| - Armageddon is the term for the End Times that became popular among mages (those aligned with mysticism, at least) in the Final Nights.
- A classic film by universally acclaimed film director Michael Bay. The story, which is loosely based on a Biblical battle mocks God's infinite wisdom by portraying the end of all life on earth in a situation put forth by something other than Bears.
- Armageddon or Armageddon's Blade is a sword in Random Kingdom III. It can be found in the core of the Anti-Goddess Unit and is actually the result of the Ragnarök sword's full power being unlocked by the machine, which used it as its source of power.
- Armageddon is the penultimate spell to research, and for good reason. It is the most expensive spell by far, and casting it will cause all creatures on the map to be teleported to your Dungeon Heart, with you unable to help. Whoever wins this final battle will win the level.
- This mighty aircraft relies on its sheer speed to evade damage from GDI anti-air defenses and deliver its payload. It is used for deploying a variety of Nod special weapons, including land mines, Tiberium vapor bombs and liquid Tiberium used for seeding Tiberium patch. It is also employed as a long-range transport, and was once used to ferry the liquid Tiberium transport to Sarajevo. It is not seen in the Fourth Tiberium War.
- Thousands of standard years of industrial output has reduced the surface of Armageddon to barren wastelands and polluted oceans; humans can only survive within the artificial environment of the world's hive cities (the massive arcology-like structures that stand several kilometres tall) and Imperial military facilities. Food must be imported from off-planet, and clean air and water are precious commodities. Due to the inhospitable environmental conditions that exist outside of the planet's hive cities, almost all regiments of the Imperial Guard's Armageddon Steel Legion are trained as mechanised infantry who operate from the relative safety of their vehicles.
- Armageddon is an advanced, extremely damaging spell found in all Heroes of Might and Magic games. It affects every unit on the battlefield, except creatures immune to spells, and the hero themselves in Heroes of Might and Magic IV.
* Heroes I Armageddon
* Heroes II Armageddon
* Heroes III Armageddon
* Heroes IV Armageddon
* Heroes V Armageddon
- Armageddon is an enhancement set in the PBAoE damage category. Armageddon is level 50 only. All enhancements in the set are very rare, and a character must be level 50 to slot them. Enhancement values are 1/4th higher than standard. Crafted versions of Armageddon enhancements can be made from recipes earned in-game.
- |-|KMS 1.2.270= File:Skill Armageddon.png 아마겟돈
* Class: Luminous
* Type: Active
* Level Requirement: 170
* Maximum Level: 1
- Armageddon is the first season finale of The CollegeHumor Show. As of May 3, 2009, it is unclear whether there is a second season.
- Armageddon opened in theaters only two-and-a-half months after a similar impact-based movie, Deep Impact. Armageddon fared better at the box office, while astronomers described Deep Impact as being more scientifically accurate. Both films were equally received by film critics. Armageddon was an international box-office success, despite generally negative reviews from critics. It became the highest-grossing film of 1998 worldwide.
- Armageddon is a Druid skill in Diablo II.
- Armageddon was a popular film on Earth about an Asteroid impacting Earth. When a Naquadah asteroid was headed toward Earth, Colonel Jack O'Neill references a scene in the movie where an asteroid hits Paris. He again refers to the movie when saying "We came, we saw, we planted the bomb. We had a little fun with a meteor shower, we went home. It's a great story." (SG1: "Fail Safe")
- File:Quake1.gif <default>Armageddon</default> Game Episode Designer Level Editor Soundtrack Level Theme Previous Map Next Map [Source] Armageddon is a Multiplayer level in Q2. This level has the same geometry as Entering Death's Arrival, though placement of Ammo and Weapons is entirely different.
- Armageddon is an epic two-handed sword. It is one of the longest swords in the game.
- Armageddon is a 1998 American science fiction disaster drama film, directed by Michael Bay, produced by Jerry Bruckheimer, and released by Disney's Touchstone Pictures. In spite of negative reception by critics, it became the highest grossing movie of 1998 with $553,709,788 at the box office with a budget of $104 Million.
