El-Adrel IV was the uninhabited fourth planet in the El Adrel system. The planet was close to territory claimed by The Children of Tama. It was the homeworld of a non-sentient species. It was in the same sector as Kanda IV, Malindi VII, Razna V, and Shantil III. In 2368, a Tamarian deep space cruiser entered orbit of El-Adrel IV and began sending a signal to the Federation. The USS Enterprise-D arrived three weeks later and attempted to establish communications, but was unable to understand the Tamarians' language.
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| - El-Adrel IV ist der vierte Planet im El-Adrel-System. Das El-Adrel-System befindet sich in der Nähe der Heimatwelt der Tamarianer. El-Adrel IV ist als Planet der Klasse M eingestuft. Über die Flora und Fauna ist nur wenig bekannt. Bis 2368 wird das El-Adrel-System als unbewohnt eingestuft. 2368 wird jedoch eine unbekannte aggressive Kreatur auf El-Adrel IV entdeckt, deren Größe die eines Menschen übersteigt und die über die Fähigkeit verfügt, sich unsichtbar zu machen. Auf El-Adrel IV wird 2368 erstmals die Sprachbarriere zwischen der Föderation und den Tamarianern überwunden. (TNG: )
- El-Adrel IV was the uninhabited fourth planet in the El Adrel system. The planet was close to territory claimed by The Children of Tama. It was the homeworld of a non-sentient species. It was in the same sector as Kanda IV, Malindi VII, Razna V, and Shantil III. In 2368, a Tamarian deep space cruiser entered orbit of El-Adrel IV and began sending a signal to the Federation. The USS Enterprise-D arrived three weeks later and attempted to establish communications, but was unable to understand the Tamarians' language.
- El-Adrel IV was a planet in the El-Adrel system. Until the 24th century, it was considered uninhabited; an incident with a powerful "entity" on the planet proved this to be otherwise. The creature in question was fought by Starfleet Captain Jean-Luc Picard and Children of Tama Captain Dathon. (TNG episode: "Darmok")
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| - El-Adrel IV was the uninhabited fourth planet in the El Adrel system. The planet was close to territory claimed by The Children of Tama. It was the homeworld of a non-sentient species. It was in the same sector as Kanda IV, Malindi VII, Razna V, and Shantil III. In 2368, a Tamarian deep space cruiser entered orbit of El-Adrel IV and began sending a signal to the Federation. The USS Enterprise-D arrived three weeks later and attempted to establish communications, but was unable to understand the Tamarians' language. Captain Dathon of the Tamarians then transported himself and Captain Jean-Luc Picard of the Enterprise-D to the surface of El-Adrel IV, knowing that there was a hostile energy creature there. Dathon hoped that the shared danger would bring Picard to understand him, and he succeeded though at the cost of his own life. The Tamarian vessel had established a scattering field in the planet's ionosphere to prevent the Enterprise-D from interfering, as well as disabling (but not damaging) a shuttlecraft sent to land on the planet. The Enterprise took down the scattering field in time to rescue Picard from the creature. (TNG: "Darmok" ) In 2371, the location of El-Adrel was labeled in the star chart Data and Picard were studying in stellar cartography aboard the Enterprise-D. (Star Trek Generations, display graphic) "el-AH-drel" was the pronunciation for this planet's name from the script pronunciation guide. [1] The day scenes on the planet's surface were filmed on location at Bronson Canyon on 23 July 1991 and 24 July 1991 and the night scenes on Paramount Stage 16 on 26 July 1991 . According to StarTrek.com, El-Adrel IV was a M-class planet. [2]
- El-Adrel IV was a planet in the El-Adrel system. Until the 24th century, it was considered uninhabited; an incident with a powerful "entity" on the planet proved this to be otherwise. The creature in question was fought by Starfleet Captain Jean-Luc Picard and Children of Tama Captain Dathon. (TNG episode: "Darmok") In 2393, the Tamarians jointed the United Federation of Planets. The same year, a "linguistic research facility" was opened on El-Adrel IV, jointly run by the Tamarians and Starfleet. The facility was run by Meltha who indicated said facility was due to the work of Dathon and Picard. (ST website: The Path to 2409)
- El-Adrel IV ist der vierte Planet im El-Adrel-System. Das El-Adrel-System befindet sich in der Nähe der Heimatwelt der Tamarianer. El-Adrel IV ist als Planet der Klasse M eingestuft. Über die Flora und Fauna ist nur wenig bekannt. Bis 2368 wird das El-Adrel-System als unbewohnt eingestuft. 2368 wird jedoch eine unbekannte aggressive Kreatur auf El-Adrel IV entdeckt, deren Größe die eines Menschen übersteigt und die über die Fähigkeit verfügt, sich unsichtbar zu machen. Auf El-Adrel IV wird 2368 erstmals die Sprachbarriere zwischen der Föderation und den Tamarianern überwunden. (TNG: )