Beginning from Enyo, the Confederation forces attempted to stop the Kilrathi advance in Dakota, and starting in Kurasawa, turned to the offensive and pushed their way into Empire of Kilrah space. By the time the Claw reached Venice, the Kilrathi have been chased out of Brimstone, Kurasawa and Gimle, and then begun to pull out of Tartarus and Nifelheim. Venice was where they make their stand as it was where the Kilrathi Star Base with the Kilrathi High Command headquarters were installed. Theaters of the conflict were:
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| - Beginning from Enyo, the Confederation forces attempted to stop the Kilrathi advance in Dakota, and starting in Kurasawa, turned to the offensive and pushed their way into Empire of Kilrah space. By the time the Claw reached Venice, the Kilrathi have been chased out of Brimstone, Kurasawa and Gimle, and then begun to pull out of Tartarus and Nifelheim. Venice was where they make their stand as it was where the Kilrathi Star Base with the Kilrathi High Command headquarters were installed. Theaters of the conflict were:
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| - Beginning from Enyo, the Confederation forces attempted to stop the Kilrathi advance in Dakota, and starting in Kurasawa, turned to the offensive and pushed their way into Empire of Kilrah space. By the time the Claw reached Venice, the Kilrathi have been chased out of Brimstone, Kurasawa and Gimle, and then begun to pull out of Tartarus and Nifelheim. Venice was where they make their stand as it was where the Kilrathi Star Base with the Kilrathi High Command headquarters were installed. This campaign made many great heros and top aces including Christopher Blair, Carl T. LaFong, Jason Armstrong, and Todd Marshall. Theaters of the conflict were: The order of the missions here is following the narrative of The Memoirs of Lieutenant Colonel Carl T. LaFong. For various in-game paths see Vega Campaign (WC1)
* Enyo
* McAuliffe
* Gateway
* Gimle
* Brimstone
* Chengdu
* Dakota
* Port Hedland
* Kurasawa
* Rostov
* Hubble's Star
* Hell's Kitchen
* Venice