| - Town Majini are residents of the Kijuju Autonomous Zone who have been infested by Type 2 Plagas and transformed into Majini, Swahili for "evil spirit". They are encountered by Chris Redfield, Sheva Alomar, Jill Valentine, and Josh Stone along with other agents of the BSAA. It is probable that a few were originally forced by Ricardo Irving/Tricell into ingesting Plaga, but they themselves would cause a chain reaction throughout the entire town as they fed other residents the parasite. Eventually, everyone would be infected, and as time went on, their everyday activities would grow stranger. As detailed in Adam's blogs, animals in the area were found murdered and disemboweled, and people in the town would become aggressive and hostile towards others. Eventually, the situation got so out of hand that public executions were held in the center of town. By the time the BSAA arrived, the Majini were out of control. Town Majini often used everyday items as makeshift weapons, including wrenches, shovels and bottles. Some were slightly better armed and wielded weapons such as Axes, Kukris and Crossbows. They were very effective at taking down enemies by working together as a group. They were also capable of operating certain vehicles such as trucks and motorcycles for travel. The Town Majini occupied a fairly large area, spanning the town and most of the surrounding areas. They are seen again at the Tricell Oil Field, the last place they were encountered by Sheva and Chris. They also make an appearance at the loading dock and Tricell Communication Facility where they are encountered by Jill Valentine and Josh Stone. Town Majini rarely erupt Plagas, possibly owing to their early infection and lack of gestation time for the parasite.