| - Glade in the Forest was a nice place once, now it’s rather sad looking. But even under this torn up terrain is the one thing that drives all Cybertronians - energon. Enter the Decepticons. Goa is eager to get any time he can outside of Polyhex at this point, much less alone -- he'd volunteered to be the forward ground scout. Even if the seekers did like to buzz forward occasionally, he was at least out of earshot of the chatter, for the first time in a few days. An improvement. He recognizes the site when the disorganized holes started wreaking havoc with his suspension, and transforms, giving the barren scene a clearer gloss-over. "Huh. Hope Rogue knows what she's doing..." Rogue out on one of her patrols, flies along looking for a Trypticon...whatever one of those is. She stifles a bit of a yawn, wondering if it's hiding in the forest below. Perhaps it would speed things up, to burn the whole forest down. She ponders this idea for a moment. Slipstream had been taken out of the barracks to come along on this little raid. She's thankful she's out of there, only so much staring at nothing or resting you can really do. "Good to be flying." she notes to those in the air with her. And Starscream the Mighty is leading this raid! The Air Commander soars above, in Cyber jet mode. "Attention Decepticons. Destroy the Autobots! Don't leave one standing!" He then starts into a dive, approaching where the battle is to take place. Chains leads the way, always on scout duty. He's had no problem skimming the edges of con patrolled areas, though energy surveying isn't usually his specialty. Sites of enough activity still get the minibot's attention, however. Noting the movements in the skies, he goes in low and quiet, switching out of cycle mode when he gets close enough, trying not to draw attention right away. Not that he has the least problem getting into a fight, but he'd rather take it to them instead of getting dive bombed. Gives him time to ready his weapons too. Crackshot is with Chains this day, his 360 degree vision visor on his head as he walks along behind Chains. In each hand the former scientist had a pistol, ready and waiting as he follows the other Autobot once they transform, nodding at Chains to follow his lead. Hot Rod can be found leaning against a tree with his feet up on a rock, hands interlaced behind his head and reclined in a rather relaxed manner. The young cavalier must be on patrol duty. He has a fishing rod attached to his hip with the line having been cast into a small hole in the ground which is filled by water. Yes, this is the young Autobot's secret fishing hole. A little sinote which is probably feed by the mercury rapids located not too far from this location. Could the cavalier be napping currently? Perhaps surprisingly, perhaps not, there is already another mech in the glade.. Tall, massive, though his armor is significantly charred, bearing no insignia, this black Cybertronian was trying to rest, to get some peace, when the roar of engines approaching reached his Audio sensors. Preparing himself, Shatterquake levels his cannon arm, ready for anything to come within range of his weapon systems. He is not about to open fire too early, however, that would be wasteful. +Roll: Goa rolls against his Awareness Stat and succeeds by 7! The total roll was 3. +Roll: Slipstream rolls against her Awareness Stat and succeeds by 2! The total roll was 8. +Roll: Starscream rolls against his Awareness Stat and fails by 5! The total roll was 17. Goa looks up as the air commander roars by. "Autobots...?" Aware of the flier's reputation, but none too eager to be jumped, he lets his scythes fold out of his shoulders slowly -- quietly -- and hunches down to slim his profile in the tinsel foliage. Warily, he spies a bright orange mech. could it be...? Leveling his blades off in front of him, Goa crouches to attack. Combat: Goa attacks Hot Rod with melee Level: 2 and HITS! Combat: Hot Rod's Armor buckles but remains functional. +Roll: Rogue rolls against her Awareness Stat and succeeds by 7! The total roll was 7. Rogue hmms, spotting something down below. She gives a shrug of her shoulders as she drops down a bit, firing off a shot at whatever is down there. "Prolly just some civie hiding..." Slipstream spots what Starscream is talking about as he dives down. That's a big target! "A guardian?" she asks as she joins in the dive down toward the big form of Shatterquake. But then something else picks up on her radar and she shifts her angle. "Look what I found." heading for Chains. Combat: Rogue attacks Chains with pistol Level: 1 and HITS! Combat: Chains's Armor buckles but remains functional. Combat: Slipstream attacks Chains with I see you! - (Rifle) Level: 1 and HITS! Combat: Chains’ Armor buckles but remains functional. Starscream sees Shatterquake and opens fire. "Get them, you fools, GET THEM!" he shouts, his lasers