| - History Born into one of the many clans of Dathomir, Axel was a male in a world of slavery. From a young age it was known that he had "the Art" and he was used as a worker for the women of his tribe. At the age of fourteen he was discovered by a Sith, Ylenia. He did not know what she was there for or why but she took an interest in him and without a second thought he disappeared with her into the stars. He served his mistress without question, not so much being allied with the Sith as with her. As time went on he was trained in the ways of the Force, not by the Sith practice of things but just by simple things that he might need to be of use to his Mistress. In order to keep him from becoming a threat to the Sith Mistress the woman allowed him only to work with short sabers that she placed into a pair of gloves working more like a retractable dagger than anything. After some time of searching Axel settled on Nar Shaddaa, becoming a dancer and minor assassin for the use of Ylenia. Ylenia owned a club and set that to be their home allowing easy access for hiring of bounty hunters or other people of use. It was at this time that he encountered Zev, A Jedi Master of the Nar Shaddaa Temple. The man had caught onto the fact that there was a Sith on planet. On the orders of his Mistress Axel set a trap for the Jedi Master to see how much they knew about his Mistress` living on the planet. Feigning peril the Dathomiri was nearly rescued by Master Zev before he set off charges to gas the room. Using his small talent to hold his breath he attacked the Jedi Master and left the man dazed and confused. From the attack Axel had learned that his Mistress had been discovered but was not truly considered a threat due to the common knowledge of Sith Apprentice Alluria Quinn's presence on the planet. He returned to his Mistress and delivered the information. Instantly a new set of tasks was set before him, starting with striking fear into the Jedi. He set a number of charges on an apartment building, intent to blow the thing and let people know that Ylenia would be a threat. In the explosion he killed a number of people including, ex-Jedi Padawan Kalron Randelle, and three other Jedi Knights. This sparked ire from not only the Jedi but also the Sith on planet. Axel was caught only a short time later by Jedi Master Souv Tanake who forceable ripped the information of his acts from teh man's mind. Frightened that a Jedi would do something like this Axel took to cowering at his Master's side but she held no sympathy for him. She wanted information on these Sith, Alluria Quinn and to know if they were part of the One Sith. Axel was invited to a party that was being held at the ziggurat. It was there that he was lured in and captured by the Sith woman Alluria Quinn and tortured until he told who his Mistress was and where they were residing. He was offered shelter within the ziggurat but being faithful and a loyal servant the man returned to his Mistress and found she already knew of his betrayal. After being beaten the young man continued to work for Ylenia, trying to work his way back into her good graces. It was at this time that he met another dancer, a young Twi`lek named Coryn Serrano. He began to spend more of his free time with the other woman and even began to neglect his duties from Ylenia to spend time with Coryn. He had fallen in love with the young woman and the pair began to plan a move, a way to leave Nar Shaddaa and go elsewhere in the galaxy. However, when Ylenia found out about his plan to leave her the woman killed Coryn in Axel's arms. With nothing to give him strength he resentfully returned to his work for the Sith. Ylania never trusted Axel again and refused to take him on her next task, leaving him to tend to the club in the meantime. She never returned. Unable to know how to properly run the business and fearing the worst for his Mistress the club fell into shambles and Axel was forced into the streets. After collapsing from near starvation Axel was found by another Master Jedi, Elrabin Ralvik and taken to the Temple. After gaining back his health the young man began to work for Master Souv Tanake, trying to repay the debt. After someone else attacked the Jedi and captured Master Elrabin, Axel would put his demolitions knowledge to good use and helped to track down who had committed the crime.