Ugly Americans is a half-hour animated comedy series created by Devin Clark for Comedy Central. The series premiered on March 17, 2010. On April 21, 2010 Comedy Central announced that they had ordered 7 additional episodes of Ugly Americans, to begin airing in October 2010. __TOC__
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| - List of Ugly Americans episodes
| - Ugly Americans is a half-hour animated comedy series created by Devin Clark for Comedy Central. The series premiered on March 17, 2010. On April 21, 2010 Comedy Central announced that they had ordered 7 additional episodes of Ugly Americans, to begin airing in October 2010. __TOC__
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| - Sympathy for the Devil
- An American Werewolf in America
- Better Off Undead
- Blob Gets Job
- Demon Baby
- Hell for the Holidays
- Kill, Mark... Kill!
- Kong of Queens
- So, You Want to Be a Vampire?
- Soul Sucker
- The Manbirds
- Treegasm
- Trolling for Terror
| - 1(xsd:double)
- 1(xsd:double)
- 1(xsd:double)
- 1(xsd:double)
- 2(xsd:double)
| - Aaron Augenblick & Lucy Snyder
| - 2010-03-24(xsd:date)
- 2010-03-31(xsd:date)
- 2010-04-07(xsd:date)
- 2010-04-14(xsd:date)
- 2010-04-21(xsd:date)
- 2010-04-28(xsd:date)
- 2010-10-06(xsd:date)
- 2010-10-13(xsd:date)
- 2010-10-20(xsd:date)
- 2010-10-27(xsd:date)
- 2010-11-03(xsd:date)
- 2010-11-10(xsd:date)
- 2010-11-17(xsd:date)
| - 2(xsd:integer)
- 3(xsd:integer)
- 4(xsd:integer)
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- 6(xsd:integer)
- 7(xsd:integer)
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- 9(xsd:integer)
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- 11(xsd:integer)
- 12(xsd:integer)
- 13(xsd:integer)
- 14(xsd:integer)
| - Mark meets a pair of tree creatures who are expected to participate in a public mating ritual sanctioned by the City of New York as a festival. Meanwhile a molting Callie demands the kinkiest kind of sex out of Mark, and Randall loses his penis after visiting a movie theater.
- Mark gets in over his head when he agrees to be Callie's partner in an ancient demonic ritual; Randall babysits a confused robot.
- Twayne is forced to endure a series of difficult consequences when he decides to make a horrendous agreement regarding a local politician's soul.
- Mark decides to take in a baby Man-Bird that was separated from its family, while Grimes struggles to settle a blood-feud with their champion.
- Randall believes he isn't a true zombie as all he does is stalk his old love, Krystal, so he joins a zombie cult. Mark deals with a clingy and very sensitive roommate. In order to help Randall get over his Krystal obsession, Leonard changes Mark into Krystal. Mark then begins suffering a curse that is making him age to death, and intercourse with Grimes may be the only way out.
- After Randall joins the cast of a sleazy reality show, the program’s unbalanced producer becomes obsessed with Mark.
- After further budget cuts threaten to shut down his program, Mark struggles to find a job for a giant ape who has OCD and insists on cleaning the skyscrapers he climbs. Meanwhile, Callie tries to resist her sudden attraction towards Twayne during a convention; Randall loses the lower half of his body to an oncoming bus during a pedestrian accident.
- Mark runs into a series of problems when he volunteers to assist Leonard with issues regarding his wand; Twayne believes he has met his soulmate and both wish to re-assassinate the zombie Abraham Lincoln.
- Mark and Randall agree to accompany Callie on a Halloween trip to hell, where they spend time with her family, who plot against Mark and Randall.
- Mark meets a woman who wants to become a vampire like her boyfriend . Frank and his crew have to take anger management under Leonard, who ends up forgetting about the instruction and hunts vampires with the police. Meanwhile, the people of the city are being afflicted by a strange illness called "Mad Larry", a communicable disease which transforms NYC residents into Larry King clones.
- While staying with Randall's parents in New Jersey , Mark accidentally "outs" his roommate as a zombie; Leonard tries to identify a strange new creature who proves to be difficult to place in the workforce.
- Mark tries to teach a Werewolf and its victim a lesson in trust by relating their challenges to the early history of New York's gang fights between vampires and the irish in the early 1900's; Leonard pursues his dream of becoming a famous magician and Randall plots to eat Mark while he sleeps.
- After having intimacy issues the prior night, Callie goes baby-crazy after Mark starts fostering a demon orphan who is assigned to him when a demon fails to sell it to a expecting couple; Twayne starts to notice some odd changes in his body and tries to push Callie into a marriage in order to adopt the child.
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| - Ugly Americans is a half-hour animated comedy series created by Devin Clark for Comedy Central. The series premiered on March 17, 2010. On April 21, 2010 Comedy Central announced that they had ordered 7 additional episodes of Ugly Americans, to begin airing in October 2010. __TOC__