raining hot bolts of pain down from the sky. The thrill of battle calls to him. Combat: Starscream attacks Shatterquake with Pewpewpew - (Pistol) Level: 2 and HITS! Combat: Shatterquake's Armor buckles but remains functional. Chains turns on his force field, raising the disc as he extends his chain, tumbling back under the fire from both femmecons, but holding up. He whirls the chain and flings it at Slipstream, given that she hit quite a bit harder. "Figgers all the ladies'd wanna dance with me." Combat: Chains’ force field flicker's on. Combat: Chains attacks Slipstream with Get over here - (melee) Level: 1 and MISSES! "Decepticons! Hot rod is that you?? " shouts out Crackshot as both pistols lift up to fire at once at Goa, his optical band flickering all around his head as he fires quickly. Combat: Crackshot attacks Goa with Double deuce - (pistol) Level: 1 and MISSES! Hot Rod wakes up as he gets a tugging from the fishing pole. The young Autobot starts to get up to see what he's caught and gets blindsided by Decepticon. The surprise attack sends the cavalier tumbling to the ground, but he quickly gets back to feet or at least to a defense crouching position. With his twin photon blasters in his hands. He looks around trying to target who it was that attacked him. He raises both weapons and opens fire with a burst of orange laser blasts at the only Decepticon he sees. The raining firepower from the Decepticons is noticed by Shatterquake, who turns his gaze skywards, leveling his cannon towards the familiar form of the tetra jet that targeted him. "You should not have come, Decepticons. Starscream, you will be unable to report this back to Megatron." There is a distinctive azure glow within the barrel of the cannon, before a mighty bolt of power lances forth skywards towards the Decepticon air commander. The former Guardian of the city of Tarn cannot afford to play games, and he knows it entirely too well. Combat: Shatterquake attacks Starscream with You should not mess with the big dog. - (cannon) Level: 3 and MISSES! Combat: Hot Rod attacks Goa with Twin blasters - (rifle) Level: 2 and MISSES! Goa gets a good slash in at Hot Rod, cackling inwardly as the bot's inept shooting completely misses him. Though it seems like there's more beams flying around than the Autobot's guns along can account for... He holds his blades out to his sides, prancing circles around him looking for a weakness. Combat: Goa attacks Hot Rod with melee Level: 1 and HITS! Combat: Hot Rod's Armor buckles but remains functional. Rogue hmms as her shot hits, an Autobot. "Oh, well..now this changes everything..." She sees him send out an attack towards Slip as she powers up, her hand and arms sparking with electrical energy. She pushes her hand forward sending a bolt of electricity towards Chains. Combat: Rogue attacks Chains with element Level: 2 and MISSES! Slipstream does a lovely two point roll over, the chain missing by /that/ much. "Oooo I like that weapon, let me show you mine!" she calls down, pulling around to dive down toward him. That lance pointed right at him. This will hurt... her and him.. if this connects. Combat: Slipstream attacks Chains with Shishkabob a bot! - (melee) Level: 3 and MISSES! Chains leaps neatly over the electrical attacks, and deflects the jet aside with his disc field, taking the lance at enough of an angle not to cause any great damage. He spins with it, lashing the chain about to try and literally whip Slipstream's aft for the trouble of charging him. "Ladies, ladies... there's apparently enough'a me to go around." Combat: Chains attacks Slipstream with Chain-whip to the tailfin - (melee) Level: 2 and MISSES! Hot Rod just watches as his shots go so far off of his intended target. He is forced to try and run an ato-targetting problem to get his sights back into focus or he needs to wake up from his afternoon nap and he'shelped by Goa who goes crashing into him against. The young Autobot goes flipping into the air. He executes a springing sault in mid-air and aims his rifles at the Decepticon again and decides to just spray the entire area with gunfire.. he's bound to hit something, right? He lands on his feet after what seems to be a slow motion retaliation attack in mid-air and upside down no less. Crackshot continues to run, but he slows. He looks from Chains to Hot Rod... both in need, and he was in between. Finally he brings up his guns to fire upon Rogue and gives Hot Rod some relief. Combat: Crackshot attacks Rogue with melee Level: 3 and HITS! Combat: Rogue's Armor buckles but remains functional. Hot Rod just watches as his shots go so far off of his intended target. He is forced to try and run an ato-targetting problem to get his sights back into focus or he needs to wake up from his afternoon nap and he’s helped by Goa who goes crashing into him against. The young Autobot goes flipping into the air. He