| - The Minister of the Region was a previous Cabinet position, with a wide array of duties; benefitting the good and security of the region (now undertaken by the MoS), stopping board spam and updating the regional map (now the duty of the MoRA). By mid 2011, this position was no longer in existance. The Ministry of Regional Affairs which replaced it is concerned, according to the Charter, with; Directing and running regional roleplay and maintenance of the regional map; maintaining RMB and IRC activity, promoting the offsite regional forums to nations within the region;creating and supervising a welcoming committee to send personal messages and telegrams on NationStates and our regional forums; and creating Cultural events and overseeing the forum games. From 2011, the position was held by Carta/Milograd. In the June 2012 elections, he was suceeded by Eluvatar, but the election of the latter to the delegacy of The North Pacific shortly thereafter led to inactivity and a motion to recall him, ended by his resignation. A special election saw him replaced with God-Emperor a returning face to TSP.