| - Having deduced the location of the Manhunters' temple
after one of their number attacked Madame Xanadu in her
parlor, the Spectre, Jim Corrigan, and Kim Liang travel to
New Orleans. While the Spectre investigates, Jim and Kim
are in a restaurant when a local man bursts in, claiming to
have seen and been pursued by a strange being in the
nearby swamp. Kim remains to hear the man's story, while
Corrigan leaves to search the surrounding area.
Meanwhile, the Spectre discovers the Manhunters
"sonic temple", as well as a group of local people being held
captive by a Manhunter in the bayou. Entering the
Manhunter's body intending to possess him, the Spectre instead finds himself falling into a microcosmic world within the android's physical form. Here he battles strange beings
guarding a key-like object. Once the Spectre grasps and
turns the key, the Manhunter begins to malfunction and is
ultimately deactivated, and his prisoners escape.
The Spectre now finds himself faced with a second key
and a second set of guardian-creatures. Unknown to him,
he is now within a second Manhunter, in an alleyway in
town. Repeating his actions, he causes this Manhunter to
self-destruct, and its demise is witnessed by both Jim
Corrigan and Batman. Again and again, the Spectre is transported within one
Manhunter after another; again and again he defeats the
creatures within, turns the key, and causes the android to
collapse. Because he cannot escape back into the outside
world, and has no way of knowing what effect, if any, his
actions are having, he decides that his present course of
action is futile. Thus, instead of turning the key inside the
android he currently possesses, he enters the key itself and
discovers an interdimensional nexus connecting the linked
minds of the Manhunters with the source of the telepathic
transmissions controlling them. This nexus also contains
the portal which will allow the Spectre to return to Earth,
but he is unable to breach it. Fortunately, the experimental bomb brought to the
temple by the Suicide Squad then explodes , destroying the remaining Manhunters
and unlocking the portal between dimensions, allowing the
Spectre to break free. As he does, Batman and Corrigan
escape the temple, and the only after-effect of the explo-
sion is a light snowfall .