executes a springing sault in mid-air and aims his rifles at the Decepticon again and decides to just spray the entire area with gunfire.. he's bound to hit something, right? He lands on his feet after what seems to be a slow motion retaliation attack in mid-air and upside down no less. Once on the ground he starts to yell into his forearm which is possibly where his communicator is located just as he readies himself for another attack. Combat: Hot Rod attacks Goa with Mad john woo pew-pew action! - (pistol) Level: 1 and MISSES! Missing Starscream, and seeing Slipstream surging down to attempt to impale chains, Shatterquake lashes out with a clawed arm to try and grab her by the wing, and then to slam her solidly into the ground with all the force the Guardian can muster.. "You should have stayed out of my reach, fool." Combat: Shatterquake attacks Slipstream with Power of the guardian! - (Melee) Level: 3 and HITS! Combat: Slipstream's Armor buckles but remains functional. Damage - Slipstream ------------ Subsystem Damage ----Status---- Armor 12 105/117 90% Hull/Health 4 118/122 97% Cou-End: 50% Energon: 89% Goa snorts derisively. "I knew Autobot shooting was bad, but not /that/ bad," he shouts, half-sneering, half-grinning. He decides he may as well stand to his full height, if he's not going to get hit either way. Twirling both blades about his fingers once before gripping them, he launches himself at Hot Rod, vicious hooks in hand. Combat: Goa attacks Hot Rod with Banzai! - (melee) Level: 3 and MISSES! Rogue misses Chains, and suddenly gets hit from another source. "Boy the forest is just full of bots today, isn't it." As she shifts her attention to the new bot. "But if you want to play...then let’s play." As a pair of rockets pop up over her shoulders and go streaking towards Crackshot. Combat: Rogue attacks Crackshot with missile Level: 3 and HITS! Combat: Crackshot's Armor buckles but remains functional. +Roll: Slipstream rolls against her Strength Stat and fails by 2! The total roll was 14. Slipstream bounces off of Chain's fore field, having not expected that little maneuver. "Oh he wants to play, Rogue. Let me deal with this one." She jets up only to get snagged by a guardian claw. "Ack!" she screams, "Not the wing again!" Trying hard to pull away, but.. nothing... Shatterquake pages: need me to make a strength roll too, just in case I fail it too? never mind... Chains nods his thanks to the Guardianbot, recovering himself as best he can from being the focus of attention there. He takes a quick, hard swing at Slipstream while she's caught, trying to help put her down while she's slowed down a bit, before he looks to help with Rogue, hoping Crackshot can handle himself a little longer. Combat: Chains attacks Slipstream with Good right cross - (Unarmed) Level: 2 and HITS! Combat: Slipstream's Armor buckles but remains functional. Damage - Slipstream ------------ Subsystem Damage ----Status---- Armor 2 103/117 88% Hull/Health 4 114/122 93% Cou-End: 50% Energon: 89% Ducking as the missiles explode around him, Crackshot is dizzy, but he leaps forwards towards a tree, ducking behind it as he fires once more with both pistols at Rogue. "Bring it on!" Combat: Crackshot attacks Rogue with pistol Level: 1 and MISSES! +Roll: Goa rolls against his Agility Stat and succeeds by 1! The total roll was 13. Hot Rod braces himself as he watches Goa get ready for his charge like a bull blinded with madness. He throws his pistols at the oncoming Decepticon as a diversionary tactic. The cavalier waits until the last second before leaping out of Goa's path. Then the young Autobot gets to his feet. blue optics glowing brightly with determination, "I will not allow you Decepticons to win today or hurt my friends any longer!" he raises both arms and fires off several blasts from his chrome tailpipe blasters located on his forearms. Still holding onto Slipstream, the massive Guardian allows himself a grim smile as he brings his cannon to bear upon her, pretty much ignoring Chains for now as the barrel begins to glow, before sending the bolt of energy pulsing into her, and blasting her out of his own grip. Combat: Hot Rod attacks Goa with Last stand of the chosen one! - (rifle) Level: 3 and MISSES! Combat: Shatterquake attacks Slipstream with A captive audience... - (Cannon) Level: 1 and HITS! Combat: Slipstream's Armor buckles but remains functional. Damage - Slipstream ------------ Subsystem Damage ----Status---- Armor 9 94/117 80% Hull/Health 26 88/122 72% Cou-End: 50% Energon: 89% Goa's awkward flailing to catch his balance once his target moves becomes his savior, as powerful bolts whistle both in front and behind his chest. The green cone of his helmet slowly turns to face Hot Rod, and the Decepticon looks confused by Rod's outburst -- unsure whether to laugh or laugh harder, his jaw just gapes a little. Whipping one scythe out into