| - Born the second child of Tyareon and Rorael Starsong, Syruna was brought up in upper-middle class Kaldorei society. Though not of the Highborne, her family was well respected and that in tandem with Syruna’s beauty brought many suitors. To her, only one was good enough; her lover, Ilthilior. The years before the War of the Ancients were her best; she was young, beautiful, and in love. Then everything changed.
| - Born the second child of Tyareon and Rorael Starsong, Syruna was brought up in upper-middle class Kaldorei society. Though not of the Highborne, her family was well respected and that in tandem with Syruna’s beauty brought many suitors. To her, only one was good enough; her lover, Ilthilior. The years before the War of the Ancients were her best; she was young, beautiful, and in love. Then everything changed. With the coming of the war, she enlisted alongside Ilthilior in the army against Queen Azshara and her followers. He was assigned to the frontlines, and she to defend the home-front. Throughout the long war, they saw each other infrequently, but wrote to one another constantly. Syruna didn’t see much combat in the war; few strikes were made against her post until the peak of the conflict. Nobody saw the attack coming. Although nocturnal, the Night Elves couldn’t hold a candle to the demon’s mastery of shadow. Beneath a raven sky, a large force of Demons crept stealthily towards Syruna’s hometown. They made a quick and devastating attack, killing nearly everyone in the coup. Syruna didn’t hear of it for a few days, but when she finally got word of it she was caught between rage, depression, and confusion. Save for Ilthilior who was posted far from Astranaar, Syruna was alone in the world. While drowning in her solitude, an idea took root in her mind and began to grow; she would follow in the path of Illidan and become a Demon Huntress. After endless months of bloodshed, Syruna had her mind made. The war was coming to a close, and there was no need for her in Astranaar any longer. She sought out a mentor to bring her through the rituals, and found one in Feronar Darksorrow. While Ilthilior finished his tour, Syruna completed her initiation through chaining a demon to her essence, burning her illustrious eyes out in the process. Ilthilior returned to find a changed Syruna. No longer was she the ideal Kaldorei woman. Her skin, once like silk was now marred with dark runed tattoos. The sockets that replaced her pale eyes were loosely covered by a blindfold. More than anything, Ilthilior could sense a dark, demonic aura around her, and as she rushed up to greet him, he rebuked her, calling her a monster. Of all of the tribulations and sacrifices she made to become a Demon Hunter, losing Ilthilior struck her hardest. Instead of the martyrdom she deserved for selfless sacrifice, she was met with scorn every way she turned.