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- 3 goblin mail, 3 rød bær, 2 løg og 2 woad leafs.
- Talk to General Bentnoze or General Wartface in Goblin Village, in the Kingdom of Asgarnia (located north of Falador, and east of Taverley). They will say that the goblin race is on the brink of civil war over armour colour, and they want their armour to be orange.
- Gobliny są na krawędzi wojny domowej. A wszystko to przez kłótnię generałów o kolory mundurów. Generał Bentnoze chce, żeby mundury były czerwone. Natomiast Wartface chce, żeby były zielone. Twoim zadaniem jest oczywiście roztrzygnięcie tego sporu.
- Praat met General Bentnoze of General Wartface in Goblin Village, in het Koninkrijk van Asgarnia, (Goblin Village bevind zich ten noorden van Falador, en ten oosten van Taverley). Ze zullen zeggen dat het goblin ras op het puntje staat om een burgeroorlog te beginnen over de kleur van hun armour, en dat ze hun oranje armour willen hebben.
- Goblin Diplomacy on tehtävä RuneScapessa.
- |} This quest is Soloable even though it is listed as Heroic.
- Talk to the Bartender in Port Sarim. He's located in The Rusty Anchor in the building beside the fence separating Port Sarim and Draynor Village. The bartender will tell you that some Goblins are fighting about the colour of their armour in their village. Head to Goblin Village, located to the north past Falador and Doric, and talk to either General Bentnoze or General Wartface. The goblin will tell you that he would like orange-coloured armour. If you don't have any Goblin Armour on you, kill some Goblins until you have three of them.
- Grab three suits of goblin mail from the following crates: 1.
* Behind the generals' hut 2.
* Next to the western hut 3.
* Up a ladder at the entrance of the camp
- Както ще ви разкажат двамата генерали - гоблинското племе е пред гражданска война, заради цвета на броните им. От вас се иска да им доставите синя, оранжева и кафява броня. Първо ще ви поискат оранжевата. Ако не сте ги боядисали предварително, попитайте генералите как да направите оранжева броня. След кратък спор, единият ще ви каже да вземете нормална гоблинска броня и да я боядисате оранжева. А броня може да откриете в един от сандъците отвън. След този "съдържателен" разговор излезте и се заемете със задачата.
- Like the goblin generals had said, the goblin race is on the brink of civil war over armour colour. They want orange armour. If you have not dyed anything yet, ask the generals "How do I get orange goblin mail?". After a while of chatting one will say "You get a goblin mail and dye it orange. Grubfoot stole yellow dye from old lady in Draynor, perhaps you can get it there?". When you ask where to get a goblin mail, a general will say "In crates somewhere. Can't remember where, though." The armour is located in crates, one behind the general's hut, one next to the western hut, and one up a ladder near the entrance.
- START: Prata med General Wartface/Bentnoze i Goblin Village SKILLS: Vakant SAKER DU BEHÖVER: 3 goblin mail, 1 blå färg, 1 gul färg, 1 röd färg. Eller ~40gp. 1. Prata med antingen General Wartface eller General Bentnoze, de ber dig att fixa en orange goblin armor. 2. (Om du redan har färgerna; hoppa till steg 6.) Gå till Varrock Mining Site. I närheten hittar du en buske där du kan plocka redberries. Plocka 3 st. 3. Gå till Falador. Prata med Wyson the Gardener som du hittar i ett hus i parken. Köp 2 Woad Leaves för 20gp. 4. Gå till åkern i närheten av Rimmington. Plocka två lökar(onions).
- Goblin Diplomacy Start: Snakk med en av goblin generalene i Goblin Village,funnet nord for Falador. Skills: ingen Quests: ingen Hva du trenger: 3 goblin mail, orange og blå dyes og omlag 100 gp. _____________________________________________________________________________________