| - SPMA-T Artillery is a long range Imperial artillery unit in the Empire at War and its expansion Forces of Corruption. A group of 3 can be constructed for 1100 credits at the Heavy Factory at the beginning of Tier 3. As an artillery unit, it does very heavy damage at long range to all enemies in a respectable AoE. Its rebel counterpart is MPTL-2a. While both fulfill the same role, their primary weapons are very different: the SPMA-T single energy projectile arcs down and impacts the ground at target location with large AoE, while the rebel artillery fires 9 weaker missiles that hit in random spots around their target. Before the Survival Training, they're also affected by different weather conditions: SPMA-T's accuracy will suffer in the rain, while MPTL-2a is similarly affected by the sandstorms. It should also be noted that because the SPMA-T projectile is energy, it will not go through the Shield Generator's field. Unlike its rebel counterpart, the SPMA-T possesses a light laser cannon as a secondary anti-infantry weapon, so it's not entirely defenceless at close range. They still have relatively weak armour and slow speed, and so they should be kept out of close quarters and guarded by other vehicles. The Snowspeeders are particularly good at fighting them, so be sure to have them stand near either AT-AAs or Anti-Aircraft Turrets.