| - Goa had to fiddle with his comm unit a breem or two before making the encrypted call. "Murusa. Incoming twins." He hoped that would be enough, as his next stop was tracking down the teal seeker and bringing her along on a winding drive underground. He said there was 'something she needed to see'. And he wouldn't say much more than that -- even his spark bond was firewalled over. He wasn't really keen on Firestorm becoming aware how long he'd been hiding this from her. Keen on not being little sliced-up Goa cubes... but his discussion with Swivel, that he felt he needed to tell a random courier just for /security/'s sake... That was unacceptable. It was time. Murusa is at the gate waiting, her full Crystal Guard regalia on, the cloth draping around her and stating her station among the guard as a leader of the Guardian Angels. Guard issued spear is held in her right hand, kept close against her form. She hopes that Goa took the precautions she told him to take. Those sigils of theirs would cause a stir she doesn't want to have to try to explain. Better this be kept to the three of them. Firestorm snorts softly as she's nearly tugged behind Goa while being lead to the gates of Crystal City. Her discontent is obvious with that scowl on her silicon face, the femme seeker huffing haughtily as she said, "For the hundredth time, what could possibly be so important Goa? And in Crystal City of all places!" With much bothering from her brother, the mech managed to get her to slap on a magnetized plate. Primus knows where he got it. But Firestorm refused to give up her weapons, at least until they got to where he was taking her. The seeker rubs her hands together in both nervousness and agitation, not particularly liking being in the City... again. Goa was more cooperative in his preparations, completely missing the brand that typically rides on his fender. He rolls higher above the ground than he usually does, and there's a missing plate where his grenade turret usually sits. He wasn't sure how comfortable he was with it, either ... he hadn't had a chance to reload his cab after he emptied it to transport Shred's replacement core. He felt so lightweight, like he'd catch air if he hit his afterburners. He knew far better, though, as he beelines his way to Crystal City's gates once he's in sight of it. Zigzagging occurred to his processor as a better idea, but it wouldn't make much sense to look like he was avoiding something, would it? "It's important." Goa transforms and takes long strides to close the last bit of distance between himself and the walls of the city. Once he'd recognized it was Murusa out there, anyway. Murusa smiles gently as she sees the two approaching, "I'm expecting these two, I shall deal with them personally." she states to the other guards, taking a scanner from one and stepping forward. She passes the scanner over both, hmming at the fact that one at least has their weapons on them. She looks to Firestorm, "You'll have to subspace your weapons or hand them over to enter, its policy." she notes softly. Firestorm skims low to the ground beside Goa as they make their way to the front gates, thrusters sputtering softly as she pulls herself upright on the air and finally lands before Murusa and her fellow guards. "Mrf. Fine." Her crimson optics give the guards a look before she detaches both arm blasters as well as her inner blades which happen to also remove her middle fingers. She then tucks them neatly away in her subspace, not trusting enough to give them to the guards. Murusa inclines her head, handing over the scanner to a guard, "Follow me." she says, then turns and heads inside the city proper. Letting the femme calm down would be prudent right now. Her pace is measured, spear tapping ahead of her, cloth fluttering gently behind her as she moves into the suburbs. Goa smirks unsurely at Firestorm, briefly thankful she is actually cooperating. While she's doing that, he approaches Murusa more closely, doubtlessly getting some odd optics from the guards. But he's ignoring them. Before he can get to saying whatever he was going to, though, the aged femme starts leading them in, so he simply enters step, motioning Firestorm to follow. he transmits over their link. Murusa walks straight to the Temple of Primus, the walk over silent on her end. She hands a guard here her spear once we arrive, then gestures that you two follow her on inside. Firestorm simply looks straight again, focusing on the back of Murusa's head and trying hard not to look at all the familiar surroundings. She transmits back, optics shifting him a glance as a roiling mix of emotions came shooting over the link. Sadness, confusion, anger, nervousness. It's all there. Gaze moves backto it's original position to look upon the church before them, Firestorm curling a lip in an annoyed sneer. She's not one for religion. "So... I assume you two already know each other." She finally asks gruffly once they're inside.