| - A squad is the second-smallest military unit of organization, consisting of a squad leader and around a dozen soldiers under his command (depending on the country). A squad may further be subdivided into fireteams (the smallest military unit) of about four soldiers each. Squad sizes vary throughout the Battlefield Series.
- Squads are normally 9 troopers led by a sergeant and a corporal. Special ops squads are 3 troopers led by a sergeant (total of 4 troopers). Training squads are normally 5 troopers.
- A squad is a grouping of up to 10 parties, so it can hold up to 30 players. Squads are commonly formed to group with more players than a party, and also often used for guild or nation dungeons. To form a Squad, you must create a party with another player first, then press the Form Squad button on the Party menu.
- The Squad is the basic anti-viral program designed by Dr. Sepulveda. They are the primary fighting force in Darwinia, initially created to help take care of threats far beyond the abilities of the Darwinians. With the coming of the Virus, they saw more and more action as they were deployed to fight the infection.
- In military terminology, a squad is a small military unit led by a non-commissioned officer (NCO) that is subordinate to an infantry platoon. In countries following the British Army tradition (Australian Army, Canadian Army, and others), this organization is referred to as a section. In most armies, a squad consists of eight to fourteen soldiers, and may be further subdivided into fireteams.
- While playing connected to the Internet, it is possible to participate in a Squad team of up to 32 people. The members who participate in the same Squad will know a free and gradual evolution of relationships and a strengthening of the Squad, the Reports carried out by each other can be read, and it is possible to cooperate in battle. When equipments or items are acquired after defeating an enemy or after discovering a Treasure Box, a Squad member can send a BLADE Report and organize a Treasure Deal, the other Squad players can participate.
- UNSC海兵隊の分隊は20世紀~21世紀の合衆国海兵隊のそれとほぼ同じと考えていい。分隊は通常ファイアチームと呼ばれる4~5名の兵士からなる部隊を3つ有し、伍長又は軍曹を指揮官とする。 UNSCでは特殊戦グループなどのODSTや海軍特殊作戦グループに属する部隊で小隊単位の戦力を使用する。 小隊に属する各分隊には番号が割り振られており、それぞれ第1分隊、第2分隊といった、通常2個分隊が属するが、場合によっては3~4個分隊が属する事もある。
- The UNSC Marine Corps does follow the general structure used by the 20th and 21st Century US Marine Corps, although exact numbers differ. Normally, a squad is composed of three Fireteams of four or five Marines under the command of a non-commissioned officer, usually a Corporal. A Sergeant commands the squad as a whole. The UNSC may use a smaller system for Special Forces groups such as the ODST and Naval Special Warfare units. Squads within a platoon are numbered, i.e. 1st Squad, 2nd Squad, and so forth, with a Platoon normally composed of at least two Squads, and sometimes three or four.
- A squad is a group of two to twelve players (including the Squad Leader), and the purpose of a Squad is to enable these players to act as a coordinated force. Two to four squads can form a Platoon. Press Insert to auto join a squad on the same continent, press P to open the Squad/Platoon Page, and hold Z to Squad Voice Chat via your microphone.
- Squad est un Mendarien de la série PowerDuck.
- Squad (nicknamed tanto) was the lowest Crab fighting unit used for patrols or raids. Each squad could umber from 6-12 soldiers and often included a leader of some sort.
- Squad is a stage in Ratchet & Clank: Full Frontal Assault. It is the second stage in the online multiplayer mode, where you purchase Grungarian forces to attack the enemy base.
- A squad is the smallest military unit in many of the galaxy's army formations. The numbers of soldiers in a squad varied, but such units rarely consisted of more than a dozen personnel, or less than four.
- Squads are a gameplay feature introduced in Disgaea 5: Alliance of Vengeance. The Squad system allows the units to be organized by squads, which gives those units various benefits or even unlocks various features within the Pocket Netherworld. Each squad has effects which are directly useful in battle, aid member training, allow production of items, or support prisoner capture and interrogation. Also, incarcerated prisoners can be assigned to aid squads often to a high degree of effectiveness.
- A squad is a led by a lieutenant consisting of fifty infantry. This is a . There is not enough information provided from the Wheel of Time universe to expand this article. Please do not add .
- A squad is a military unit that in size and organisation below a platoon.
- A squad is typically made of three members: Shepard/Ryder and two squadmates. Although, for some specific missions, such as loyalty missions, a specific team member is required. In addition, the squad can, for some missions or assignments, be reduced to two members, or even to Shepard/Ryder alone.
- A squad is a unit of infantry, usually three, who are under command of the player. Squads are found in only a few Medal of Honor games, and are usually controllable by the use of squad commands.
- A Squad was the smallest military unit in an army. A squad usually consisted of less than ten soldiers. A number of squads typically formed a company.
- A squad is a military unit, usually consisting of eight to fourteen infantry soldiers. In many militaries, it is the lowest and most basic formation. In 2153, a squad of more than sixteen Military Assault Command Operations soldiers were assigned to the NX-class Enterprise NX-01 for the mission into the Delphic Expanse (ENT: "The Expanse", "The Xindi") In 2154, Captain Jonathan Archer suggested to Captain Erika Hernandez that she have a squad aboard Columbia NX-02. (ENT: "Home") Klingon Birds-of-Prey contain at least one squad, which consist of at least five soldiers. (ENT: "Borderland")
- A Squad is the group of characters fighting for one player in a skirmish. A squad's size is limited by points.
- See Creature, Creature size, Trample. , , Squads are almost always Small-sized (S) creatures (Card:Parasite Swarm is an exception) with a complex that somehow just seems natural; many of the mechanics related to squads are intuitively comprehensible concepts. For example, they appear on screen as a group of small creatures that move as one unit (whenever possible); an attacking swing by a extra-large creature hits more than one of the creatures, so the unit as a whole takes damage for each creature struck. Smaller units may only be able to hit one of the creatures at a time, so Overkill damage, that does more than enough damage to kill a single member of the squad, does not spill over into damage against the others.
- When a member of a squad enters a dungeon, it creates a specific instance of the dungeon that all other squad members will henceforth enter, until the time elapses. To reset a dungeon, disband the squad, and form a new one with a new leader (person other than the one who opened the dungeon). To reset a dungeon without running to the exit, and keeping same leader: FB's give players two opportunities for quest experience: Call to Duty, and Bounty Hunter quests. Characters that are in a dungeon are not given a timer while:
- The term "A squad" can mean a complete set of seven cards organised by one hero (squad) and six cards which are not hero (squad). This does not necessary mean there must be one card with Hero as the card type. Players use equal number of squads (1-4) to fight in the battle. All squad cards are randomized in multiple squads. The maximum squads to be organized and saved over time is 12. The term Squad can also mean:
- Ein Squad ist ein Team, welches Commander Shepard auf Missionen begleitet. Nach Verlassen der Normandy kann der Spieler aus den verfügbaren Squadmitgliedern zwei Personen auswählen, die den Commander unterstützen sollen. Dabei bietet es sich häufig an die unterschiedlichen Fähigkeiten der Charaktere auf die jeweilige Mission abzustimmen, um maximalen Erfolg zu erzielen. Zudem spielen die Gesinnung, das Geschlecht, der Beruf und die Spezies häufig eine Rolle und führen in einigen Situationen zu einer individuellen Reaktion der Beteiligten oder sogar zu einem völlig neuen Gesprächsverlauf.