| - Jacob and his friend Buford come to the aid of a helpless raccoon named "Mangler" to help it survive out in the wild.
- Jacob is transported back in time to the period of the coureur des bois to investigate the secrets of Claude LaToque, a ghost who ran away from the local graveyard.
- When Jacob accidentally breaks brother Daniel’s favourite record , he wishes he could have the fateful moment to live over again.
- Jacob and Renee try to find good homes for a group of mangy stray cat; Leo Louse starts a business of finding lost cats and returning them.
- Jacob gets the chance to join "Kid Power", a secret organization ran by Noah and Emma
- Aunt Good-For-You's health shakes cause greater issues to the family than intended.
- Jacob cheats the system on a pop quiz in his geography class, but is eventually selected as a geography expert for Dreary Meadows' team in a nationally televised quiz bowl.
- Jacob’s pal Gary, "The Hooded Fang", seems to be in league with con man Carl Fester King to throw the upcoming bout for the wrestling championship belt.
- Jacob and Buford's "Predicto-Magic Machine" at their school's fun fair actually works at predicting the future.
- Jacob is given the task of fetching bagels for his dad's Sunday brunch, however the relatively simple task is complicated by various occurrences.
- Jacob and Buford investigate the sudden popularity of a new newspaper, The Daily Crown, the product of a mind control plot by Carl Fester King using chemicals in the paper's ink .
- Jacob is paired with a trio of slackers in a science project to build a potato-powered clock for an important science project..
- Jacob's poorly performing hockey team improves significantly under the influence of a Gummer Gormley hockey card he received from his father as a good luck charm. However, this luck ends when school janitor Leo Louse steals it from Jacob's locker.
- After Dreary Meadows' gymnasium is given a failing grade by the system's Superintendent, Jacob and his friends try extra hard to raise money in a chocolate fundraiser to bring it up to code.
- Jacob and his friends hunt for a 40-year old treasure dictated by an old library book.
- Principal Greedyguts replaces the school's lunch lady with Leo Louse in a move to make more money for himself. Jacob investigates the plot with the help of his neighbour, X. Barnaby Dinglebat, a master spy.
- Jacob enquires with Miss Sweetiepie about how she is still happy and active as an old lady.
- Renee's chances at winning a cash prize offered to Dreary Meadows' top student are questioned when an intelligent transfer student named Ann arrives at the school.
- Jacob accidentally falls into his school's lost and found box in search of his house key, when janitor Leo Louse "claims" him.
- Jacob's hair has a bad cowlick on his school's picture day,
- Jacob uses an ancient magic book to make his big sister Marfa act nicer to him.
- Jacob investigates a plot by a group of seniors to knit a giant tea cosy to cover the entire city of Montreal for the winter.
- Jacob's Dad takes Jacob, Noah and Emma to a wrestling match where Jacob unknowingly bumps into the Hooded Fang, a famous wrestler
- On a camp-out in the backyard, Jacob and Buford run into the "Demon Drooler", a cannibalistic beast who prowls through the ravines of the city in search of its victims.
- With a desire to look "cool" on his first day at a new school, Jacob borrows his brother's favourite skull t-shirt to wear at school, but the shirt is confiscated by Principal Greedyguts as a violation of the school's dress code, and is placed inside the school's vault.
- Jacob performs volunteer work at the offices of Dr. Leduc, a veterinarian rumoured to have a laboratory where he performs secret experiments.