It is obtained by killing at least 5 of the Barrows brothers and searching the chest, once the player has reached that part in the quest. If the player has already started killing the Barrows brothers before the quest start, they can continue where they left off to get the icon. It has a value of 1 coin; this can be seen at the items kept at death screen. Despite common belief, the prayer drain at Barrows does not cease after the icon is retrieved, as it was not causing it, but simply absorbing the prayer's power. fi:Barrows icon
Attributes | Values |
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- Barrows icon
- Barrows icon
| - Barrows iconin saa kun tappaa vähintään viisi Barrows veljeä. Jos pelaaja on jo ennen tehtävän aloitusta tappanut osan Barrows veljistä, hän silti saa Barrows iconin.
- It is obtained by killing at least 5 of the Barrows brothers and searching the chest, once the player has reached that part in the quest. If the player has already started killing the Barrows brothers before the quest start, they can continue where they left off to get the icon. It has a value of 1 coin; this can be seen at the items kept at death screen. Despite common belief, the prayer drain at Barrows does not cease after the icon is retrieved, as it was not causing it, but simply absorbing the prayer's power. fi:Barrows icon
- It is obtained by killing at least 5 of the Barrows brothers and searching the chest, once the player has reached that part in the quest. If the player has already started killing the Barrows brothers before the quest start, they can continue where they left off to get the icon. Despite common belief, the prayer drain at Barrows does not cease after the icon is retrieved, as it was not causing it, but simply absorbing the prayer's power.
- Barrows icon is een item dat erg belangrijk is tijdens The Temple at Senntisten. Azzanadra zal het gebruiken om Senntisten Temple her op te bouwen. Je krijgt het door minimaal 5 van de 6 Barrows brothers te doden en de kist te doorzoeken, wanneer de speler dat deel van de quest heeft bereikt.
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| - Kyllä, The Temple at Senntisten
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| - An icon of an unknown deity.
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| - An icon of an unknown deity.
- An icon of an unknown deity.
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| - Ik kan dit item terugkrijgen van de Strange Old Man bij de Barrows.
- I can get it back from the Strange Old Man at the Barrows.
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| - Barrows icon
- Barrows icon
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| - It is obtained by killing at least 5 of the Barrows brothers and searching the chest, once the player has reached that part in the quest. If the player has already started killing the Barrows brothers before the quest start, they can continue where they left off to get the icon. It has a value of 1 coin; this can be seen at the items kept at death screen. The icon is able to store the power of prayer, and has become extremely powerful while at the Barrows area. Its increase in power is due to the large number of adventurers who have died while fighting in the Barrows, and whose dying prayers have been captured by the icon. Azzanadra confirms this later in the quest, mentioning that it was far more powerful than he had expected due to it. Despite common belief, the prayer drain at Barrows does not cease after the icon is retrieved, as it was not causing it, but simply absorbing the prayer's power. fi:Barrows icon
- Barrows iconin saa kun tappaa vähintään viisi Barrows veljeä. Jos pelaaja on jo ennen tehtävän aloitusta tappanut osan Barrows veljistä, hän silti saa Barrows iconin.
- Barrows icon is een item dat erg belangrijk is tijdens The Temple at Senntisten. Azzanadra zal het gebruiken om Senntisten Temple her op te bouwen. Je krijgt het door minimaal 5 van de 6 Barrows brothers te doden en de kist te doorzoeken, wanneer de speler dat deel van de quest heeft bereikt. Het icon heeft de mogelijkheid om de kracht van Prayer op te slaan en is zo zeer krachtig geworden in de periode dat het zich in de Barrows (gebied) bevond. De kracht ervan neemt alsmaar toe, omdat veel avonturiers stierven terwijl ze tegen de Barrows brothers vochten. De prayers van zij die stierven werden opgevangen door het icon. Later bevestigt Azzanadra dit en zegt hij dat het icon veel krachtiger is dan dat hij verwacht had. Het icon bevond zich oorspronkelijk in Senntisten Temple, maar het werd waarschijnlijk weggenomen door een Zarosiaanse Mahjarrat om te voorkomen dat het in handen van Zamorak zou vallen. Deze Mahjarrat, hoogstwaarschijnlijk Sliske, had een afspraak gemaakt met de Barrows brothers om hen speciale krachten te geven om hun god, Saradomin, te dienen, als zij ooit zijn god, Zaros zouden dienen. Na hun dood zorgde de Mahjarrat ervoor dat zij het icon moeten bewaken. Categorie:Items Categorie:Niet Ruilbare Voorwerpen Categorie:Quest items en:Barrows icon
- It is obtained by killing at least 5 of the Barrows brothers and searching the chest, once the player has reached that part in the quest. If the player has already started killing the Barrows brothers before the quest start, they can continue where they left off to get the icon. The icon is able to store the power of prayer, and has become extremely powerful while at the Barrows area. Its increase in power is due to the large number of adventurers who have died while fighting in the Barrows, and whose dying prayers have been captured by the icon. Azzanadra confirms this later in the quest, mentioning that it was far more powerful than he had expected due to it. Despite common belief, the prayer drain at Barrows does not cease after the icon is retrieved, as it was not causing it, but simply absorbing the prayer's power.