| - An Istockphoto is a photo stocked by a person, who puts the text: 'Istockphoto' on his or her photo. Most people who put 'Istockphoto' on their photo, aren't very good at grammar. Istockphotos were first created in 1970 and have been very popular since 1990. Most Istockphotos in 1970 looked very antique, most modern Istockphotos look quite modern and are worth a lot of money. Most Istockphotos are of a better quality than normal photos, because they are stocked. If photos are stocked, it's easier to maintain good quality. There have also been ideas for Ustockphotos, but people liked to stick to Istockphotos. The name was better and a Ustockphoto could be mistaken for a Juicestockphoto. There have also been ideas for Westockphotos and Hestockphotos, but Westockphotos could be mistaken for West cock photo and Hestockphotos are mostly made by Japanese and Chinese people, so that could cause misunderstanding when applying for a job and showing Hestockphotos. Most Istockphotos are made in photostudios. People think it's really cool to stock a photo, so they often put 'Istockphoto' on their photos if they are cool. For instance, the guy on the right is a cool guy, so he put Istockphoto on his photo. When he makes a C.V., his boss will be excited about Istockphotos instead of regular photos. Most employers make Istockphotos themselves too.