- [[kk, ,lllöbj]]
- Amrageddon is the second episode of Star Trek: Prometheus and is currently in production.
- Armageddon is a very large mythic creature with large and Extremely serpert horns. In the traditional myths about the deities' involvement in human life this creature seemingly inherited a mortal body in order to use the spell called Mesarthim which is allowed any deities to inhabited an individual bodies.
- Armageddon is the last episode of Jurassic Fight Club.
- Armageddon is a future event, involving the annihilation of part of the United States, foreseen by Johnny Smith when he shook the hand of politician Greg Stillson. Besides The Dead Zone, armageddon is a frequent theme in Stephen King's works, hinted at in other novels such as Cell and The Tommyknockers.
- The spell Armageddon is truly devastating. Once it is cast, it destroys all life on the world, with the exception of the spellcaster, leaving only a barren wasteland behind, devoid of any life. Only the biggest fool, full of madness, would dare to cast this spell, as it literally results in the end of the world.
- Armageddon (can also be called Meteor Shower because it rains meteors) is the most powerful weapon in the Worms series, first appearing in Worms Armageddon. It is considered a superweapon due to its effect of mass destruction - it can reduce a vast landscape into a couple of small islands.
- Armageddon is the soundtrack to the 1998 film of the same name, with music composed mainly by Trevor Rabin, with some composed by Harry Gregson-Williams. It was released in 1998.
- Duncan may have found the key to defeating the demon, but will he have the courage to use it?
- Armageddon is a character that starred in Soulcalibur Omen: Chronicles of Madness made by Ryuu the Ancient Keyblade Master that is a altered form of Apocalypse after he absorbed the Soul Edge into his body.
- Armageddon var en populär film på Jorden om en asteroid påverkar jorden. När en naquadah asteroid leddes mot Jorden, Överste Jonathan J. O'Neill refererar till en scen i filmen där en asteroid träffar Paris. Han åter hänvisar till filmen när säger "Vi kom, vi såg, planterade vi bomben. Vi hade lite kul med ett meteorregn, gick vi hem. Det är en fantastisk historia." (SG1: "Fail Safe")
- Armageddon is a 1998 science fiction disaster film directed by Michael Bay.
- Pour faire simple, l'Armageddon est la disparition de l'univers telle qu'annoncée dans le célèbre poème de Yahwé en Syllalibababes (vers à quarante pieds), Steak à la bite.
- File:Armageddon Wonder Woman v1 231 RT2 t thumb.gif Write the text of your article here!
- Armageddon was the capital ship of the Sith Lord Darth Tahh, and one of the two flagships of the Dark Fleet. The other flagship is Incizor, which is Lord Legorii's capital ship.
- Armageddon is apparently a film that features a large amount of explosions and involves meteors.
- Armageddon es un evento PPV producido por la empresa World Wrestling Virtual Entertainment durante el mes de diciembre. Dentro del año, Survivor Series se realiza antes de este evento y es el último en el año. Sin embargo, el evento que lo sucede en el año que continúa es Souled Out.
- Armageddon was the primary supercard of the Christian Championship Wrestling from 2006 to 2008 and billed under the United Wrestling Federation's banner from 2009 onward. Often billed as "The Grandaddy of Them All."
- Armageddon on musiikki runescapessa, sen saa god wars dungeoniin mentäessä.
- Armageddon is a term used by Jim Raynor to describe a potential future conflict.
- Armageddon is the only special move used by Rago and his Diablo Nemesis X:D.
- thumb|Stimmt wohl... Armageddon -das jüngste Gericht wie der deutschte Titel lautet erschien 1998. Regisseur war Michael Bay. Wie der Titel schon vermuten lässt handelt es sich um einen US-amerikanischen Katastrophenfilm. Dieser Film wurde später als die größte Ansammlung von Filmklischees bekannt. Er strotzt geradezu vor Patriotismus und kann Kopfschmerzen verursachen.
