| - Melissa Warburton was one of Rachel Green's sorority sisters in college. She appears in The One With Rachel's Big Kiss, played by Winona Ryder. Melissa and Rachel shared a house during senior year of college. Melissa nicknamed Rachel Ray-ray Green. During senior year of college Melissa and Rachel went to the Sigma Chi luau and, after drinking too much sangria, went back to the house and ended up making out. Melissa fell in love with Rachel and never forgot that night, but Rachel never saw it as anything more than a wild college experience. Over the next few years, Melissa started working as a real estate agent, but eventually moved into a new line of work as a party planner. She met her current boyfriend after she arranged a party for him and his then-current girlfriend. Rachel runs into Melissa in Central Perk and invited her out to dinner to catch up; when Rachel mentioned the kiss, Phoebe expressed disbelief that Rachel could be that wild, prompting Rachel to invite Phoebe along to prove that she can do something crazy. When Rachel confronts Melissa about the kiss, she pretends to have no memory of it ever happening because she doesn't think Rachel will return her love. At the end of dinner, Rachel kisses her again to prove the story to Phoebe, prompting Melissa to conclude that Rachel loved her back, saying that "nobody can kiss that good and not mean it", but Rachel says that she is just a good kisser and was very, very drunk. Melissa is extremely embarrassed and tries to act as if she was kidding saying, "I'm not in love with you. I don't hear coconuts banging together..." Melissa leaves, but not before asking for another kiss goodbye (which she didn't get).