| - Bio: Side Burn is a nervous wreck, living his life on borrowed time. He's convinced that his partner, Predacon, will eventually realize that the Mini-Con is actually a double agent. Recruited by concerned Autobots to keep tabs on Predacon's small but zealous sect, the cocky Side Burn gladly agreed to the assignment, always eager to test his impressive undercover skills. After arranging to become one of Predacon's partners, Side Burn was immediately struck by the strength of the Decepticon's will and frightened by how far he was willing to go to achieve his goals. Sensing the imminent danger, Side Burn hopes only to discover Predacon's plans before the Decepticon discovers the Mini-Con's deception and true allegiance.
| - Bio: Side Burn is a nervous wreck, living his life on borrowed time. He's convinced that his partner, Predacon, will eventually realize that the Mini-Con is actually a double agent. Recruited by concerned Autobots to keep tabs on Predacon's small but zealous sect, the cocky Side Burn gladly agreed to the assignment, always eager to test his impressive undercover skills. After arranging to become one of Predacon's partners, Side Burn was immediately struck by the strength of the Decepticon's will and frightened by how far he was willing to go to achieve his goals. Sensing the imminent danger, Side Burn hopes only to discover Predacon's plans before the Decepticon discovers the Mini-Con's deception and true allegiance. Weapons and Abilities: Subject is a talented infiltrator, spy, and undercover operative. He survives by his wits, never revealing too much about himself to those around him. Despite his lack of strength, his speed and street smarts make him a capable opponent in combat. In vehicle mode, he can reach speeds of up to 140 mph for a distance of 300 miles before requiring refueling. Weaknesses: As is the case with his current assignment, Subject sometimes overestimates his ability to cope with the dangers that arise during undercover work. He can usually keep his cool when things get tense, but it takes a toll on his mental health.