| - House Cadriaan was notorious for its mafioso style of government, and at the age of thirteen the Yen branch of the House was slaughtered, and Néron was captured. He was sent to a boarding school, where he would not be able to reveal the crime committed against the Yen family. He harboured his anger until he was sixteen years old, when he snapped and killed three fellow students. To further ensure he kept silent, he was sent to a prison facility on Ryloth, well away from Cadriaan affairs.
| - House Cadriaan was notorious for its mafioso style of government, and at the age of thirteen the Yen branch of the House was slaughtered, and Néron was captured. He was sent to a boarding school, where he would not be able to reveal the crime committed against the Yen family. He harboured his anger until he was sixteen years old, when he snapped and killed three fellow students. To further ensure he kept silent, he was sent to a prison facility on Ryloth, well away from Cadriaan affairs. Néron would be sold into the service of crime lord Tald`alkina, a brutal Twilek, who resided in the massive city of Kala'uun. He served the crime lord for four years , before winning his freedom in a gladiatorial battle, in honor of the crime lord. After that, he traveled to Coruscant to talk to the Jedi about his newly discovered force capabilities. He was turned away from the Jedi, and he made his way to Korriban to make contact with the Sith. He was taken on as an Acolyte of the Sith at the age of twenty, and spent the rest of his years serving the mighty order. Through a number of chance events occurring, and the fusion of an ancient Sith Lord would propel Néron to a powerful Sith Lord, Darth Nexus, in a matter of only one galactic year. He served as Apprentice to the Dark Lord Nefarius for approximately six months, before the Dark Lord all but vanished, leaving the throne vacant for Darth Nexus to claim. Darth Nexus would be known as the Jidai’kor. Which meant Jedi-less in the ancient Sith Language. For as long as Nexus lived, he did not slay a single Jedi. His focused almost completely on internal affairs of the Sith Empire, and spent most of his time uncovering ancient teachings of the Sith, and refining the teachings of future Sith.