Tales of Eternia: The Animation is a 13-episode anime series inspired by Tales of Eternia, incorporating the use of its four main protagonists and other common elements despite being entirely unrelated to the original story of the game. The series was first aired in Japan on January 8, 2001 and ran until March 26, 2001. Although the series was licensed by the American entertainment corporation, Media Blasters, on July 6, 2002 for North American distribution, the company's license expired, and the series was never released in the region.
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| - Tales of Eternia: The Animation
| - Tales of Eternia: The Animation is a 13-episode anime series inspired by Tales of Eternia, incorporating the use of its four main protagonists and other common elements despite being entirely unrelated to the original story of the game. The series was first aired in Japan on January 8, 2001 and ran until March 26, 2001. Although the series was licensed by the American entertainment corporation, Media Blasters, on July 6, 2002 for North American distribution, the company's license expired, and the series was never released in the region.
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| - "I'd Love You to Touch Me" by Masami Okui
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| - "Sora ni Kakeru Hashi" by Masami Okui
| - Tales of Eternia: The Animation
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| - •Mutsumi Inomata
- •Meiju Maeda
| - Tales of Eternia: The Animation is a 13-episode anime series inspired by Tales of Eternia, incorporating the use of its four main protagonists and other common elements despite being entirely unrelated to the original story of the game. The series was first aired in Japan on January 8, 2001 and ran until March 26, 2001. Although the series was licensed by the American entertainment corporation, Media Blasters, on July 6, 2002 for North American distribution, the company's license expired, and the series was never released in the region.