| - In the early 2350s, the Berlin and the USS Victorious escorted the Klingon insurgent vessel, IKS Tagh'rat, back to the Klingon border and handed them over to Klingon authorities. (TNG novel: Reunion) In 2353, the Berlin was the first starship to respond to a Tholian attack on Starbase 311. The away team from the Berlin found only one survivor from the attack, Kyle Riker, who was transported to Starbase 84 for better medical care. (TLE novel: Deny Thy Father)
| - In the early 2350s, the Berlin and the USS Victorious escorted the Klingon insurgent vessel, IKS Tagh'rat, back to the Klingon border and handed them over to Klingon authorities. (TNG novel: Reunion) In 2353, the Berlin was the first starship to respond to a Tholian attack on Starbase 311. The away team from the Berlin found only one survivor from the attack, Kyle Riker, who was transported to Starbase 84 for better medical care. (TLE novel: Deny Thy Father) In 2364, the Berlin was assigned to patrol the Romulan Neutral Zone when they received warning that seven Romulan battle cruisers were approaching a starbase. The Berlin and the starbase was able to hold-off the attack, until the USS Enterprise-D arrived to force a Romulan retreat. (TNG episode: "Angel One") In early 2367, the Berlin was performing another patrol of the Romulan Neutral Zone, alongside the USS Monitor. (TNG episode: "Brothers", et al.; ST video game: Captain's Chair) When the Cardassians threatened to invade Minos Korva in 2369, the USS Aries, USS Sutherland and Berlin were all dispatched to the sector to assist the USS Enterprise-D. However, because the ships were three days away, the Enterprise was forced to find an alternative means of preventing the invasion. (Script of TNG episode: "Chain of Command, Part II")