| - 216
- [[Plik:A362-216 na pętli PKP Rembertów.jpg|right|thumb|250px|Autobus Autosan Solina linii 216 na pętli PKP Rembertów (2010)]] 216 – nieistniejąca linia autobusowa zwykła, która kursowała na trasie z PKP Rembertów do Zielonej. Linię obsługiwał ajent Mobilis.
- 216 is the original area code for Cleveland, Ohio.
- Annette überwindet ihren Stolz und lässt Lena wieder in die WG ziehen. Unterdessen versucht Lena panisch heraus zu finden, woher die Rose aus ihrem Spind stammt. Ihre Ängste sind nicht unbegründet, denn Lenas unbekannter Beobachter stattet Annette einen Besuch ab. Bei Oliver steht überraschend sein Vater vor der Tür. Zu diesem Zeitpunkt ahnt Oliver noch nicht, dass er bald einen schlimmen Schicksalsschlag erleiden wird. Mike ist die freundschaftliche Bindung zwischen Nadja und Marian zunehmend ein Dorn im Auge. Als Mike Nadja wegen einer abgesagten Verabredung eifersüchtig zur Rede stellen will, fühlt sich Nadja ungerecht behandelt und es kommt zum Streit.
- El dos cientos dieciséis (216) es el número natural que sigue al 215 y precede al 217. Categoría:Números
- The number 216 is a very significant, if not well known, number. This becomes apparent when one multiplies 6x6x6 and receives the result of 216. The connection to 666 is amplified by its presence in the Darren Aronofsky's film Pi where the protagonist stumbles upon a hidden code in the universe, a 216 digit number which a group of zealous Jews believe to be the true name of god. In the printout of the 216 digit number, the number 6 can be seen in the beginning of the second, third and fourth rows, forming a vertical 666.
- Jason continues to interrogate Willie at the Blue Whale. He questions him about his new-found meek demeanor, as well as the bloodstains on his sleeve. Willie can barely stand and he looks as if he hasn't slept in days. He claims the stains are dirt, but Jason knows better and forces Willie to look at the blood. Willie trembles in fear and begs Jason not to make him look at it.
| - 216
- [[Plik:A362-216 na pętli PKP Rembertów.jpg|right|thumb|250px|Autobus Autosan Solina linii 216 na pętli PKP Rembertów (2010)]] 216 – nieistniejąca linia autobusowa zwykła, która kursowała na trasie z PKP Rembertów do Zielonej. Linię obsługiwał ajent Mobilis.
- 216 is the original area code for Cleveland, Ohio.
- Jason continues to interrogate Willie at the Blue Whale. He questions him about his new-found meek demeanor, as well as the bloodstains on his sleeve. Willie can barely stand and he looks as if he hasn't slept in days. He claims the stains are dirt, but Jason knows better and forces Willie to look at the blood. Willie trembles in fear and begs Jason not to make him look at it. Jason offers his help, but Willie refuses; he wants to be alone and claims he isn't in any trouble. Willie wants to leave Collinsport altogether, but Jason wants him to return to Collinwood to apologize to Elizabeth and Carolyn for his recent behavior. Willie doesn't want to go, but Jason forces him anyway despite Burke's intervention and insistence that Willie needs a hospital, not to go bothering Elizabeth and Carolyn again. At Collinwood, Carolyn is determined to go out although the hour is late. She's not interested in being at home in case Willie turns up. Just then, Jason and Willie come in; neither Elizabeth or Carolyn have any interest in what Willie wishes to say. Jason forces Willie to apologize, but his apology reeks of insincerity. Jason and Elizabeth go into the drawing room to argue some more, leaving Willie in the foyer. Carolyn walks past, and Willie issues a heartfelt apology to her. Carolyn almost believes that Willie actually means it. Carolyn leaves the house and shortly thereafter, Willie, who trembles at the sight of Barnabas Collins' portrait, collapses from exhaustion on the floor. Jason and Elizabeth comes out of the drawing room and finds Willie sprawled out near the staircase. Willie, having been carried up to his old room by Jason, startles awake with a cry. Jason continues to ask him questions, but now Willie appears to grow more and more terrified. Back downstairs in the drawing room, Elizabeth refuses to believe Willie is sick; she is certain this is nothing more than an act in order for him to remain at Collinwood. Jason threatens her once again with the 18-year-old incident, and insists that Willie stay. Elizabeth reluctantly agrees. Later that evening, Carolyn returns and she learns the news that Willie is sick and is staying for a few more days at Collinwood. She surprises her mother with her belief that Willie is truly ill, as she thought there was something terribly wrong with him earlier. Carolyn explains to Elizabeth that she sensed Willie was in a strange kind of pain, something emotional and spiritual. Neither of them understands what has happened to him, and Carolyn isn't sure if she wants to know. Back upstairs, Jason checks on Willie, who doesn't want to stay and only wants to go away. Jason helps a protesting Willie off with his coat, and is shocked to find Willie's right sleeve torn and his wrist bandaged. Willie, absolutely terrified, shrinks back as Jason tries to examine the wound, hissing at the Irishman to stay away.
- The number 216 is a very significant, if not well known, number. This becomes apparent when one multiplies 6x6x6 and receives the result of 216. The connection to 666 is amplified by its presence in the Darren Aronofsky's film Pi where the protagonist stumbles upon a hidden code in the universe, a 216 digit number which a group of zealous Jews believe to be the true name of god. In the printout of the 216 digit number, the number 6 can be seen in the beginning of the second, third and fourth rows, forming a vertical 666. The idea of a 216-letter name of god is actually taken from real Jewish history and belief. The 216-letter name of god (the Schemhamphoras) is actually derived from three verses in Exodus (verses 19, 20, & 21), each being 72 letters long. (72x3=216) Each was written out as a string of letters: verse 19 on top, then 20 underneath and in reverse order, and then 21 under that. Read top to bottom and right to left, the 3 lines of 72 letters yielded 72 individual 3 letter names.[1] The number 72 connects to 216 again in the time frames involved with the precession of the equinox. Each of the 12 Ages lasts for 2,160 years, and the earth takes 72 years to move one degree in the Great Year. The connection to 12 continues beyond there being 12 Ages, in that the entire cylce lasts about 25,920 years which is 216x120.
- Annette überwindet ihren Stolz und lässt Lena wieder in die WG ziehen. Unterdessen versucht Lena panisch heraus zu finden, woher die Rose aus ihrem Spind stammt. Ihre Ängste sind nicht unbegründet, denn Lenas unbekannter Beobachter stattet Annette einen Besuch ab. Bei Oliver steht überraschend sein Vater vor der Tür. Zu diesem Zeitpunkt ahnt Oliver noch nicht, dass er bald einen schlimmen Schicksalsschlag erleiden wird. Mike ist die freundschaftliche Bindung zwischen Nadja und Marian zunehmend ein Dorn im Auge. Als Mike Nadja wegen einer abgesagten Verabredung eifersüchtig zur Rede stellen will, fühlt sich Nadja ungerecht behandelt und es kommt zum Streit.
- El dos cientos dieciséis (216) es el número natural que sigue al 215 y precede al 217. Categoría:Números