| - Pros: Cons:
- The Glock 18C is a weapon featured in Zombie Panic: Source.
- <default>Glock 18</default> Desarrollador Apariciones Distribuidor Poder de Fuego Lanzamiento Velocidad de fuego Plataformas Clase de Arma Localización Valor Última edición: -- por [[User:|]] La Glock 18 es una pistola semi-automática de 9mm que iba a aparecer en Resident Evil 2, pero solamente apareció en su versión beta.
- The Glock 18 seen in Mirror's Edge is not a standard Glock 18. It instead uses a 24 round box magazine, as opposed to the standard 18 round box magazine, and has a ported barrel, a barrel and slide modification designed to force gunblast upwards, reducing overall recoil, however the actual flash is missing for the ported barrel; instead of coming out of both the muzzle and port, it only comes out the model. It is likely that this effect was never finished, since the gun was cut from its main role and only put in the game as an easter egg.
- The Glock 18 or "G18" is a 9mm handgun with full-auto and semi-auto firemodes featured in Medal of Honor: Warfighter.
- Note: The weapon was later renamed to the G18 in Vegas 2. This does not count as a different variant. The Glock 18 is categorized as a handgun in the Rainbow Six universe. The Glock 18 appears in both Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six: Vegas and Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six: Vegas 2.
- The Glock 18 is a sidearm with 18 ammo in a clip, and 36 ammo in stock. Its special weapon is a burst of 3 of bullets. Good Austrian pistol. You'd better shoot bursts in close range.
* Caliber: 9 mm
* Kickback: 10
* Max. Kickback: 22
* Damage: 40
* Fire Rate: 5 shots/sec
* Alternate Attack: Burst x3
- In den ersten drei Teilen kostet sie 400 Dollar, im neusten Teil Counter-Strike: Global Offensive nur 200 Dollar. Sie wird in Österreich hergestellt und hat 9 mm Parabellum Munition. Ins Magazin passen 20 Schuss, insgesamt hat man 90 Schuss dabei. Geladen wiegt sie 900 Gramm, eine Patrone wiegt 8 Gramm. Die Mündungsgeschwindigkeit beträgt 345 Meter pro Sekunde, die Mündungsenergie 475 Joule.
- The Glock 18C is a fully automatic pistol that fires 9x19mm Parabellum rounds at a rate of 1100-1200 rounds per minute. It is light, has low recoil and has a fast reload time making this one of the most popular backup weapons in The Specialists. Accuracy is only ensured at low to medium-low range.
- File:Room restrict limitpistol.pngGlock 18 или 9x19mm Sidearm - это стандартный пистолет фракции Террористы в серии игр Counter Strike и Counter-Strike Nexon: Zombies.
- thumb|250px Die Glock 18 im Kaliber 9 x 19 mm ist eine Pistole, die von der österreichischen Firma Glock hergestellt wird. Die Magazingröße variiert zwischen 10 und 33 Schuss. Die Waffe ist vollautomatisch und hat eine sehr hohe Feuerrate von 1200 Schuss/Minute.
- The Glock 18 appears the James Bond video game Nightfire as the the "Kowloon Type 80". The K-80 is only available in multiplayer, or as an upgrade for a high score in single player. Other video games and even films have the Glock 17, but not this model.
- {{weapon |image = Glockgo.png |altername = 9×19mm Sidearm |price = $400$200 (GO) |origin = {{flag|Austria|text}} |ammotype = [[File:9mm_caliber.png|32px|link=9mm Parabellum]] |rateoffire = 400 RPM (Semi auto)1200 RPM (Burst fire) |weightloaded = 0.9 kilograms |projectileweight = 8 grams |muzzlevelocity = 1132 {{fraction|ft|s}} |muzzleenergy = 475 joules |used = [[Terrorists]][[Counter-Terrorists]] {{CS}} {{CSCZ}} {{CSS}} |reloadtime = 2.2 seconds |firemodes = Semi-automatic3-round burst |Magazine_capacity = 20 / 120 |Movement_speed = 250240 {{CSGO}} |counterpart = [[USP]][[P2000]][[USP-S]] |Damage = 28 }} |- |- :
- <default>Glock 18</default> Тип: Время: Вес (без патронов, кг): Длина (мм): Тип урона: Калибр: Применяемый патрон: УСМ: Темп стрельбы (в минуту): Начальная скорость пули (м/с): Дульная энергия (джоуль): Прицельная дальность (м): Емкость магазина: Происхождение: Область Применения: Пользователи: Разновидности: Glock 18 — австрийский автоматический пистолет. Glock 18 является автоматической версией Glock 17 и практически полностью соответствует ему по конструкции, за исключением наличия переводчика огня.
- Die Glock 18 der österreichischen Firma Glock ist eine vollautomatische Weiterentwicklung der Glock 17, einer Standardwaffe des FBI und anderer Polizeibehörden. Die Glock 18 kann bei einmaligem Durchziehen des Abzugs den gesamten Inhalt ihres Magazins verschießen. Die Glock 18 verschiesst Munition des Pistolen-Kalibers 9x19mm. Fatman verwendet sie in Metal Gear Solid 2. Man kann diese Waffe nicht selber bekommen.
- The Glock 18C is a handgun that at first glance looks exactly like Glock's widespread Model 17 9x19mm pistol. The only visible differences are a small dial-like selector on one side, a compensator (gas vents) along the slide, and a slightly protruding barrel. When holstered, even a gun expert could be forgiven for mistaking the G18C as its more popular and civilized older brother, the G17. But the two guns can't be more different; where the G17 is your standard 9mm handgun, the G18C is considered a machine pistol.