| - Marvelous' robotic parrot, Navi gave clues and hints on his quest to find the treasure. The Gokaigers then discovered on Earth that in order to find the Treasure, Sentai legends must grant them access to the Greater Powers of the Ranger Keys. Ep. 3: Changing Courage into Magic When the Greater Powers have all been gathered, the 34 Red Ranger keys glowed and transformed Navi into a door. This door led to the center of the Earth, where the treasure lay. Once there the Gokaigers are spoken to by the will of the Earth, through the treasure. The Earth tells them that with the treasure, the Gokaigers can rewrite the past, remake the universe, as if the Zangyack never existed, and that this can be done by using all of the 34 Super Sentai powers. Later, back in the Gokai Galleon, they begin to access it. However, Don realizes that there may have to be a trade-off, and wonders what will happen to the powers. The Earth states that the powers will be lost and it will be as if all the past sentai never existed to begin with. Ep. 49: The Greatest Treasure in the Universe Conflicted between their desires and the sacrifice of their predecessors, they decide not to use it and Gai Ikari ended up destroying the treasure, which in the eyes of Captain Marvelous made Gai a full-fledged pirate. Ep. 50: The Day of Battle