a straight configuration, he rears back, then throws it at the center of his silhouette. Combat: Goa attacks Hot Rod with Super ultra rainbow throwing knife attack - (melee) Level: 1 and MISSES! +Roll: Shatterquake rolls against its Strength Stat and succeeds by 10! The total roll was 9. Rogue hmmms at the bot...hiding behind a tree. She shakes her head a bit, as a sphere of energy forms in her hand. She draws back and tosses it at Crackshot and the tree, trying to envelop them both. Combat: Rogue attacks Crackshot with element Level: 2 and MISSES! +Roll: Slipstream rolls against her Agility Stat and succeeds by 11! The total roll was 5. Slipstream keeps trying to free herself on jet engine power alone, but it's obvious the guardian has the upper claw here. Chains punch smacks her in the wing, she grunts in pain. "What is it with you mechs and seekers wings!?!" she cries out in anger, pain, and annoyance. Then the cannon connect, she makes this sound that's part scream, part swear word. Then she transforms in a vain attempt to free herself. No dice! Starscream attempts to free Slipstream. He transforms to robot mode to try to pry the claws off of her. "Let go!" he says, "Or I'll null you good!" Combat: Starscream attacks Shatterquake with Prying bar! - (Unarmed) Level: 1 and HITS! Combat: Shatterquake's Armor buckles but remains functional. Chains has had limited luck so far, but sees Starscream taking back up with the Guardian, and the other cons seem to be occupied. Seeing the seeker out of jet mode, he lashes the chain about, trying to wrap it around her neck - since she's complaining about wing shots and all. Combat: Chains attacks Slipstream with Chain-garrote - (Melee) Level: 1 and HITS! Combat: Slipstream's Armor buckles but remains functional. Damage - Slipstream ------------ Subsystem Damage ----Status---- Armor 6 88/117 75% Hull/Health 2 86/122 70% Cou-End: 50% Energon: 88% Crackshot ducks the second blast, bits of metal flying out from the blown tree. He pops out the other side of the tree to fire at whatever was visible - wing, head, whatever! Combat: Crackshot attacks Rogue with Shootout at the ok corral - (pistol) Level: 2 and MISSES! Hot Rod watches as Goa comes charging in, only this time he waits and does a fancy little spin move like a ballerina to avoid the oncoming barrage. He balls his fist up to get ready to punch Goa. But then he sees his pistols on the ground and decides to leap for them and away from the Decepticon. He grabs one in mid-flight and hits the ground rolling ad somehow manages to get to his feet with the weapon which he uses to fire several orange lancing blasts at the angry mecha, "I may be a lousy shot.. but I'm smart enough not to try and trade punches with an obvious brawler!" The fact that Starscream has taken it upon himself to fly down so conveniently close, right into melee range is quite amusing to Shatterquake.. the fact that he is actually taking a hold of his claw is even more so. Letting go of slipstream, the guardian lashes out fast to try and grab Starscream by the cranial unit, and should he succeed, he will squeeze, much like one does a melon.. with several tons of force. "Alright Starscream, I'll let her go.. And take your head off instead." Combat: Hot Rod attacks Goa with Rapid fire pew-pew attack - (Pistol) Level: 1 and HITS! Combat: Goa's Armor buckles but remains functional. Combat: Shatterquake attacks Starscream with Popping a head like a zit? - (Melee) Level: 3 and HITS! Combat: Starscream's Armor buckles but remains functional. Goa hisses as plasma crackles a couple solid chunks out of his shoulder's armor, and drops to a crawl across the ground, the low-level fractalline leaves of the forest scratching lines in the paint of his chest. He reaches behind himself, pulling a ballistic weapon from the inside of his armor 'cape'. "Obvious?" he says, as he braces against the ground to lob a frag grenade at Hot Rod. Combat: Goa attacks Hot Rod with Scottish accent - (Ballistics) Level: 2 and HITS!Combat: Hot Rod's Armor buckles but remains functional. +Roll: Slipstream rolls against her Strength Stat and succeeds by 7! The total roll was 5. Slipstream gets free of the grip of the guardian thanks to Starscreams' intervention. But that freedom is cut short as a chain snakes around her neck. Grabbing at the chain she yanks as hard as she can, she's going to yank the smaller Bot toward her to get a bit of slack. (no attack) "AAAAAAAAAAAAGH!" Starscream shrieks, as he's nearly crushed in Shatterquake's grip. Ow, his cranial chamber is killing him! Angrily he raises his rifle and aims it at Shatterquake's face. "You'll pay for that!" he snaps. Combat: Starscream attacks Shatterquake with Null to the face! - (Rifle) Level: 3 and HITS! Combat: Shatterquake's Armor buckles but remains functional. She wants to pull him in closer and play this up close and personal? Fine, Chains