The Sailor Moon anime first began airing in Germany in the year of 1996 on ZDF, and the German title was Sailor Moon - Das Madchen mit den Zauberkraften (Sailor Moon - The Girl With Magic Powers). The opening themes were the Sailor Moon Theme Song (also known as "Sag das Zauberwort"), Kämpfe Sailor Moon, Macht des Mondes, and Flieg durch die Wolken. There was censorship in a few episodes, but generally, the German version of the anime stayed close to the original Japanese version. Sailor Moon enjoyed success on ZDF, but the anime skyrocketed in popularity on RTL II from May 1997 when an episode was shown every weekday. ZDF only dubbed the first season, but RTL II then dubbed the second season, Sailor Moon R, and then the rest of the series. The German dub of Sailor Moon has also been shown
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| - The Sailor Moon anime first began airing in Germany in the year of 1996 on ZDF, and the German title was Sailor Moon - Das Madchen mit den Zauberkraften (Sailor Moon - The Girl With Magic Powers). The opening themes were the Sailor Moon Theme Song (also known as "Sag das Zauberwort"), Kämpfe Sailor Moon, Macht des Mondes, and Flieg durch die Wolken. There was censorship in a few episodes, but generally, the German version of the anime stayed close to the original Japanese version. Sailor Moon enjoyed success on ZDF, but the anime skyrocketed in popularity on RTL II from May 1997 when an episode was shown every weekday. ZDF only dubbed the first season, but RTL II then dubbed the second season, Sailor Moon R, and then the rest of the series. The German dub of Sailor Moon has also been shown
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| - The Sailor Moon anime first began airing in Germany in the year of 1996 on ZDF, and the German title was Sailor Moon - Das Madchen mit den Zauberkraften (Sailor Moon - The Girl With Magic Powers). The opening themes were the Sailor Moon Theme Song (also known as "Sag das Zauberwort"), Kämpfe Sailor Moon, Macht des Mondes, and Flieg durch die Wolken. There was censorship in a few episodes, but generally, the German version of the anime stayed close to the original Japanese version. Sailor Moon enjoyed success on ZDF, but the anime skyrocketed in popularity on RTL II from May 1997 when an episode was shown every weekday. ZDF only dubbed the first season, but RTL II then dubbed the second season, Sailor Moon R, and then the rest of the series. The German dub of Sailor Moon has also been shown in Austria, Switzerland, and Eastern Europe (with a Lithuanian narrator talking over the German audio). The German masters run faster than the Japanese. Episode 89 is the only episode that was never dubbed in German. In 2013, Toei Animation Europe made a deal with Viz Media Europe for DVD rights of the anime. In the announcement of the deal, Toei mentioned that Viz Media Europe will release the entire original series in Germany with German subtitles. Since February 2014 Sailor Moon is being rerun on the TV station VIVA.