| - Moths are enemies in Spyro: Shadow Legacy. They spit acid at anyone who gets near them. They can only be defeated by burning them ash-black with flame and then charging or using chi-moves. This article is a . You can help My English Wiki by editing this page for Spyro.
- A number of Moths have appeared on Lost.
- Oh hey Moths.
- The Chessmen aided Karno the Chessman in his schemes. In his cavernous subterranean lair they obeyed his every order, up to and including kidnapping Dr. Fung and various others to turn into chess pieces. They wore red, bulletproof suits with green wings contraptions on their backs that allowed them to fly, and wielded several weapons such as gas guns and disintegrater ray-guns.
- Moths are insects found in the city of Dorgesh-Kaan, often near Zappers. They can only be examined.
- Moths are two little insects. They appeared in Dennis the Menace and Gnasher - In on the Act.
- Moths were nocturnal insects with aspect similar to the butterflies.
- When Locke took it upon himself to help Charlie with his heroin addiction, he used the analogy of a moth. He showed Charlie a moth cocoon and stated that the moth was inside struggling to break free, and that he could widen the opening and the moth would be free, but it would be too weak to survive. Locke explained that struggle is nature's way of making us stronger.
- I sit in my room bored out of my head studying. Accompanied only by the faint fluttering of wings, I stop and look around, then look up, a single moth, bumping its head on the light bulb. I'm so bored even this looks amusing. I switch on my desk lamp, turn the main light off, and just watch it flitting around the dull light occasionally colliding with the bulb. I observe it at close range, the aerobatics of such a small creature are really quite entrancing. It rests on the lamp, and I move in to get a clearer view, it's soft looking, almost furry. It leaps onto my forehead and I swipe at it, when I next looked I noticed I had broken its wing, I probably should have put him out of his misery but I couldn't do it, I figured I'd just leave the window ajar, and if it wasn't so bad it would mak
- Moths are a species of winged insect resembling a butterfly. In RuneScape, moths are groups of non-player characters found in Dorgesh-Kaan, a subterranean city beneath Misthalin. They can also be seen in various other places, although usually they are not given the traits of an NPC; for instance, they can be seen flying around lamps in areas such as the Tree Gnome Stronghold.