| - Basic Trope: Characters who wear martial arts uniforms within a show, movie,game, etc.
* Straight: Alice/Bob show up in a martial arts uniform.
* Exaggerated: Everyone wears a martial arts uniform. ALL the time.Most of them may even be customized.
* Justified: Everyone is in a Martial arts tournament. Alternatively, it could just be a martial arts series.
* Inverted: Alice/Bob wears a martial arts uniform, but doesn't know any martial arts.
* Subverted: Alice/Bob mentions taking Karate (or another martial art), but isn't seen wearing a uniform.
* Double Subverted: ...Until an episode later.
* Parodied: Everyone but the main character wears a martial arts uniform, and they make fun of him for it.
* Deconstructed: Alice/Bob are constantly seen in a martial arts
| - Basic Trope: Characters who wear martial arts uniforms within a show, movie,game, etc.
* Straight: Alice/Bob show up in a martial arts uniform.
* Exaggerated: Everyone wears a martial arts uniform. ALL the time.Most of them may even be customized.
* Justified: Everyone is in a Martial arts tournament. Alternatively, it could just be a martial arts series.
* Inverted: Alice/Bob wears a martial arts uniform, but doesn't know any martial arts.
* Subverted: Alice/Bob mentions taking Karate (or another martial art), but isn't seen wearing a uniform.
* Double Subverted: ...Until an episode later.
* Parodied: Everyone but the main character wears a martial arts uniform, and they make fun of him for it.
* Deconstructed: Alice/Bob are constantly seen in a martial arts uniform, and it is inferred he/she rarely take it off. Eventually the uniform becomes stained with sweat and begins to fall apart due to bad materials.
* Reconstructed: ...But by the next episode, Alice/Bob have gotten a new uniform, and this time it's made from better materials.
* Zig Zagged: Alice/Bob wear their martial arts uniform in the town of Fightville. They decide to get into a Curb Stomp Battle against a few untrained thugs, and head off to a good night's sleep. The next day, they go out, and everyone is wearing martial arts uniforms, and somehow they're all experts at fighting. After a long day, the heroes head back to bed. The next day, no one is wearing uniforms. And so on, and so forth...
* Averted: No one wears a martial arts uniform.
* Enforced: "This is a fighting movie, atleast one person MUST be wearing a uniform!"
* Lampshaded: "You ever notice how all those faceless Mooks we've been fighting were wearing martial arts uniforms? Yet no one else is? Is it just me?"
* Invoked: Alice/Bob decides to head out to a dojo full of Mooks to fight.
* Exploited: "I think I'll take my martial arts uniform today. Just in case."
* Defied: "Let's go to the pier. There's never any martial artists at the pier."
* Discussed: "We're in a martial arts tournament, of course that guy's going to be wearing a uniform."
* Conversed: "You ever noticed how in a lot of eastern films, there's always some kung-fu guy beating up a whole dojo of guys in martial arts uniforms?"
* Played For Laughs: Alice/Bob dresses up in a martial arts uniform with a black belt. Buthe/she has no idea how to perform martial arts. Unwittingly, Alice/Bob ends up in a fight with a real black belt. Extra points if Alice/Bob wins.
* Played For Drama: Alice/Bob is in a relationship where they are abused. They end up taking martial arts to defend themself. Head back to Martial Arts Uniform, or else. HIYAAAH!