Jano was in favour of draining energy from the Savages. Later Jano absorbed all the energy drained from the First Doctor into himself, giving him elements of the Doctor's personality and a conscience and eventually making him turn on the Elders and help the Savages rebel. After the energy draining machine was destroyed, Jano helped the two groups rebuild their world. (TV: The Savages)
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| - Jano was in favour of draining energy from the Savages. Later Jano absorbed all the energy drained from the First Doctor into himself, giving him elements of the Doctor's personality and a conscience and eventually making him turn on the Elders and help the Savages rebel. After the energy draining machine was destroyed, Jano helped the two groups rebuild their world. (TV: The Savages)
- Jano is a Vandarian merchant turned into a close servant to the Crown of Deren, similar to his friend Darin.
- Jano es uno de cuatro buscadores de fortuna a quienes la Araña Negra contrata para internarse en la selva en busca de una mina de oro que sirve a la vez de templo para los adoradores del dios nativo Yeyé Kumbé. left|240pxJano es el primero de los hombres del grupo en morir: durante su primera noche en el territorio de los nativos criollos es a él a quien le toca el primer turno de vigilancia, y mientras sus compañeros duermen es atacado y decapitado por un destacamento criollo que cuelga su cabeza de un árbol a la entrada del campamento como advertencia a los demás miembros de la expedición. Categoría:Personajes Categoría:Personajes de La Magia Negra
- Lord Jano was a member of the Centauri Royal Court at the time of Regent Virini's rule. Jano first visited the Royal Court as a child. Milo Virini would later recall a time when Emperor Turhan picked the young Jano up and carried him all around the Palace. In 2262, Jano was concerned by the Regent's actions and behaviour, which, unbeknownst to Jano, were caused by the Drakh keeper that controlled Virini. Virini killed Jano shortly after talking in secret with Londo Mollari, though it was made to appear as though he had hanged himself. Londo was of the opinion that he would never commit suicide.
- Jano - strażnik Jaskini Złych Snów. Wpuszcza tam tylko tych, którzy znają nazwę tego miejsca.
- Jano, also known as the Guardian of The Cave of Bad Dreams is an enemy encountered in Rayman 2: The Great Escape and its subsequent remakes in the level: The Cave of Bad Dreams. While not necessarily malevolent, Rayman is forced to battle this creature in order to retrieve the Elixir of Life for a mortally wounded Clark. The Guardian of the Cave of Bad Dreams is characterized by its top hat (similar to Polokus's)and its skull staff, in which the Elixir is stored. In the GBA version of Rayman 3, he is referred as Jano, which is believed to be his secondary or real name. His name is sometimes confused with Eig, as the 'F1' section of the PC version of Rayman 2 says that Eig likes to drink the fermented brews from the Marshes of the Awakening- and the only two known inhabitants of the Marshes
- Jano war der Führer des Ältestenrates in einer Stadt auf einem erdähnlichen Planeten. Jano war für die Absorbierung der Lebensenergie von den sogenannten Wilden zuständig. Es gelingt Jano, die gesamte Energie des Ersten Doctor in sich aufzunehmen, was ihm Elemente der Persönlichkeit des Doctors verleiht. In diesem Zustand wendet er sich an die Ältesten, um den Wilden zu helfen. Nachdem die Energieentwässerungsmaschine zerstört wurde, half Jano beiden Gruppen mit Unterstützung von Steven Taylor, ihre Welt wieder aufzubauen.
- Jano (commonly known as the Guardian of the Cave of Bad Dreams) is a character from Rayman 2: The Great Escape (and its remakes) in which he guards the Cave of Bad Dreams, a subterranean grotto in which the nightmares of Polokus are found and where his job is to ensure they are kept locked away. Jano also guards precious treasure, which until found by Rayman, was only rumoured to exist. Jano also appears as a boss in the Rayman 3 game on GBA.
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type of villain
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| - Eat and kill Rayman, later help him
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| - Read minds, hypnotise and teleport people, spit fireballs
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