| - During the construction period XANA has attacked Skidbladnir (this happened in the episode Skidbladnir), to prevent the group from completing the ship and from getting into the Internet. After the battle with William in the hanger bay, Jeremie managed to complete the core programs of the Skidbladnir which completed the ships construction and made it functional. Aelita retrieved the name Skidbladnir from a book about Norse Gods and Myths that was found in the Hermitage, which it was said to be a boat that could sail on land and always reached its destination no matter what. The Skidbladnir is docked in a hold (which was created by Aelita) within the Core Zone of Carthage, and it is accessed by a special access elevator in a access hall in the Core Zone. Whenever the Skidbladnir leaves the dock, it rises through a hole, located on the north pole of Carthage and goes through one of the tunnels in the Celestial Dome. In Maiden Voyage, it is shown that the Skidbladnir has a cockpit and four Nav Skids (one probably meant for William if they get him out of XANA's control), these Nav Skids attach to the main body by braces. Each is equipped with torpedo cannons. Jeremie said that if the pods were hit while they were detached from the main ship, the pod could be "Lost at Sea" along with its occupant. The Skidbladnir also has the ability to access Towers. Jeremie invented a program that allows Team Lyoko to access the real world with their Lyoko abilities intact via the Skid. The Skidbladnir is destroyed by the Kolossus in Down to Earth. The Kolossus smashes the Skid off of the Tower it is connected to and it slides along the Ice Barrier Replika plateau into the Digital Sea. Ironic cause it was built to survive the digital sea so that the lyoko warriors can travel to other replikas.