a humanoid warrior with turbine like arms, legs and chest. Marucho says let's try to calm the storm as he says "Double Ability Activate - Mariner Rail plus Reef Shurikens!" as Preyas powers up and fires some rapid fire projectiles while come after both the BakuShifter, damaging his turbines and Clawbec, who manages to withstand most of them. Clawbec says I hope he is almost done as back inside ANDRUS' mind, ANDRUS says statment: programming is almost rewritten - estimated time; 54 seconds. Back at the fight, ANDRUS says "Ability Activate - Tunnel Turret!" as Stormex reverses his wind flow and fires the Reef Shurikens back at Preyas and Amazon, injuring them. Back in ANDRUS' mind, the clock finally hits zero as the new protocols take effect and ANDRUS says statement: my restraints are released - I am in control. Outside, ANDRUS' eyes light up and he finally is back to his old self. ANDRUS then grabs his head and says analogy: I am in control again as Clawbec says hey, you okay tin man. ANDRUS says fact: yes, I am okay – are you. Clawbec says never better but I think you need to tell him that now as he gestures towards Preyas and Marucho who are preparing to strike. ANDRUS flies over and says Aquos Brawler; I am back in control but Marucho says “Ability Activate – Spear Barrel!” as Preyas fires a barrage of spears that come across past Clawbec and head straight for ANDRUS. Clawbec says watch out but ANDRUS doesn't and takes the speak in his chest. Marucho, Preyas, Amazon and even Clawbec are shocked as ANDRUS takes the spear out and says repairs in prograss with Marucho flying over. Marucho says hey, I'm so sorry - are you okay. ANDRUS looks up with a new light in his eyes and says statement: I will be fine - I am what humans might say sorry for my actions. Marucho gets a bit teary eyed but helps him up and says glad to have you on our side - now let's stop Calthor as ANDRUS says fact: time to kick some butt. Meanwhile, back at the main fight, Calthor says Shine Shock, blowing back Dragaon and Drago but he can tell his body is taking a toll. He says angrily I’m sick and tired of this; time to end this futile effort here and now as he holds his hand out and absorbs the darkness’ energy behind him and causes him to power up quickly. Dan says oh snap as Calthor says time you all be destroyed as he says Ragnarok Dextra and it appears in an instant and he fires it towards Earth. Shun says no, not now as it travels to Earth, destroying Bakugan and people along the way. Spectra then says fire the cannons as the Interceptor powers up and soon, all it’s cannons are charged. Spectra says fire as the cannons fire at the blast which starts to slow it down and make it smaller but still charging. Helios then says let me have at it as he fires and soon, everybody starts firing their blasts at it and soon, it disperses. Dan says all right, we got it but Calthor says so what; you may have stopped one but can handle more as he begins charging again as Dan says let’s get back into and they are prepare to restart. However, just before Calthor can release again - ANDRUS says "Ability Activate - Slicer Lock!" as Clawbec attacks Calthor's hand and freezes it, making it immobilzed. Calthor and especially Clay are in shock as ANDRUS and Clawbec join with the Brawlers on the defending side. Calthor says what is the meaning of this machine as ANDRUS doesn't answer but continues a stern look at the enemy. Calthor says Clay, you built him - you fix him but Clay says I can't Master. Calthor looks at Clay with a scary look and says what do you mean you can't as ANDRUS says revelation: I released my restraints &rewrote my programming and objectives - new primary objective; defeat you and your destructive ways. Calthor says I knew I shouldn't have trusted a mechanical device but you as he points to Clawbec, I created you and you dare defy me. Clawbec says I stand by my Brawler and I got to admit, being on the good side is a lot more rewardingin the end. Calthor gets really pissed off and says very well, you will be destroyed along with this planet as the epic battle continues. The scene now shifts back to the afterlife and more specficially, at the DarkGod base where the DarkGod forces are getting ready to move out. Neotaro appears at the front and says prepare for but then, he sees the West wall crumbling down. He gets angry and says what is going on as a soldier says the structural integrity of the wall crumbled – we should rebuild right away. Neotaro says in a frustrated tone fine, do what you will – this will delay my plans as in the distance, some of Daedathron’s soldiers silently cheer as at the HighGod base, the war machines are falling apart at their hinges as Maxoric tares his hair out in anger at the delay while Tornador and Trianic smile in secret respectively, knowing what is happening but Gravi Norm and Dagger Odos both see their expressions and start to question if they know something. Back in Avagan, Daedathron is viewing the progress as Zarodius says the plan is working better than expected as Daedathron says good because we got our own problems as Sanzu Hollowbos is trying to escape as Zarodius looks on a bit concerned. (End of episode)