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- Wilford is a company in Just Cause 2.
- Wilford blue-furred wolf with grey hair that usually appears as a very geeky looking Wolf who has a thin top and neck and a large stomach. He has large blue pants that presumably raise above his waist. He wears a red bowtie around his thin neck and very thick glasses that make his eyes look very small. His fur is a gray blue and looks somewhat shabby.
- When Milo, Oscar, and Bea got outside the tank with watersuits, they ran into Wilford. Milo thought that he was friendly, but Wilford roared at them, so they all ran away. They went inside a ball, but he jumps at the ball, which causes Milo go the opposite direction from Oscar and Bea. Oscar and Bea were hiding under a desk, trying to avoid him. Milo tries to save his friends, so he threw a bag of cat nip at him. Then he got a kitty pointer to make Wilford further from Oscar and Bea, but the pointer slipped and ended up pointing at Oscar. Right about when Oscar and Bea were about to get eaten by him, Milo was hanging from a string and managed to trap Wilford. At the end, Bud looked at the pet store, which is now a mess, and blames Wilford, so he chases him with a broom ("Fish Out of Water"
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- Wilford blue-furred wolf with grey hair that usually appears as a very geeky looking Wolf who has a thin top and neck and a large stomach. He has large blue pants that presumably raise above his waist. He wears a red bowtie around his thin neck and very thick glasses that make his eyes look very small. His fur is a gray blue and looks somewhat shabby. However, he is a werewolf, and every full moon he turns into a tall and muscular wolf with a well-defined built and long flowing hair. Akin to how Minerva's beauty makes all men swoon over her, Wildford becomes equally if not more handsome, making all women swoon over him. His glasses disappear but he maintains his blue pants and bow, though they look much better on him in this form. His voice also changes to sound more manly.
- Wilford is a company in Just Cause 2.
- When Milo, Oscar, and Bea got outside the tank with watersuits, they ran into Wilford. Milo thought that he was friendly, but Wilford roared at them, so they all ran away. They went inside a ball, but he jumps at the ball, which causes Milo go the opposite direction from Oscar and Bea. Oscar and Bea were hiding under a desk, trying to avoid him. Milo tries to save his friends, so he threw a bag of cat nip at him. Then he got a kitty pointer to make Wilford further from Oscar and Bea, but the pointer slipped and ended up pointing at Oscar. Right about when Oscar and Bea were about to get eaten by him, Milo was hanging from a string and managed to trap Wilford. At the end, Bud looked at the pet store, which is now a mess, and blames Wilford, so he chases him with a broom ("Fish Out of Water"). Bud was once playing football with Wilford ("Underwater Boy"). He somehow got in a snake tank and got eaten by one of them ("Funny Fish"). When Milo became giant and roamed the halls of the pet store, he scared Wilford, so he ran away from him ("Big Fish"). When Clamantha threw Oscar's laptop (Webster) out the tank, Wilford stepped on it ("Two Clams in Love").