| - The Venomian army was a disciplined and ruthless force that nearly succeeded in conquering the Lylat system. The invasion of a planet by Venom forces was a planned operation broken down into three stages. The first stage was for Venomian forces to gain air superiority over the enemy, either through overwhelming numbers, superior technology, or both. The fact that the underdeveloped Cornerian Army didn't suspect an attack helped in their goal immensely. The initial wave of star fighters would draw air defense units into meeting them head on, allowing a second wave of fighters to come in and overwhelm the preoccupied defenders. With the skies clear of enemies, the second stage began as bombardment craft proceeded to rain destruction on the now-defenseless ground units. With most ground forces destroyed, the final stage began as shock troops were dropped to round up and enslave any survivors. The invasion of Katina by the Venomian Army served as a textbook example of the above tactics, at least until the Star Fox Team succeeded in disrupting their plans and destroying their invasion force. During the period of peace after the Lylat Wars, what was left of the Venomain Army appeared to be very resourceful, as more then nine years later they had battleships and bases. The last of the Venomain Army led by Andrew Oikonny fled to the forest planet Fortuna in a final stand against the Cornerian Army's forces. The battle seemed to be a losing one until they brought out their secret weapons, but then the Cornerian Army was aided by the Star Fox Team in breaking through their defenses. It is to be assumed that the rest of the Venomain Army was destroyed after Star Fox took out their leader. These monkeys fight in Super Smash Sisters against the heroines.