not only goes with it, he helps her out, retracting the chain back into his arm-housing to speed up the rate he's pulled in towards her, letting her greater weight anchor the chain as he lowers his shoulder and goes for a flying tackle. He may be small, but he was built for up close and personal. Combat: Chains attacks Slipstream with Cyclebot flying tackle - (Unarmed) Level: 3 and HITS! Combat: Slipstream's Armor buckles but remains functional. Damage - Slipstream ------------ Subsystem Damage ----Status---- Armor 9 79/117 68% Hull/Health 3 83/122 68% Cou-End: 50% Energon: 88% As It seems Rogue has departed for now, Crackshot turns now to approach Hot Rods' location, seeing that Chains was doing quite well "Hot Rod!" he calls out, and pauses, watching Scattershot rip into the seekers almost at once. He blinks a few times, then looks about at the targets... NOOB ALERT. He fires then, at Starscream. "Hey! I owe you a few of these!" Combat: Crackshot attacks Starscream with pistol Level: 1 and MISSES! Hot Rod watches as something get lobbed into the air. Perhaps it’s his youth and inexperience at not knowing what the ancient device is. He raises his blaster and takes a shot at the grenade and of course the blast causes the device to detonate and rain down shrapnel at the young cavalier. He raises his arm to protect his face as pieces of hot searing metal pierces his armor, "Ow, hewy.. Arcee won't be happy that you ruined my armor!!" then he takes a knee to line up Goa into his sights. He squeezes the trigger just as his name is called. The blast goes zipping towards the Decepticon regardless! Combat: Hot Rod attacks Goa with Sharpshooter sniper blast - (Pistol) Level: 2 and HITS! Combat: Goa's Armor buckles but remains functional. Being blasted in the face is, for most mechs, a big issue. However, for a Guardian class robot like Shatterquake it is significantly less so. Releasing Starscream's head, Shatterquake transforms into his tank mode, and starts launching ballistic shells at the air commander, "do you honestly think you can defeat me Starscream? You are nothing. a weakling. a coward." Shatterquake transforms from Robot to Battle Tank Mode. Combat: Shatterquake attacks Starscream with Decepticons are all cannon fodder. - (Ballistics) Level: 2 and HITS! Combat: Starscream's Armor buckles but remains functional. +Roll: Goa rolls against his Agility Stat and fails by 1! The total roll was 15. Goa scrambles to his feet and forward a few steps to yank his thrown blade from the ground before he hears the air hissing from his left front tire. He glances at it with a look of reminiscence, even as the jet of air knocks him back to the ground, impacting with a thud on his other side. "What the -- slag." Snapping out of it, he loads a second grenade into the barrel of the launcher and fires, arcing it far above Hot Rod this time. Combat: Goa attacks Hot Rod with Frag mortar! - (ballistics) Level: 2 and MISSES! Slipstream gets enough slack, but then the Bot has to go and do that. She oofs audibly, taking the impact and driven to the ground with him on top of her. Well then, she's not playing nice in the first place so why not just see how he likes his own medicine! Kneeing up as hard as she can as she mutters, "Piece of dreka." Combat: Slipstream attacks Chains with Knee to the.. ouch. - (unarmed) Level: 2 and MISSES! Starscream get blasted by Shatterquake. "GAAAAH!" he shouts. It's painful, but not enough to discourage him from continuing to attack the big bot. "You are archaic and should have been disassembled a long time ago," he says, as he fires his lasers. Combat: Starscream attacks Shatterquake with Pewpewpew - (pistol) Level: 2 and MISSES! Chains is already rolling with the hit, somersaulting over the bigger con's torso as he lands, thus preventing his... ouch... from being where she anticipated. He continues the momentum, coming out of the roll back on his feet, and tries to snap the whip, as it were, with the end of the chain still around her neck, trying to fling in Starscream's direction... ok, so he's not sure about this maneuver... he's strong, sure, but it’s really all momentum, since she's a lot bigger than he is. +Roll: Chains rolls against his Strength Stat and succeeds by 9! The total roll was 5. Frowning a little, Crackshot taps his visor a few times and it flashes before he runs to watch Chains instead 'Chains, how're you doing? " he shouts over, turning to jog towards the other Autobot. Hot Rod looks up as the mortar goes up and has the presence of mind this time to move out of the devices’ trajectory. He takes careful aim at the unknown Decepticon again and opens fire. The photon rifle bursts forth several times in a variety of colored blasts. Starscream's low intensity blasts simply glancing off the heavily armored form of his battle tank form, Shatterquake's turret rotates, the central cannon leveling