- The Story Of "Armageddon" Is the End of the world as stated in the prophecies, Gwendolyn, Cornelius, Mercedes, Oswald and Velvet struggle to survive by defeating the five monsters which are the cause of the cataclysm. This results in the near-destruction of the world, and the creation of a new world following it.
- Armageddon (Greek Αρμαγεδων; [armagedôn] also spelled Har-Magedon, or, in some modern English translations; the Mount of Megiddo), is the site of the final battle (or campaign) between God and Satan (whose name means 'adversary'), also known as the Devil. Satan will operate through the person known as the "The Beast" or the Antichrist, written about in the Book of Revelation in the New Testament. More generally, it can also refer to an apocalyptic catastrophe.
- Level: Baciel 8 Spell Resistance: yes Known as one of the most powerful moves in the Baciel's arsenal, The creature grabs hold of it's prey, flinging it high above it's head and decimating it with a powerful blast of energy before it comes crashing down to the ground. As a Standard action, A Baciel must first make a an attack against the creature's Grapple CMD with a +4 circumstance bonus, if successful they roll damage normally. The opponent is launched a number of feet into the air equal to the damage dealt. The Baciel then makes another attack with it's weapon, if it hits it deals Critical damage along with an additional 1d6 Force damage per level (Max 20d6 at 20th level) A successful fortitude saving throw DC: 19+Strength modifier halves the damage. The opponent falls to the ground wit
- Armageddon, also known as the Great Tribulation, was a worldwide conflict that occurred in 2124 AD. It involved every nation on Earth—including the states that possessed nuclear weapons—and eventually resulted in a nuclear war. By the end of the war, most of the Earth was made uninhabitable by the nuclear fallout. The world population was significantly reduced as well.
- Armageddon is terrifying for believers and refers to an imagined battle between Christ and the Antichrist though the word Armageddon often describes the whole end times scenario rather than just the battle. This was probably made to scare credulous folk into believing their religion. End of the world scares happen continually, the last major scare before 2012 was round the year 2000 though there was a smaller scare in 2008 and minor scares affect small numbers of believers at least once most years. The last major scare was towards the end of 2012.
- Armageddon was, according to various races and groups, the end of existence. The word was derived from a Bible passage. In 2268, James Kirk gave the stardate as "Armageddon" in his captain's log after the Beta XII-A entity had taken over the USS Enterprise. (TOS: "Day of the Dove" ) In 2285, Doctor Leonard McCoy considered the Genesis Device to be a potential creator of "universal Armageddon". (Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan) Several episodes and novels have had "Armageddon" in their title, including "A Taste of Armageddon" , "Armageddon Game" , Armageddon Sky, and Armageddon's Arrow.
- Armageddon is a pay-per-view event produced by World Wrestling Entertainment. The event began in December 1999, and followed the Survivor Series pay-per-view in November. It has since been held in December every year, except for 2001, when it was replaced with Vengeance.
- For reasons that are still classified by the U.S. government, nothing is known about the background of the Nazi agent code-named Armageddon. What is known is that he is a highly trained operative wearing a distinctive costume, with a cunning mind and a working knowledge of firearms and other weaponry. He first came to public attention during World War II, when he was assigned to infiltrate the United States and to steal a top-secret experimental biochemical formula, which was capable of turning human beings into hulking, berserker-type monsters that would be more effective in combat. It is presumed that the formula was a type of steroid, although again, this cannot be confirmed as all information regarding the case is still classified top secret.
- Telnet: ginka.armageddon.org 4050 Armageddon is a low fantasy MUD, a form of multiplayer online roleplaying game (MMORPG), designed to provide a roleplaying experience in the harsh desert world of Zalanthas. It began in 1991 as a DIKU-Based MUD and has been intensively customized and modified since. Armageddon is coded mainly in C, with elements of Javascript. While Armageddon requires its players to maintain as high a level of roleplay as any MUSH, it combines that roleplaying focus with the hard-coded realism of a DIKU MUD.
