"Holiday Knights" is the premiere episode of The New Batman Adventures. Despite being originally aired in September, this episode contains three Christmas themed vignettes, all completely unrelated to one another. The first story stars Batman in pursuit of Gotham's dames, Poison Ivy and Harley Quinn; the following tale is about Batgirl's confrontation with Clayface; finally we have the Clown Prince of Crime on the loose with Batman and Robin trying to stop him.
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| - "Holiday Knights" is the premiere episode of The New Batman Adventures. Despite being originally aired in September, this episode contains three Christmas themed vignettes, all completely unrelated to one another. The first story stars Batman in pursuit of Gotham's dames, Poison Ivy and Harley Quinn; the following tale is about Batgirl's confrontation with Clayface; finally we have the Clown Prince of Crime on the loose with Batman and Robin trying to stop him.
- "Holiday Knights" is the Christmas episode (and series premiere) of the animated television series The New Batman Adventures, originally broadcast on Kids' WB! on September 13, 1997. The episode is based on the one-shot comic The Batman Adventures Holiday Special. The most noticeable differences are that the comic was drawn in the style of the earlier seasons of the series, Robin didn't appear (neither Dick Grayson nor Tim Drake), and the comic also included a Mr. Freeze story which is not adapted here.
- "Holiday Knights" is the premiere episode of The New Batman Adventures. Despite being originally aired in September, this episode contains three Christmas themed vignettes, all completely unrelated to one another. The first story stars Batman in pursuit of Gotham's dames, Poison Ivy and Harley Quinn ; the following tale is about Batgirl 's confrontation with Clayface ; finally we have the Clown Prince of Crime on the loose with Batman and Robin trying to stop him.
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| - "Holiday Knights" is the premiere episode of The New Batman Adventures. Despite being originally aired in September, this episode contains three Christmas themed vignettes, all completely unrelated to one another. The first story stars Batman in pursuit of Gotham's dames, Poison Ivy and Harley Quinn; the following tale is about Batgirl's confrontation with Clayface; finally we have the Clown Prince of Crime on the loose with Batman and Robin trying to stop him.
- "Holiday Knights" is the Christmas episode (and series premiere) of the animated television series The New Batman Adventures, originally broadcast on Kids' WB! on September 13, 1997. The episode is based on the one-shot comic The Batman Adventures Holiday Special. The most noticeable differences are that the comic was drawn in the style of the earlier seasons of the series, Robin didn't appear (neither Dick Grayson nor Tim Drake), and the comic also included a Mr. Freeze story which is not adapted here.
- "Holiday Knights" is the premiere episode of The New Batman Adventures. Despite being originally aired in September, this episode contains three Christmas themed vignettes, all completely unrelated to one another. The first story stars Batman in pursuit of Gotham's dames, Poison Ivy and Harley Quinn ; the following tale is about Batgirl 's confrontation with Clayface ; finally we have the Clown Prince of Crime on the loose with Batman and Robin trying to stop him.
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