towards the former figurehead of the city he once defended.. the barrel begins to glow brightly, before a searing blast of purple energy lances out towards the Seeker.. a mighty blast from a weapon much like that which one day will be wielded by the future leader of the Decepticons, a Particle cannon!!! Combat: Hot Rod attacks Goa with Multi-leveled blaster barrage - (Rifle) Level: 3 and HITS! Combat: Goa's Armor buckles but remains functional. Combat: Shatterquake attacks Starscream with Prelude to galvatron. - (cannon) Level: 3 and MISSES! Goa shrieks as lances of photons stab his weak midsection, and scrambles to his feet. There's very little calculation in his face now, optics practically glinting fire at the offending Autobot as he hooks the grenade launcher behind his back. With a roar, he charges at Hot Rod, scythes laid out to both sides to present the widest possible berth of attack. Combat: Goa attacks Hot Rod with Bullrush - (Melee) Level: 2 and HITS! Combat: Hot Rod's Armor buckles but remains functional. +Roll: Slipstream rolls against her Strength Stat and succeeds by 6! The total roll was 6. Slipstream watches the Bot roll clear of the kick, moving off her back and still trying to remove that chain before he crushes something vital in there.. like an energon feed to her cerebral unit! Shifting her arms just so that she can get a shot off at the Bot. Combat: Slipstream attacks Chains with Back off - (rifle) Level: 2 and MISSES! Starscream fortunately dodges the blast. That probably would have hurt. A LOT. "Too slow," he taunts, "Now do yourself a favor and deactivate yourself before I do it for you." He fires his rifle at the bot again. Combat: Starscream attacks Shatterquake with Didew didew didew - (rifle) Level: 2 and MISSES! Chains ducks aside from the rifle shot, finding his footing now and bracing himself. He has some idea of her strength now, and a pretty good idea that, despite their relative sizes, his compact frame is stronger than her streamlined one. So now it’s a question of armor. Planting his feet, he jerks hard on the chain, trying to keep constricting and see if he can damage something vital in there, or if her framework will hold up. He may be an Autobot now, but he's still as vicious as any ganger. Combat: Chains attacks Slipstream with Chokehold - (melee) Level: 1 and MISSES! Crackshot frowns as Hot Rod Ignores him, and he runs up right next to the other mech, joining in to fire upon Slipstream from that point "You okay Hot Rod?" he asks, nudging. Combat: Crackshot attacks Slipstream with pistol Level: 1 and HITS! Combat: Slipstream's Armor buckles but remains functional. Damage - Slipstream ------------ Subsystem Damage ----Status---- Armor 11 68/117 58% Hull/Health 31 52/122 43% Cou-End: 50% Energon: 77% Shatterquake laughs as he rolls backwards, avoiding Starscream's blasts, "If I am slow, Starscream, what does that make you, that you cannot hit a target as large as me?" Transforming, he then rockets skywards, up out of sight. "We shall meet again! Autobots, I may well soon be in the vicinity of Iacon. I would appreciate being considered in a non hostile manner, considering how I have assisted you this day." Hot Rod smirks at yells at Goa, "How’s my shooting now?!" then he sees the con come charging at him like a pissed off bull gone berserk. He blinks and turns to Crackshot, "Hey Crackshot when'd you get here?" he looks at the Autobot then back at the rapidly approaching Decepticon. He gives Crackshot a shove to push the Autobot out of the way of the oncoming attack. But this means he himself doesn't have enough time to jump out of the way so he gets his side slashed open by the scythe, "Ow.. hey!!" he tries to steady the photon blaster at Goa as he goes running by. With a squeeze of the trigger he drains out the last of the pistol’s energon supply. Combat: Hot Rod attacks Goa with Last shot to piss you off with! - (rifle) Level: 1 and MISSES! +Roll: Goa rolls against his Strength Stat and fails by 3! The total roll was 18. All wordplay is completely lost on the enraged mech as he struggles to wrestle Hot Rod to the ground. He doesn't seem to notice Crackshot, as his tunnel vision is locked -- paying more than enough attention to veer away from the blaster pressed to him. Grappling Hot Rod by the shoulder, he tries to get a blade into his back, where that wing-like plate is. Combat: Goa attacks Hot Rod with Awkward backstab - (melee) Level: 2 and MISSES! +Roll: Slipstream rolls against her Strength Stat and succeeds by 6! The total roll was 6. Slipstream cannot believe her luck, how is she /missing/ this mech! Considering the damaged she took from that guardian cannon though, maybe her aiming systems are off. With a death grip on that chain, the yank the Bot gives is countered this time around. She gives a yank back of her own, trying to pull free of that chain once and for all. For her trouble she gets tagged by Crackshot. "@##1561##1561 !