| - Metal Sonic arrives in the mountains near the underground entrance to the ancient facility, where the Freedom Fighters have been splintered into groups: Sonic the Hedgehog, Rotor and Bunnie in one area; Tommy Turtle and Tails in another. Tails and Tommy discover a control room as well a security system displaying a live video feed of the rest of their team. Startled to see Sonic injured, they check the other security monitors and find Shadow and Isaac. Tails wonders if Isaac is a rebuilt version of Gamma when Tommy realizes that they don't know where Fiona Fox is. Rotor informs Sonic and Bunnie that Fiona accidentally triggered a dangerous reaction from a computer. Sonic grabs a nearby cart and places Rotor on top so the group can quickly rendezvous with Fiona. As they head off, Tails and Tommy contact the group over the speaker system and direct them on how to reach Fiona. While Sonic's team races off, Tails and Tommy tell them that they see Metal Sonic engaging Shadow and the Gamma lookalike elsewhere in the facility. Metal Sonic (erroneously) detects that Shadow is both a Mobian and a machine and demands that he explain himself. Shadow instead questions Metal Sonic. The robot responds by attacking Shadow, demanding that he obey his superior. Sonic, Rotor, and Bunnie regroup with Fiona while Tails and Tommy explain that a fight is breaking out between Shadow and Metal. Sonic, itching to get in on the action, ditches his group and antagonizes Metal and Shadow. Isaac is fascinated to find a non-human that can speak and proposes dissecting Sonic and his friends. Sonic wisecracks back at Isaac, who takes his wit as a potential threat and attacks. Shadow, Metal, and Isaac all chase after Sonic, who quickly realizes that taking on all three of them at once was a bad idea. Dr. Eggman commands Metal to go for the kill. Tails and Tommy panic, seeing Sonic in distress while the other Freedom Fighters are being electrocuted by a computers' defense systems. Tommy urges Tails to do something and, recalling that Rotor told him to only do it as a last resort, Tails hits the big red button on the security system's control panel. As soon as he does so, a trapdoor opens up underneath Sonic, sending him and his attackers into the pit below.