The Makaiju arc is an early set of episodes from the Sailor Moon anime series. It makes up the first segment of the Sailor Moon R series, and is unique to the anime. This arc was literally filler, made to fill the time while Naoko Takeuchi finished the first series' story arc for the manga. It comprises episodes 47-59 in Japanese, or 41-53 in English, and is named after one of its unique figures, an alien tree.
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| - The Makaiju arc is an early set of episodes from the Sailor Moon anime series. It makes up the first segment of the Sailor Moon R series, and is unique to the anime. This arc was literally filler, made to fill the time while Naoko Takeuchi finished the first series' story arc for the manga. It comprises episodes 47-59 in Japanese, or 41-53 in English, and is named after one of its unique figures, an alien tree.
- Originally called the Tree of Life, it lived alone on a faraway planet on an island in a vast ocean for countless years. Eventually, it decided to create life in the form of some humanoids. It gave energy to these children, but eventually they became greedy and began to fight over the power (The English dub, however, changed the tale by claiming that "evil forces" were responsible for corrupting its children).
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kanji / kana
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First Appearance
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| - In space; briefly in Juuban Odyssey apartments
| - Probably inapplicable, but had a female voice
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| - The Makaiju arc is an early set of episodes from the Sailor Moon anime series. It makes up the first segment of the Sailor Moon R series, and is unique to the anime. This arc was literally filler, made to fill the time while Naoko Takeuchi finished the first series' story arc for the manga. It comprises episodes 47-59 in Japanese, or 41-53 in English, and is named after one of its unique figures, an alien tree.
- Originally called the Tree of Life, it lived alone on a faraway planet on an island in a vast ocean for countless years. Eventually, it decided to create life in the form of some humanoids. It gave energy to these children, but eventually they became greedy and began to fight over the power (The English dub, however, changed the tale by claiming that "evil forces" were responsible for corrupting its children). When the fighting destroyed the planet, the tree fled into space with several survivors, but they struggled to survive and in the end, there were only two small children left. It was now weak and needed the energy of love to survive. Sailor Moon uses her power to purify the tree, and it disappears. When Ail and An reunite, a small sapling appears to them; the tree has been reborn and they are given a chance to start over, and they leave Earth forever for parts unknown.
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