| - Londinium was a major Magna Roman city located on the island of Britannia. At one time, the city was used as bait by the Magna Romans to lure German tribesmen away from their homeland, leading to the Battle of Britannia. (TNG novel: The Captains' Honor)
- Londinium was the capital of the Roman part of Albion and the largest city. In Londinium lived mostly Romans and Roman descendants. The city was founded at the beginning of the 1st century by Roman soldiers. This article is a . You can help My English Wiki by expanding it.
- Buckingham Palace, the London residence of the British monarchy, remains in use as the royal palace of the Albion monarchy.
- Londinium is the capital of Albion. The castle of Londinium fell to Cromwell after the Albionian Civil War. In the Albionian War, the objective of the Tristanian and Germanian military was to capture Londinium. After Albion's defeat, Londinium was the site for the peace conference.
- Londinium, along with its sister planet Sihnon, was one of the first planets colonized after the exodus from Earth-That-Was. Being the most like Earth-That-Was, it was the easiest to settle on and thus an ideal choice.
- Londinium is the capital and largest city of the Ivalician State of Forriedor. Londinium is a chief city of the Midlands Crescent region, and the chief production center for manufactured goods in Ivalice. While it lacks a sea port like the other three state capitals of Ivalice, Londinium is the center of trade in the nation, with its busiest airport and host to the state-run mail system, the Ivalice Mail and Parcel Service.
- Following its foundation in the mid-1st century, early Londinium occupied the relatively small area of 1.4 km2 (0.5 sq mi), roughly equivalent to the size of present-day Hyde Park, with a fortified garrison on one of its hills. In the year 60 or 61, the rebellion of the Iceni under Boudica forced the garrison to abandon the settlement, which was then razed. Following the Iceni's defeat at the Battle of Watling Street, the city was rebuilt as a planned Roman town and recovered within about a decade. During the later decades of the 1st century, Londinium expanded rapidly and quickly became Great Britain's largest city. By the turn of the century, Londinium had grown to about 60,000 people and almost certainly replaced Camulodunum (Colchester) as the provincial capital. During the 2nd century