| - The combined form of the Decepticon Build Team, Decepticon Sixbuilder is an evil version of Sixbuilder on a mission of destruction. He and Sixbuilder were apparently once one and the same, but were split into separate robots at some point; the details of this are unknown. He intends to recombine with the Autobot Sixbuilder someday, after all other Autobots have been destroyed. Decepticon Sixbuilder's component robots are all green copies of Sixbuilder's component robots, and consist of...
* Bonecrusher, the bulldozer and counterpart to Crush-Bull (and presumably the leader).
* Gren, the crane and counterpart to Iron Lift.
* Long Haul, the dump truck and counterpart to Treader.
* Mixmaster, the cement mixer and counterpart to Mixing.
* Scavenger, the excavator and counterpart to Digger.
* Scrapper, the front-end loader and counterpart to Gran Arm. Note: Only Mixmaster was actually named in the fiction. However, since the team is clearly a homage to the Constructicons, it can be assumed that the other names probably match up with the Japanese Constructicons as well. It is not known whether there is any further connection between the two teams. Original Japanese name: Destron Sixbuilder