#1561!#1561##1561!" (no attack) Starscream snorts as his opponent retreats. Well, another target makes itself available. He opens fire on Crackshot instead now. "I've made Shatterquake run, now how about you?" he says. Combat: Starscream attacks Crackshot with Pew pew pew - (Pistol) Level: 2 and HITS! Combat: Crackshot's Armor buckles but remains functional. Chains retracts the chain, using the time while she's fighting with it to get back into position, feinting once to move past her, then, with a jump and spin, attempts to, literally, kick her aft, trying to make his speed, quickness and elusive size work for him. Combat: Chains attacks Slipstream with Whoa, I know kung fu? - (Unarmed) Level: 2 and HITS! Combat: Slipstream's Armor buckles but remains functional. Damage - Slipstream ------------ Subsystem Damage ----Status---- Armor 5 63/117 54% Hull/Health 1 51/122 42% Cou-End: 50% Energon: 77% "I've been here a while. Didn’t you hear me shouting? " asks Crackshot. As Hot Rod is grappled, the mech abandons his weapons to leap onto Goa's back himself with a shout. Combat: Crackshot attacks Goa with unarmed Level: 1 and HITS! Combat: Goa's Armor buckles but remains functional. +Roll: Goa rolls against his Awareness Stat and fails by 5! The total roll was 15. Hot Rod gyacks as he's grabbed and mech-handled? He manages to knock Goa's weapon hand away from him in the mist of the struggle. He retracts his hand and extends his buzzsaw, which spins and whirls to life a twists himself a bit to try and slash at Goa's head in hopes he'll release him grip. Combat: Hot Rod attacks Goa with Cut you face off! - (melee) Level: 2 and MISSES! +Roll: Hot Rod rolls against his Dexterity Stat and succeeds by 10! The total roll was 3. +Roll: Goa rolls against his Agility Stat and succeeds by 5! The total roll was 9. Goa doesn't notice Crackshot before the Autobot is upon him, and is pulled away from Hot Rod by his back plate. His arms slice through the air, trying to claw at his inaccessible back, for a graceful moment until he's thrown prone. (no attack) +Roll: Slipstream rolls against her Agility Stat and fails by 2! The total roll was 18. Slipstream has one of those conflicting moments of grudging respect for this minibot and wanting to twist that chain of his around his neck and see how he likes it. When he kicks at her she fights to keep her footing, shooting off her rifles while she has the chance. Then THUD onto her back she goes. Combat: Slipstream attacks Chains with Gonna pay for that! - (rifle) Level: 1 and MISSES! Starscream scores a hit, and the fact that the Autobot is a bit more occupied with Goa right now gives the Air Commander the confidence to try a shot to the back. Combat: Starscream attacks Crackshot with Backshot - (Pistol) Level: 1 and HITS! Combat: Crackshot's Armor buckles but remains functional. The minibot in question has nothing but respect for how lethal the Decepticons can be, but he has no shortage of courage, and he was originally built of made of goes fast. Chains may not have nearly the point to point speed of a seeker, but in tight quarters like this he can dodge and move like few others. He sidesteps the shot, moving by the time she's shooting, swinging the chain up and about in a high, arching swing, trying to axe it down onto her cockpit. Combat: Chains attacks Slipstream with Back on the chain gang - (Melee) Level: 1 and HITS! Combat: Slipstream's Armor buckles but remains functional. Damage - Slipstream ------------ Subsystem Damage ----Status---- Armor 5 58/117 50% Hull/Health 2 49/122 40% Cou-End: 50% Energon: 72% While clinging to Goa's back, his own back was open, and sadly, Crackshot DID see it coming. But he could not dodge in time as the blast slams into his back. With a cry, he lets go of Goa and starts to stagger his back smoking heavily. Dropping to a knee, he lifts his pistol to fire again at Starscream "Chains!" Combat: Crackshot attacks Starscream with pistol Level: 3 and HITS! Combat: Starscream's Armor buckles but remains functional. Hot Rod blinks as he's suddenly struggling with himself as his enemy seems to have abandoned him. He runs over to grab the second of his discarded pistols and transform into his racer mode. And revs his engines and races towards Crackshot, "Coming buddy!" he calls out and the vehicle goes roaring towards the Autobot and doesn't really shot for anyone or bothers to swirl to avoid hitting anything. In fact he goes straight at Goa, fully intending on going through the Decepticon if he has to. The sports car skids to a halt in front of Crackshot to use himself as a protective shield. Combat: Hot Rod attacks Goa with Ramming speed! - (Melee) Level: 2 and HITS! Combat: Goa's Armor buckles but remains functional. +Roll: Goa rolls against his Strength Stat and succeeds by 13! The total roll was 2. Goa'd