| - PSA - to tajna agencja, która pomagała utrzymać bezpieczeństwo w Club Penguin. Działała od 24 października 2005 do 18 maja 2010 r, ponieważ Herbert zniszczył kwaterę główną PSA bombą z popcornu. Wszyscy agenci PSA stali się agentami EPF, jeśli zdali test. Agencja miała kwaterę główną, zwaną HQ. Mogłeś stać się agentem jeśli grałeś w Club Penguin przynajmniej 30 dni i przeszedłeś quiz.
- Die PSA (Penguin Secret Agency) ist der Geheimdienst von Club Penguin. Seine Mitarbeiter, die Secret Agents (normale Pinguine), sorgen dafür, z.B. die zu melden, die gegen die Regeln verstoßen haben. Das Motto der PSA lautet "Be resourceful, be remarkable, be ready", was soviel heißt wie, "sei auf der Lauer, sei Vorbildlich, sei (allzeit) bereit" Das Hauptquartier befindet sich im HQ
- Sierrans are citizens of the Kingdom and of the country and PSA or territory in which they reside. As citizens of the Kingdom, which in turn is a member state of the Conference of American States, Sierran citizens are by extension, citizens of the CAS. In Sierra and Hawaii, PSA governments enjoy the privileges of dual federalism where the responsibilities and powers of government is divided and shared between the respective national and PSA governments. In the unitary state of the Deseret, the PSA-class areas serve no purpose beyond having its constituents represented by three senators and one commoner, and geographically dividing regions of the country. Local governments that function similarly to that of PSAs in Sierra and Hawaii are one of the Deseret's 50 political stakes, local admini
| - Sierrans are citizens of the Kingdom and of the country and PSA or territory in which they reside. As citizens of the Kingdom, which in turn is a member state of the Conference of American States, Sierran citizens are by extension, citizens of the CAS. In Sierra and Hawaii, PSA governments enjoy the privileges of dual federalism where the responsibilities and powers of government is divided and shared between the respective national and PSA governments. In the unitary state of the Deseret, the PSA-class areas serve no purpose beyond having its constituents represented by three senators and one commoner, and geographically dividing regions of the country. Local governments that function similarly to that of PSAs in Sierra and Hawaii are one of the Deseret's 50 political stakes, local administrative areas that correspond to stakes of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, the official state church of the Deseret. Within the Kingdom, the freedom of movement between PSAs as well as territories is assured to all citizens, making residency and citizenship transfers relatively easy and seamless. This freedom of movement is extended as well to other sovereign states in the St. Louis Area who have abolished passport checks and border controls at mutual borders although the process for citizenship or permanent residency in other member states varies. PSAs range in population from a little over 29,000 (Juab) to over 16.3 million (Gold Coast), and in area, from 11.7 square miles (Kamehameha) to 40,446 square miles (Clark). In Sierra and Hawaii, PSAs are further divided into counties or county-equivalents, while in the Deseret, PSAs are divided into stakes which are themselves further divided into districts, with some functioning similarly to counties. In Sierra and Hawaii, PSAs enjoy extensive amounts of power and discretion as provided for by the countries' respective constitutions. Generally speaking, matters on education, local transportation, public health, law enforcement, criminal justice, family and marriage laws, and tourism are considered the responsibilities of the PSAs. PSAs are permitted to form their own governments, constitutions, legislatures, courts, and laws, as well as elect their own officials and levy taxes in conjunction with the national and Kingdom-level governments. PSAs are also responsible for carrying out policies laid down by Parliament which may or may not provide funding and assistance, depending on the nature of the policy. In addition, it is PSAs in Sierra and Hawaii which ultimately must comply to any binding policy implemented by the American Parliament from the Conference of American States, although the Sierran Parliament generally must provide the funding. In the Deseret, PSAs exist solely to having its constituents represented by 3 senators and 1 commoner. Each of the 6 areas contain 10 stakes, stakes of which function more similarly to counties rather than provinces or states. Consequently, nearly all matters are handled at the national government with limited devolution to certain counties and independent townships, although recently, the national legislature has moved towards federalization, and converting areas into PSAs similar to those in Sierra and Hawaii. Citizens in all of the PSAs are represented by 2 senators and at least 1 commoner, with additional commoners determined based on the official population last calculated by the decennial census, and distributed accordingly by proportion. The governors from each province and state from Sierra and Hawaii, and the area provosts from each area from the Deseret are integral members of the Executive Council of Sierra who, alongside the Prime Minister of Sierra, work to implement federal law and policies, and enforce the decisions made by the Cabinet and laws by the Parliament. Both the Sierran Constitution and the Charter grants Parliament the power to admit new provinces, states, and areas into the Kingdom, and since 1858, the number has expanded from 22 PSAs to 37. In addition, a legal pathway for constitutional secession is provided, again involving Parliament in the decision, as well as the people and legislatures involved in the seceding PSAs, and the Queen. There has been a successful attempt at legal secession however, and unilateral secession is not permitted.
- PSA - to tajna agencja, która pomagała utrzymać bezpieczeństwo w Club Penguin. Działała od 24 października 2005 do 18 maja 2010 r, ponieważ Herbert zniszczył kwaterę główną PSA bombą z popcornu. Wszyscy agenci PSA stali się agentami EPF, jeśli zdali test. Agencja miała kwaterę główną, zwaną HQ. Mogłeś stać się agentem jeśli grałeś w Club Penguin przynajmniej 30 dni i przeszedłeś quiz.
- Die PSA (Penguin Secret Agency) ist der Geheimdienst von Club Penguin. Seine Mitarbeiter, die Secret Agents (normale Pinguine), sorgen dafür, z.B. die zu melden, die gegen die Regeln verstoßen haben. Das Motto der PSA lautet "Be resourceful, be remarkable, be ready", was soviel heißt wie, "sei auf der Lauer, sei Vorbildlich, sei (allzeit) bereit" Das Hauptquartier befindet sich im HQ