| - At the end of the game, after Conker defeats Heinrich, he is marked king of the land and becomes a millionaire. He, however, still cares more about Berri and how she died, putting up a sad ending.
- The Panther Kingdom is a world dominated by the Panther King; despite this, the kingdom is populated by many animals and living objects, mostly , and - no actual Panthers other than the King are seen in the game, so they may reside in an unknown location in the universe of Conker. At the end of the game, Conker is marked king of the area after he defeats Heinrich. He, however, is still upset about his girlfriend, Berri, and her death as the programmers did not revive her, thus setting up a sad ending.
| - The Panther Kingdom is a world dominated by the Panther King; despite this, the kingdom is populated by many animals and living objects, mostly , and - no actual Panthers other than the King are seen in the game, so they may reside in an unknown location in the universe of Conker. It should be noted that, Weasels are the main antagonists of the game, and although they are not fought until the end, they seem to work like a mafia governing the Uga Buga scenario and serving the Panther King, and its most likely that Professor von Kripplespac created the Tediz in fact they rule the Panther Kingdom under the table. At the end of the game, Conker is marked king of the area after he defeats Heinrich. He, however, is still upset about his girlfriend, Berri, and her death as the programmers did not revive her, thus setting up a sad ending.
- At the end of the game, after Conker defeats Heinrich, he is marked king of the land and becomes a millionaire. He, however, still cares more about Berri and how she died, putting up a sad ending.