begun the climb to his feet as Crackshot stumbled off to trade shots with one of the fliers, and now turns to the sound of Hot Rod's loud engines -- the surprise impact throws him sidelong into a tree. Slipstream cries out as her cockpit takes that hit, glass shattering. "Fragger." she chokes out, clenching her hand around her lariat as she sits up, makes a hasty loop then sends it sailing to snap the Bot. She may as well try to get a bit of a recharge out of him, if she can at this point! Combat: Slipstream attacks Chains with Rope trick time! - (melee) Level: 2 and MISSES! Starscream shrieks as he gets hit with a good blast. "Insolent whelp!" he snaps, "FALL!" He rushes at Crackshot, attempting to punch him in the faceplates, the back plates, or wherever. Combat: Starscream attacks Crackshot with Smack! - (Melee) Level: 2 and HITS! Combat: Crackshot's Armor buckles but remains functional. Chains leaps nimbly through the lasso, it closes just behind his feet as he jumps. Taking advantage of powerful leg servos and a ton of momentum, he comes down swinging the chain in as powerful an arc as he can, trying to get Slipstream off of him. He knows she's damaged, time to try and make it stick and see if he can help get the cons retreating too, going for as powerful a swing as he can to try and leave a lasting impression. Combat: Chains attacks Slipstream with Double handed axe-handle chain shot - (Melee) Level: 3 and HITS! Combat: Slipstream's Armor buckles but remains functional. Damage - Slipstream ------------ Subsystem Damage ----Status---- Armor 4 54/117 46% Hull/Health 13 36/122 30% Cou-End: 50% Energon: 68% Crackshot sighs as Hot Rod pulls up next to him. He is about to reply to Chains when he is rushed by Starscream. Again the pistol drops, arms coming up to block the attack to his face and helmet. The visor he wore shatters, scattering all over and he gahs, suddenly off kilter as he swings a punch back to try and fend off the attacker. Combat: Crackshot attacks Starscream with melee Level: 1 and MISSES! Hot Rod revs his engine as he watches Crackshot get shot. He grumbles something about fliers, "Hey, you're not looking so good, maybe you should fall back." the cavalier transforms and stands protective in front of the injured Autobot. He raises his photon blaster to take close aim at Starscream. He's finding it really difficult to line up a clear sight on the seeker, "Stop moving would you?!" he yells out as he leads the weapon slightly in front of the moving target and fires off a beam of plasma!.. PEW! Combat: Hot Rod attacks Starscream with Miracle sniper pew! - (Rifle) Level: 2 and HITS! Combat: Starscream's Armor buckles but remains functional. Goa shakes his head. He didn't think he'd hit the tree so hard...? But a moment ago he was in the air, and now he was seeing two Autobots firing at an aggravated Starscream. His processor ached like it was hit with a hammer, too. He stumbles to his feet, seeing his armor falling away in ribbons and an opportunity to sneak out ... but not before paying his dues in the form of a parting shot. Slipstream gacks! That digs into her already damaged cockpit, which is nestled oh so prominently in her chest. Yeah, that'll leave an impression all right. Something sparks, smoke billows out, and Slipstream coughs out. "Permission.. to.. retreat.. sir?" towards Starscream. Combat: MULTISHOT Combat: Goa attacks Hot Rod with Berserker's regards - (Ballistics) Level: 2 and HITS! Combat: Hot Rod's Armor buckles but remains functional. Combat: MULTISHOT Combat: Goa attacks Crackshot with Berserker's regards - (Ballistics) Level: 2 and HITS! Combat: Crackshot's Armor buckles but remains functional. "Permission Granted!" Starscream says, "We've wasted enough time here. Decepticons, pull out!" He transforms and takes to the air. Chains gets a transmission over coms, and hears the call from the cons to retreat. That suits him fine, skirmishing is all about hit and run, after all, and he's done his share of hitting. He raises his force field disc to ward off any further attacks and begins to back away, giving Slipstream a respectful nod, but ceases the attack so long as the cons actually do back off, ready to leave the scene himself once HR and CS are clear. Til then, he can settle for being a very small, very stubborn wall. Remaining crouched defensively until Starscream moved away, it was only after the Decepticons were out of sight that he slumps to his knees, crouching over as he held his wounds, optics shut off to recover. Hot Rod staggers to the side as he's blasted while he's using Starscream as target practice. He turns his sights on Goa. But notices that the Decepticons are making their retreat. And rather than provoking further battle he looks over to Crackshot. He transforms into his racer mode and slides his windshield open, "Help get him inside Chains, I'll get him back to Iacon."