The 3B is an American animated television series produced by Shires Television Animation, Atomic Cartoons, Teletoon, Breakthrough Films and Television, and broadcast on Shires XD starting January 6, 2014. It is a re-imagining of the titular characters from the 1936 film Goldilocks and the Three Bears by Michael Shires Productions.
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| - The 3B is an American animated television series produced by Shires Television Animation, Atomic Cartoons, Teletoon, Breakthrough Films and Television, and broadcast on Shires XD starting January 6, 2014. It is a re-imagining of the titular characters from the 1936 film Goldilocks and the Three Bears by Michael Shires Productions.
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Row 9 info
| - "Holy Shit! It's Three Bears!"
Row 8 info
| - Tom Ruegger
- Andy Strumer
- Terry Scott Taylor
Row 4 info
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Row 10 title
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Row 8 title
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Row 4 title
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Row 9 title
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Row 2 info
| - Comedy
- Drama
- Drugs
- Horror
- Animated
- Violence
- Sex
Row 6 info
| - Vincent Waller
- James Anderson
Row 5 info
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Row 2 title
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Row 6 title
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Row 10 info
| - "Holy Shit! It's Three Bears! "
Row 5 title
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Row 3 info
| - Goldilocks and the Three Bears
Row 3 title
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Row 7 info
| - Ben Kingsley
- Wallace Shawn
- Grey DeLisle
- Jess Harnell
- Cree Summer
- Rob Paulsen
- Gilbert Gottfried
- Paul Rugg
- Matt Hill
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Box Title
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Row 11 info
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Row 11 title
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| - The 3B is an American animated television series produced by Shires Television Animation, Atomic Cartoons, Teletoon, Breakthrough Films and Television, and broadcast on Shires XD starting January 6, 2014. It is a re-imagining of the titular characters from the 1936 film Goldilocks and the Three Bears by Michael Shires Productions.