- The following template is known to be broken and should be fixed soon.{| width="35%" align="right" style="margin-left:3px; margin-bottom:3px; border-radius: 10px; -moz-border-radius: 10px; -webkit-border-radius: 10px; -khtml-border-radius: 10px; -icab-border-radius: 10px; -o-border-radius: 10px;; background:#F08030; border:3px solid #9C531F" |- | align="center" colspan="2" | Armageddon火災運命Fire Doom |- | colspan="2" align="center" style="border-radius: 10px; -moz-border-radius: 10px; -webkit-border-radius: 10px; -khtml-border-radius: 10px; -icab-border-radius: 10px; -o-border-radius: 10px;; background: #999999; border:1px solid #9C531F" | Battle Data
- Armageddon is an Imperial Hive World located 10,000 light years to the galactic northeast of Terra in the Segmentum Solar and was the site of several of the greatest conflicts ever fought by the Imperium of Man, including the Second and Third Wars for Armageddon against the massive Ork WAAAGH! of the Warlord Ghazghkull Thraka. The world of Armageddon is the fourth in its star system of ten planets and is the industrial hub of both the Armageddon Sub-sector and the greater region of the surrounding Armageddon Sector. Many worlds within a several light-year radius of Armageddon rely on it for its large industrial output.
- Armageddon es un Mundo Colmena a 10,000 años luz al noreste de Terra, en el Segmentum Solar, y fue el escenario de varios de los mayores conflictos en los que se ha implicado el Imperio de la Humanidad, incluyendo la Primera Guerra de Armageddon contra el Primarca Demonio Angron y la Segunda y Tercera contra el ¡Waaagh! Orko de Ghazghkull Mag Uruk Thraka. El planeta Armageddon es el cuarto en su Sistema Estelar de diez planetas y es el centro industrial tanto del Subsector Armageddon como del Sector Armageddon. Muchos mundos en un radio de varios años luz de Armageddon dependen de este planeta por su gran producción industrial.
- Start: Unknown End: probably 1 week (7 days), maybe 2 weeks (14 days). What is Armageddon? A week long (or 2?) battle frenzy with minimal rules and maximum havoc. No one is safe. No one wants to be safe! Total carnage: nothing more, nothing less. Only the strongest or smartest or bravest will survive! During Armageddon resource production will be highly increased, research time and costs will probably be decreased, Vacation mode will be impossible, and maybe some other little surprises will be made available. Who knows what might happen when an Universe ceases to be? ;)
- The time had arrived for Sparrow to prove that he was worthy of the task before him. The King of Blades would show no mercy, no quarter, so my father could not either. The first place that the King of Blades attacked was Oakfield. The gold that had been amassed at the Temple of Light was too tempting a target for him to resist. By the time my father arrived, Oakfield was already a blazing inferno. Nothing was left standing and all that remained of the temple was an enormous hole in the ground. The gold was gone, but one monk was spared to relay a message to my dad. His next target was Bloodstone.
- Armageddon is a Very Rare Global Enchantment belonging to the File:Icon Chaos.png realm, is the most expensive spell in that realm, and easily one of the most powerful Global Enchantments in the game. For File:Icon Mana.png this spell may be cast on the overland map to begin raising Volcanoes at random locations around the map. Each Volcano raised by this spell will increase the caster's Power by File:Icon Power.png . A Volcano tile does not provide any File:Icon Food.png or other bonuses to nearby towns. The spell will not raise Volcanoes near the caster's own towns.
- A massive meteor shower destroys the Space Shuttle Atlantis and bombards New York City, the East Coast, and Finland. NASA discovers that a Texas-sized asteroid will collide with Earth in 18 days, creating another extinction event. NASA scientists, led by Dan Truman (Thornton) plan to bury a nuclear device deep inside the asteroid that, when detonated, will split the asteroid in two, driving them apart so that they both fly safely past the Earth. NASA contacts Harry Stamper (Willis), considered the best deep-sea oil driller in the world, for assistance and advice. Harry returns to NASA along with his daughter Grace (Tyler) to keep her away from her new boyfriend, one of Harry's young and rambunctious drillers, A.J. Frost (Affleck). Harry and Grace learn about the asteroid and Harry explains