| - Like all of the townie plumbots, she doesn't have a trait chip. She has mastered in Advanced Technology.
- Tak jak reszta botów z przyszłości, Byte posiada ukrytą cechę Sima z przyszłości oraz 10 punktów umiejętności technologii zaawansowanej.
- The Byte is an enemy that appears in the Blackbird in 12000 BC
- Eine Einheit der Daternverarbeitng, die 8 Bits umfasst.
- A byte of memory or disk space is 8 bits long and holds one character of data, i.e., a single letter, number, or special character such as a “@”, or “$”, or “/”.
- Byte is one of the villains from Megaman X3.
- Ein Byte ist eine Speichereinheit (TNG: ).
- Standard data type: 8 bit signed
- A byte was a unit of computer storage. In 2364, the Bynars performed a computer core dump from Bynaus in the USS Enterprise-D. This act filled every byte of free space in the starship's computer core. (TNG: "11001001" )
- A Byte is an enemy robot found in 12,000 B.C. in Chrono Trigger.
- Byte, known as Mandarela BB (マンダレーラBB Mandarēra BB?) in Japan, is a member of the Nightmare Police, along with his partner Bit, being the stronger of the pair.
- Después de la derrota dos de los ocho jefes, el Dr. Doppler ordena a Byte y a su pareja Bit capturar a X para él, vivo si es posible. Después de la derrota de Bit y algun jefes más, Byte aparecerá como un sub-jefe en las etapas hasta que sea derrotado. Si él es derrotado sin usar sus debilidades se retirará y volvera a aparecer en el Castillo de Doppler, si él es derrotado usando sus debilidades no volvera a aparecer. Si Byte sobrevive, X tendrán que enfrentarse a él y el bit otra vez en la primera etapa de Doppler, en el que se combinan en Godkarmachine O Inary. Si sólo Bit o solo Byte sobreviven, todavía será capaz de transformarse en Godkarmachine O Inary.
- Byte is a young, reckless Autobot. He began as a stream of binary traveling through Cybertron. Until, he got himself a body. His brother is Bit. He enjoys the thrill of battle and will often go against orders. Continued Later.
- File:Byte Ath221 thumb.gif Write the text of your article here!
- Un giorno Bill Gates si svegliò ed esclamò: "Ho un idea geniale, costruirò un programma che sarà un tale bordello da vendere milioni e milioni di copie e lo chiamerò MS-DOS!". L'idea era geniale e DOS vendette un sacco di copie. Però non sapeva come dimostrare che la sua creazione era un vero casino, per cui lo rifece, con le stesse peculiarità di un virus e lo chiamò Windows.
- The byte is the unit used to measure the amount of time a food item takes to digest. A player can digest up to 24 bytes of food per day. After eating a food item, each Reduction fought digests one byte for both players involved in the fight. Players always have room to digest 6 more bytes, so it is usually benefitial to eat large items first and then consume food of six or less bytes when only 6 bytes of space are free. If the player has the (S) Hollow Leg Sticker the player will always have 24 bytes available.
- Byte was a character in the video game TRON 2.0 resembling the Bit that traveled with Kevin Flynn. Unlike his predecessors, Byte was able to speak in full sentences, and usually resorted to sarcasm, deadpan humor, and the odd philosophical tirade. It was clearly insulted when Jet mistook it for a Bit, saying Ma3a knew better than to send a Bit to do a Byte's job. Unfortunately, when Ma3a was compiled with the Tron Legacy code, she attacked Byte, sending it careening into the wall of the Progress Bar where it shattered and derezzed upon impact.
- A byte was unit that represented roughly half a series of Red Dwarf and was used to organize the video editions of the show. For the first six series there were two bytes per series, each with three episodes. This tradition continued only modified for the newer eight episode Series VII and VIII which had three bytes, two with three episodes and a final one with two. Series VIII was the last series to be put on video and any new series are likely to be only on DVD and Blueray, just like the recent Back to Earth specials. DVDs for all series were created and released throughout the world in the early to mid 2000s and represented the global shift from analog tapes to digital disks. Though this is joked about in "Back to Earth, Part Two" when Kryten explains that DVDs are themselves replaced w